Provider needs my help

I play a lot of poker, so $500 is just money I win from
Someone anyway. Originally Posted by Jdesey
Meh...Don't really care what you do with your money, but BigLouis and I were wondering at what sucker table do you play? Deal us in.
Jdesey's Avatar
WOW... another thread that has gotten way off subject and out of control

thankx for all the input.. I think Brooke was the most usefull

I am unsubscribing to this one....

as far as the questions about poker... yes I really do win . Some months very little and some months up to $4,000 or more. I would be willing
to talk about that off line or thru PM

See ya
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
You've answered your own question hun.

If you want to help her, and it's your money, and you are ok with possibly never getting it back, then who gives a flying flip what anyone else thinks?

A very wonderful regular of mine once helped me when I was in a bad sitch. He gave me some money and I offered him a session in return....he kept coming to see me after that and would never not leave the fee, what a sweet heart

Anyways, it is your life and your money, do what you want with it and just hope that she realizes what a lucky girl she is to have someone like you in her life (I know I would). Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
B-B-But you didn't tell me you were going to use the money to move out of town with.... danggit...
simpleton's Avatar
WOW... another thread that has gotten way off subject and out of control

thankx for all the input.. I think Brooke was the most usefull

I am unsubscribing to this one....

as far as the questions about poker... yes I really do win . Some months very little and some months up to $4,000 or more. I would be willing
to talk about that off line or thru PM

See ya Originally Posted by Jdesey
Dude go back and reread my post and tell me BW's were the most usefull.

Without question some of these ladies are master manipulators and very good at separating men from their money.

One last thing, how would you feel if you found out she gave the same story to other dudes and made $2000 to $3000 off this little story. Would you feel like a douchbag? What if she's told this or a similar story 4 to 5 times? And made $5000 or more off it. Don't do it.
dearhunter's Avatar
A fool and his money are soon parted.
simpleton's Avatar
We ain't her daddy, her big brother or her bf. It is not up to anyone on this Board to try to reform or save her.
Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I'm not trying to save anybody but the dude some hard earn cash.
ANONONE's Avatar
I have been doing this for a while and have made that mistake on a number of occasions. Hopefully, I will never fall into that trap again. . .but never say never.

The counsel others have given you here is indeed wise, and probably from similar experiences. Sad to say, but almost every hobbyist has to make this leap on their own to learn. . .because of the fucktard DNA that lurks in all of us you will tell yourself:

". . .but this girl is different. . .she cares about me and I care about her. . .she really needs my help. . ."

It will most likely end badly, unless you keep your wits about you before proceeding. Like others have said, don't think of it as a loan, if you decide to be generous, be just that--give with no strings or expectations. Flush that notion out of your brain right now. If you want to be charitable, that is fine, and perhaps even decent of you, but make sure you see it clearly as a donation you will most likely never get back.

Whatever you do, don't give money in trade for future service either. Even if she does decide to honor the commitment, these arrangements have a way of going sour quickly. It is real easy for resentment to slip in and spoil the mood on one or both parts of the parties involved.

Sorry if that sounds harsh or pedantic, but having screwed up several times on my own over the years with this issue, I hate to see others trip in the same pitfall.

Take my advice with a grain of salt. Maybe there are other gents or even providers on here that have had a different experience than I have had.

I think it is better to keep things simple in this world of ours. Perhaps you can help her out, but keep those boundaries in place by just seeing her a bit more frequently over the next few days?
simpleton's Avatar

Hell, I am sure if you told your friends you hired providers, they would tell you that is the worst thing you could do and there are better ways to spend YOUR money. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
I'm not so sure about that. But I'm certain they would think I lost my mind giving money away for nothing.