Feedback on clients

Some comments after reviews are relevant and helpful. Some are not. Most of us can separate the bs. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
gimme_that's Avatar
I think it would be interesting to leave reviews on clients. Originally Posted by Memory757
They did this on a private invitation only site. But for the most part in each city section....the clients who were reviewed were atfregular clients and/or whiteknights anyway. And truth be told I'm sure those ladies asked before they posted it. And why would she post anything defamatory.....he keeps paying to see her. So just butter him up and boost his ego...

If a provider can find time to consistantly review gents to the degree of how we do it as hobbyist that's cool I guess....but the whole time I'm observing I'm wondering what else in the heat of a moment will she tell. Sorta kills discreetness too.

But yes their are sites out there where clients are reviewed....but its their atfs anyway. After hours central was one and midnightlive was another I knew of.
The_Leopard's Avatar
I can see all my reviews on every site except this one love but ummm as you know...word gets around lol. You are naive to think that girls don't know what is said about them even in the locker room.

I don't "tell" anyone how to run their business because it's not a business for a's a business for US. I just prefer not to deal with men who have zero common sense. It does not take a rocket scientist to know what is a well written and decent review, as opposed to utter bs and raunch.

That's not really what we were discussing's not reviews but COMMENTS that follow a review. TER, TBD, and most major boards do not allow that and guys are still paying to be there...I also get 3 times as much business from those sites, because there is NO DRAMA! A review should either stand or not...end of story. No one needs the peanut gallery trying to sway a person one way or the other, and thank goodness immaturity is not universal. Originally Posted by London Rayne
You know, I like your attitude. I can see how you feel about the reviews, etc. I don't go up against no one because of their views on life or anything, but I respect your opinion.
London Rayne's Avatar
Thank you! It's always nice to see a man who is secure and knows statements are in the general sense....not finger pointing at one person.
so start reviewing then. im sure you can post reviews in the litte girls room...just like we do in the little boys room. Originally Posted by bubbaJay

Well big difference is for the guys, your reviews anyone can see the basic stuff without BCD. Yet the ladies can't write reviews BCD in the same way men can, with the basic formatted information showing, like the bottom line of the review with a recommendation for the lady showing a "yes" or a "no".

It seems again to be somewhat of a double standard.
London Rayne's Avatar
I also think it would not make a difference if men were to be reviewed.,,they don't really have a standard to live up to being they are paying. A guy can have 30 alerts posted on him and some idiot who needs money will still see him. It won't stop him from seeing providers, but in our case it WILL affect our business if we it should.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
[quote=Alexa Milan;967513]wow the guys that bitch about this stuff...i mean u really think its too much for us to screen you with references and then if you flip shit during a session we cant put ur fake name and handle on providerbuzz or national bl? haha! so we're supposed to let u call us, say "oh hey no references? come on over and fuck me! no prob! [quote]

Who said anything about not giving references? There's a big difference between giving and verifying references and providers reviewing clients.

if you stab, rape, or kill me worries I wouldnt dare put you personal info on providerbuzz or national bl...oh wait, I don't have that option anyways cause I'm dead!" Originally Posted by Alexa Milan
So what's your point here? While I don't wish you victim of any of the things you mentioned, again, this is not about references.

GET REAL! oh yes u WILL give up those references, your p411 or date check, your race, age, height, weight, whether u vote democratic or republic or any other shit i request to see your pathetic ass! Originally Posted by Alexa Milan
Tell you what, you may get the references of my choice, p411 or datecheck if I deem it necessary or convenient for me. As for age, height, weight, and "any other shit", our pathetic asses will just not see yours.

Not to worry, with that attitude, I'm sure guys will be lining up to see you.

When I see a lady I ask her if she would like me to write a review. If she says Yes then if I have my laptop there in my car and there is a connection I can use, I will do so right then.... if not, I post it from the nearest hotspot I can and let her know about it so she can see it.

If she says NO, well then I respect her wishes. Originally Posted by Spirit13
No offense, but why would it be up to the provider if you review them or not? Do you understand the review process and purpose? So if she doesn't think she gave you the best session she could have, she can just say no. If all the guys followed your method, no review here would be worth a crap.

If she asks me and I was impressed with the session, then I will,... if I was not, I do not post anything.

As for notes about clients and sharing... no real harm
So you only write review for the ones you were impressed with, while the unimpressive sessions don't exist on record. That's valuable.
London Rayne's Avatar
Not sure if this is the tread to ask this quesiton or not but here goes. Would you prefer to give the ok for a guy to write a review? Being a gentleman I always ask if I can write a review and would respect their privacy if not. Now on the other hand if I had a bad expericance I would not hesitate. I usually do my homework before I see someone so knock on wood I have not had any reasons yet to write a bad review. I have choose not to write reviews in the past but now that I gain insight from them I tend to favor writing them to help out the next person and reflect back on a good time. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Which is why you don't have to haggle over rates and worry about's called being a valuable and respetful person to see. Some women don't want reviews, and if you're a person who can't respect that you can just choose not to see her.

