I was not misunderstanding your point, but rather, questioning it.
Do you not see that you too judge? You find no contradiction because your "criteria" is superior?
A point I might have made had I wanted to make a point: to judge is to judge - an unfortunate endeavor to protect the self from the cold critical truth.
Consider for a minute: you are not a moral person. Enlarging the "moral pool" by including the fringes of society will not make it so.
Morality is earned not decreed.
Originally Posted by inspector farquar
Yes, I completely acknowledge that I am judging. To make no judgement about good/bad, right/wrong, true/false, like/dislike, etc. means that a person has withdrawn from society far more than I would care to. Deciding to obey a red light, to vote, to eat at a certain restaurant (assuming there is more than one where you are), to pay taxes, to cheat on taxes or not, etc., are in essence all acts of judging. I do not know that a person can live in current society without judging.
I know that I do not have a complete list of all moral issues. If I thought I did, I would be also foolish and ignorant. But I feel very safe in saying that a person who decides morality strictly on the basis of one sexual issue dose so foolishly, for that would imply a mass murderer could be moral so long as they don't have sex for money. If you say I am wrong for making that judgement, so be it. We will in that case continue to disagree about what it means to be moral.
Essentially, as I tried to convey, I do not believe in a binary test for morality, but a continuum that is very complex. I do not believe a person must be perfect to be moral. I believe some actions--torturing, unjustified killing, etc., are probably sufficient to categorize on as immoral, but i do not believe consentual sex falls in that category even if illegal. Do you believe morality rides on the back of a single issue?
You ask me to consider that I am not a moral person. That may well be, but do you form that opinion solely because I post here? Just curious. The days I feel I have acted immorality it has not been because I am part of ghis community, just as going 5 miles over the speed limit on a clear day on an empty road does not make me feel immoral. Generally what makes me feel immoral revolves around how I treat others.