Manscaping: the Debate

I once tried to burn a guy with a cigarette because he pissed me off. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Remind me not to piss you off.
although I confess that I do love Summo wrestling, which is a part of Hawaiian cultural appreciation. Originally Posted by ClairJordan
It's been several years since I've been to the Polynesian Village on Oahu, but I don't recall Sumo as a part of it...could be wrong. But the PV displays all (or most) island origins for Hawaiian culture.
Remind me not to piss you [London] off. Originally Posted by SR Only
Yeah, and she says she smokes more than she has sex, so she probably isn't far from having a lit one in her hand at any one time.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yeah, and she says she smokes more than she has sex, so she probably isn't far from having a lit one in her hand at any one time. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Why mess up a perfectly good cigarette with some guy there?

SR...I am now reminding you. Unless of course you want your photo and work info. in the "men seeking men" section of BP.

Luckily, hobbyists are exempt from my charms, but boyfriends are fair game!
Not a FUCKING CHANCE IN HELL!!!!! (With all due respect....)

The underlying method of removal of hair in this method is that it is an extraction of the hair vis-a-vis pulling...... certain things just are not meant, nor do they like, to be pulled........ The boys are one of them!

And before you ask if I am afraid of cutting/nicking myself with a razor.... No..... I don't cut my face when I shave, and I damn sure ain't cutting my pelotas!

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Well Bloody Hell! No one's forcing you to wax your balls
Hey London, Brett Favre called and suggested I text you a pic to see if I cut it back enough. K Babe?
SR...I am now reminding you. Unless of course you want your photo and work info in the "men seeking men" section of BP! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yes, Mistress!
London Rayne's Avatar
Such good boys in D& learn quite well.

Tell Brett to stop talking so much, because he sounds like a moron. No wonder he plays football, but can't do much else ha ha.
shorty's Avatar
At least Brett got a Smokin Hot Wife. This doesn't mean he's doing anything with her.
London Rayne's Avatar
At least Brett got a Smokin Hot Wife. This doesn't mean he's doing anything with her. Originally Posted by shorty
Uhhh no...he is sending dirty texts to ESPN girls.
Uhhh no...he is sending dirty texts to ESPN girls. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Are you one of them?
London Rayne's Avatar
I am a Charlie Sheen girl ha ha. Wanna buy a watch?
For sure!
I am a Charlie Sheen girl ha ha. Wanna buy a watch? Originally Posted by London Rayne
This makes me laugh! Because last month when I was touring Manhattan he was in rehab or jail (I think)?....I thought to myself, "Damn, could have made extra cash!".....Oh well...there's always this month
London Rayne's Avatar
This makes me laugh! Because last month when I was touring Manhattan he was in rehab or jail (I think)?....I thought to myself, "Damn, could have made extra cash!".....Oh well...there's always this month Originally Posted by Valerie
He gets a bit physical on that umm "stuff."