I personally like reviews, otherwise I would not have them attached to the bottom of my every post lol, but many women don't and will not even see a person who writes them. If a guy can't respect someone's privacy who has asked him to do so, that does not say very much about how discreet he is on the grand scale.....see ya!
Malachaii's Avatar
GET REAL! oh yes u WILL give up those references, your p411 or date check, your race, age, height, weight, whether u vote democratic or republic or any other shit i request to see your pathetic ass! Originally Posted by Alexa Milan
Wow... I don't care if the providers review me. Shit a person can't improve without the occasional honest critique, but your anger is telling. No worries though you will NEVER have to worry about seeing my pathetic ass
Naomi4u's Avatar
I also think it would not make a difference if men were to be reviewed.,,they don't really have a standard to live up to being they are paying. A guy can have 30 alerts posted on him and some idiot who needs money will still see him. It won't stop him from seeing providers, but in our case it WILL affect our business if we it should. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yes ma'am!! When checking references I also check out the ladies the guy have seen if they show a pattern of seeing women like ... you know who I ain't seeing em!!!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
On writing feedback on gents: I think most ladies would use it as a marketing tool. They would only say write good things in hopes that the guy continues to see them over and over again. So while I am all for writing reviews on men, I see how it could do more harm than good.
London Rayne's Avatar
I prefer to spend my time with real MEN and not little boys who gripe about providers they can't afford or who don't kiss their azz. Let them call me a b3tch...I really care ha ha. Boy it's sure affecting my personal life and goals lemme tell ya.

Obviously it has NEVER affected the QUALITY of guys that can afford to see me and respect my strong opinions...that's called a secure man who is not intimidated by a woman with a BRAIN! Funny, they also tend to take me in PUBLIC and not just wham bam in a hotel room lol. Apparently my posting does not correlate with my ability to conduct myself as a professional. I am afterall, a professional in real life.

Maybe I have time to post so much because I am not lying on my back all day for a fraction of what I am getting...duh. I don't have to see 3, 4, 5 guys a day, 5 days a week. Hell, 2 a week is a grand...why work more than that unless I want to travel?

I must be just a little intelligent if I can also attend grad school and make no less than a B while touring 2 weeks a month and being here....don't ya think. Uh yea.

Boo hoo London didn't agree with me. I am going to cry about it in private....wah wah wah lol. Pathetic little boys.
I prefer to spend my time with real MEN and not little boys who gripe about providers they can't afford or who don't kiss their azz. Let them call me a b3tch...I really care ha ha. Boy it's sure affecting my personal life and goals lemme tell ya.
. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I prefer to spend my time with real MEN and not little boys who gripe about providers they can't afford or who don't kiss their azz. Let them call me a b3tch...I really care ha ha. Boy it's sure affecting my personal life and goals lemme tell ya. Originally Posted by London Rayne
So men who "gripe" can't afford the providers and are little boys. Who's calling you a bitch? I see no such reference.

Obviously it has NEVER affected the QUALITY of guys that can afford to see me and respect my strong opinions...that's called a secure man who is not intimidated by a woman with a BRAIN!
Are you drunk? Those who "respect your strong opinions" respect your opinions. Your possession of strong opinions does not reflect that you are intelligent, just that you are an opinionated woman. If your opinions made sense, or even were expressed in a reasonable, sensible fashion instead of spewed out like projectile vomit, that might reflect the presence of intelligence. I guarantee you that a secure man who "can afford" you can and will disagree with your opinions. Disagreement with your opinions is not an indication a man's self-image.

Funny, they also tend to take me in PUBLIC and not just wham bam in a hotel room lol. Apparently my posting does not correlate with my ability to conduct myself as a professional. I am afterall, a professional in real life.
If the fact that your Johns take you out in public is your litmus test, you have a pretty low standard of judging what a professional is.

Maybe I have time to post so much because I am not lying on my back all day for a fraction of what I am getting...duh. I don't have to see 3, 4, 5 guys a day, 5 days a week. Hell, 2 a week is a grand...why work more than that unless I want to travel?
Who is talking about how much time you have to post or how much time you spend on your back?

I must be just a little intelligent if I can also attend grad school and make no less than a B while touring 2 weeks a month and being here....don't ya think. Uh yea.
B or better grades might be an indication of your intelligence, or it might be an indictment of the graduate program.

Boo hoo London didn't agree with me. I am going to cry about it in private....wah wah wah lol. Pathetic little boys.
What are you talking about? Who’s crying in private? If they’re crying in private, how do you know this is going on? You are a petty individual who thinks shouting louder will make you seem correct. You don’t seem to be able to make logical conclusions from facts, and you seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you are “pathetic little boys.” I suppose all this might be just a brave attempt to cover up short-comings within yourself, if that’s the case, carry on.
London Rayne's Avatar
Like I said wah wah wah...thanks for playing.

I don't believe my post was directed at anyone. It was vague for a reason lol. Looks like the real Slim Shady just stood up lmao.