Thoughts on #SESTA #FOSTA...

Don’t understand what’s funny, I make a lot of money so obviously I’m worried. Originally Posted by CaseyKK
Just a thought...

For all you providers making "a lot" of money, you should band together and hire the best legal team you can to fight SESTA and FOSTA on its constitutional basis. It will take some serious cash to hire a great legal team that could tie it up in the courts. But when you consider the alternative, it's a lot better in the long run to crowdfund some of your earnings to ensure the future of your lucrative livelihood than it is to work at McDonald's.
All of the ladies need to use ECCIE to build their own private list of clients. I have indivudal email address of some but not near enough. I am in touch with a couple guys that could be used to search out providers. It has been fun to know so many great people through this site.
Don’t understand what’s funny, I make a lot of money so obviously I’m worried. Originally Posted by CaseyKK
Well then you should have alot of money in a savings account..
Well then you should have alot of money in a savings account.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
Ave hotel cost/night we'll say 120.. Ave half hr session with many gals is 100+. 200+ for hr sessions So seeing 2 people a night for a half hr each should net them 80. See 2 people a night for an hr session each, should net 280.. 2 nights a week/4 weeks a mo, that brings them in 2240 a mo, tax free. So they could have a swelling bank balance..
lol @ ppl in here talking about "constitutional rights".....that stuff is a farce if they govt wants it to be.

You(as an American) dont really have any rights if they don't WANT you to have that right. And there's nothing you can do about it.

If they can basically strip search, grope, semi-nude xray you at the airport, they can do any damn thing they want.
Ave hotel cost/night we'll say 120.. Ave half hr session with many gals is 100+. 200+ for hr sessions So seeing 2 people a night for a half hr each should net them 80. See 2 people a night for an hr session each, should net 280.. 2 nights a week/4 weeks a mo, that brings them in 2240 a mo, tax free. So they could have a swelling bank balance.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Lmao that's what you think that's pretty funny..

If you think a whore only makes 2240 a month & sees only 2 clients a day then you obviously have no idea about shit.. But thats funny either way..
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Lmao that's what you think that's pretty funny..

If you think a whore only makes 2240 a month & sees only 2 clients a day then you obviously have no idea about shit.. But thats funny either way.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne

Well, dayum, I only see 2 clients a WEEK* max, and $2240 would be an okay but certainly not outstanding month. Thankfully, my bills are minimal. The Irish Chihuahua Refuge has been paid off for a couple of years now... by the Hobby.

Oh, yeah, garhkal, I keep track of expenses AND deduct taxes out of my earnings, as do MANY providers who don't wish to be busted by the IRS. They got Al Capone on that, ya know, not murder or any of a long list of felonies. I'm law-abiding, except for the whole prostitution thing, but who cares about consenting adults with SESTA/FOSTA insisting we're all trafficked and sexploited?

*I'm semi-retired and live out in the deep, dark, spooky woods, so it's a major event to travel into Houston.

lol @ ppl in here talking about "constitutional rights".....that stuff is a farce if they govt wants it to be.

You(as an American) dont really have any rights if they don't WANT you to have that right. And there's nothing you can do about it.

If they can basically strip search, grope, semi-nude xray you at the airport, they can do any damn thing they want. Originally Posted by jack_black81
Pretty much.
Well then you should have alot of money in a savings account.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭 😭😭😭
I think its funny
it ll be like yanking cable tv outta some welfare shack

it needs to be streamed live
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-25-2018, 05:42 PM
Some things on here never seem to change.

A lot of guys have a laughable way of computing what most ladies make. If they did make as much as some guys think, they would be a whole lot more selective about whom the see.

It also does not surprise me that some guys--and even a few of the women--have no sympathy for others. In fact, reading between the lines of a few posts I can convince myself that the posters want some of the women to have financial struggles.

Oh well.
Well then you should have alot of money in a savings account.. Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
You sound mad.. you only have a couple reviews looks like you just run your mouth all day and don’t mke money.
You sound mad.. you only have a couple reviews looks like you just run your mouth all day and don’t mke money. Originally Posted by CaseyKK
Mad never lmao keep reaching.. I can run my mouth all day because I dont have to suck winkys 24hrs a day to live a great life.. You better start thinking of a master plan because this ship is about to sink hope you have arm floaties..
^^^^This is true, unfortunately, there are those who believe we are all trafficked in some form and are just too dumb and desperate to know it. Wrong as they may be, they have the backing to push this and we are definitely the underdogs in that fight. There in lies the battle. Legalized marijuana is a perfect example here. Look how long it took to get the masses to finally concur and agree to a yes vote. Even though the majority of pot users were completely harmless, the push against them was huge and since they were the ones engaging in the illegal activities, they had no leg to stand on. They scored a huge break with all of the scientific studies showing that marijuana had valid medical uses. Now the govt is backing off of the easy mass target (pot smokers) and focussing on drugs that pose legitimate threats. I believe there is likely a blueprint in there that we can follow, but its vague at best. Should we all get degrees in psychology, push for a bunch of govt grants for the study on the beneficial psychological effects of sex and companionship and label ourselves as sex therapists? Thats just one idea, no promise it could ever work... But that is probably the type of battle we will have to wage in order for our voices to ever be heard and taken with a grain of salt. Originally Posted by VegasJen
Absolutely love this.
I call bullshit. Any woman I have seen has spent a damn lot of money before I got there. Hair care nails clothes and lord only knows what else. I have never met but one woman that didn't look like she took great care in presenting her self in the best condition. The one that appeared that didn't meet my thoughts of looking prepared was still a great fuck. I just shower and show up with the money. I will keep track of the socials that I am aware of. Perhaps with ECCIE gone more will crop up. Dallas has not had a social that I have been aware of but than Thathotnurse black balled me early on. I know most of you are not aware that ECCIE has a hidden site for social news. The social director pays a fee to host the site.