Keep bumping this thread; it was correct at the time it was posted. Let's revisit it.
Ryan propels Romney to the lead in Wisconsin
By Jonathan Easley - 08/21/12 11:50 AM ET

Paul Ryan has propelled Mitt Romney into the lead over President Obama in the critical battleground state of Wisconsin, according to the latest survey from liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling.

Romney edges Obama 48 percent to 47, according to the poll, which has a 2.7 percent margin of error.
Note the poll was done by the liberal PPP...
Keep bumping this thread; it was correct at the time it was posted. Let's revisit it.. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Bumping the thread? That's a mighty good idea, Whirly. I just might do it for 4 more years!

BTW, how many of Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes did Romney/Ryan get?
Again. You don't understand what a poll is. The PPP poll was done by a liberal consulting group which is Democratic leaning. If you want to bitch. Call them.

Again, the PPP poll ....

Ryan propels Romney to the lead in Wisconsin
By Jonathan Easley - 08/21/12 11:50 AM ET

Paul Ryan has propelled Mitt Romney into the lead over President Obama in the critical battleground state of Wisconsin, according to the latest survey from liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling.

Romney edges Obama 48 percent to 47, according to the poll, which has a 2.7 percent margin of error.
Note the poll was done by the liberal PPP...
How many of Wisconsin's 10 "Trending" electoral votes did Romney/Ryan get?

Did the August 21 PPP polling show Romney leading Obama in Wisconsin ??
Did the August 21 RCP Survey show Obama leading Romney in Wisconsin??

Did all of the 2012 RCP Survey's show Obama leading Romney in Wisconsin??

How many of Wisconsin's 10 "Trending" electoral votes did Romney/Ryan get??
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Calm down now, let's be big, grown up boys here! You need some kind of sexy negotiator....(did I spell that right)....oh...Neil Young sure sounds good right now
MILF Debbie, you sure have a hell of a lot more "Trending" in your direction than poor ol' Whirly!

Instead Whirly has been forced to play a hand all year long that is a chronic "Trending" loser!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I just wanted to say hello to Whirly! Originally Posted by bigtex
give it a rest, a lot big polls guys were wrong also, Raz and Gullup for example

nobody saw the impact of "free cell phones" and the talk of writing off students loans

and those 120 votes that came up with only 100 voters
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, I was gonna tell someone to get fucked until I saw that photo of Debbie... Now maybe I'll go get fucked!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
give it a rest, a lot big polls guys were wrong also, Raz and Gullup for example Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I think I pointed out repeatedly that Raz and Gallup were wrong during the campaign. You kept stamping your foot and saying they were the only polls you felt were accurate.

You got played by your own bullshit gods, CorporalPunishment.

Admit it. You drank the Kool Aid!
give it a rest, a lot big polls guys were wrong also, Raz and Gullup for example

nobody saw the impact of "free cell phones" and the talk of writing off students loans

and those 120 votes that came up with only 100 voters Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Why should I give it a rest? Whirly's damn sure not. On the top of this page, he's still trying to make a case that his polls were accurate when I have shown him repeatedly that he was wrong, even at the time. He frantically searches the internet and believes he has found vindication because the was a poll that showed a 1 point variance on August 21 when just about every other poll had Obama leading in Wisconsin throughout the entire campaign. You might want to tell Whirly to give it a rest, not me! As long as he's claiming he was right, I'll be shoving it up his ass. Sideways!

Whirly's got a lot of shit to eat first!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Whirly's got a lot of shit to eat first! Originally Posted by bigtex
And you are the biggest source of shit on this board, that is for certain.

<<< BigTurd
And you are the biggest source of shit on this board, that is for certain.

<<< BigTurd Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I didn't start the shitty thread, Whirly did. Then he tried to claim vindication. Now you make a feeble claim that I am the source of shit because Whirly's still can not admit defeat. That's rich!

There are dozens of threads Whirly has started earlier this year making the same fabricated claims. Would you like me to resurrect every one of them? If so, I don't mind!

The way I look at it, it's Whirly's own shit he's having to eat! I hope he enjoys it!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're still the biggest source of shit on here, and "trending" stupider.