SO TX - Low Participation

I would like to propose a new forum under the South Texas heading:

The Cage
This would be an unmoderated (mostly *) forum where those who want to sling insults may do so with impunity - a veritable free for all of their own. But should they bring their trash talk out into the other forums, slap them down like Ronda Rousey.

(*) Moderate sufficiently to eliminate discussion of controlled substances, pedophilia, or other topics which would increase board scrutiny.

EDIT: This post is only 1/2 in jest. Originally Posted by Bit_Banger
I'm at least 1/2 in favor of this.
hobbylover's Avatar
I would like to propose a new forum under the South Texas heading:

The Cage
This would be an unmoderated (mostly *) forum where those who want to sling insults may do so with impunity - a veritable free for all of their own. But should they bring their trash talk out into the other forums, slap them down like Ronda Rousey.

(*) Moderate sufficiently to eliminate discussion of controlled substances, pedophilia, or other topics which would increase board scrutiny.

EDIT: This post is only 1/2 in jest. Originally Posted by Bit_Banger
This kind of forum already exists but it is invite only and hidden to most and was supposed to be an outlet for those who troll, spew shit, etc. But those forum members are likely the ones who helped stir the shit to start with.

dearhunter's Avatar
Like I said, all you have to do to get in is place your head in the noose.
This kind of forum already exists but it is invite only and hidden to most and was supposed to be an outlet for those who troll, spew shit, etc. ... Originally Posted by hobbylover
In that case VVVVV

... should they bring their trash talk out into the other forums, slap them down like Ronda Rousey.
... Originally Posted by Bit_Banger
Like I said, all you have to do to get in is place your head in the noose. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I would say the entry fee is your head on a platter!
rjdiner's Avatar
I just want to make it clear: South Texas currently has three agencies. To me, it sounds like you are saying all of our agencies are gone. They're not. In terms of personal accounts, agency owners can send me a PM about their options. They can go through others, and I'm NOT saying I can make any final decisions. I'm just saying my cyber door is open, and I can give information and advice.

In terms of everything else you wrote, honestly, I don't know what happened in the past, and I'm not going to try to figure it out. I'm going to move forward instead of looking back. Originally Posted by emptywallet
You're right EW. And of those 3 agencies two of those principals who run those agencies have either been banned or had their account disabled. We had a fourth agency but it was essentially harassed out of business by a jealous, vengeful little fucktard who received support from the administrators on this board. These are agency owners who did rely on Mod guidance to do things the right way. Then you get the new out of town gunslingers (Mojojo for example) who summarily bans quality people for doing what a previous Mod told them was OK. Did he ever check the history?

As for moving ahead, I have no problem with that approach. Except you cannot just ignore the fact that that it happened, even if not on your watch. The ostrich who buries his head in the sand seldom learns much.

As you can tell, I'm not just going to let it go! These admin guys fucked over friends of mine and I take that personally. As such, I'm going to scream and yell and point fingers at the real guilty parties whether they or anybody else likes it or not.
You're right EW. And of those 3 agencies two of those principals who run those agencies have either been banned or had their account disabled. We had a fourth agency but it was essentially harassed out of business by a jealous, vengeful little fucktard who received support from the administrators on this board. These are agency owners who did rely on Mod guidance to do things the right way. Then you get the new out of town gunslingers (Mojojo for example) who summarily bans quality people for doing what a previous Mod told them was OK. Did he ever check the history?

As for moving ahead, I have no problem with that approach. Except you cannot just ignore the fact that that it happened, even if not on your watch. The ostrich who buries his head in the sand seldom learns much.

As you can tell, I'm not just going to let it go! These admin guys fucked over friends of mine and I take that personally. As such, I'm going to scream and yell and point fingers at the real guilty parties whether they or anybody else likes it or not. Originally Posted by rjdiner
Agreed, burying one's head in the sand is not conducive to learning. Neither is beating one's head against a wall.

I have no problem with you airing your complaints. It might deserve its own thread, however. This thread is about South Texas Participation. There might be some overlap, but if you want to focus exclusively on the agencies, that sounds like a separate topic.

Edit...I suppose since agencies are part of the poll, a separate thread is not needed.
nedsum121's Avatar
You know rj I totally agree I personally know two of the owners of the agencies and even know one of the girls outside of this but that's a different story. All I know is business is dead booking is less than half of what it was providers we still have about 9 to 10 solid girls from RGV next door and stf but the girls can not make a living. Since this thing blew up It has hurt everyone. Sitting around blaming this person that person won't fix it. You know there is a dark side to everything including Eccie.

I just see people hurting namely the providers who are doing this not for fun but to make extra cash because of life catching up to them or no steady job or supporting a family ect. They are the ones that really need us to move on. Yes for some reason they killed the golden goose but when do we try to build another one. I owe allot to Eccie. I met some great girls even have a relationship with one of the providers. Yes it kills me to read her reviews but when she supports 4 kids and has her mother to take care of yea I can see why she does it. But when she visits and makes 400 or 600 in 3 days when she used to make tripple something is up. If ain'tbecause she sucks or is not beautiful there are no clients. Even my buddy at work quit Eccie because he said it was all drama. So with that in mind yes we need to move on. If for no other reason for the girls. The silver lining is that because of eccies downfall I may have a new person living with me. But having my own Mexican novela model ain't so bad all to myself even with four kids. Yea I'd luv to tell the fucktards off and string them up for what they did to my friends. I say move on but never forget and build something better and show those hired guns they can fuck themselves.

I don't usually share my personal life but as you can I am a little vested. I owe to much to Eccie and my two friends to see Eccie die. I will say if it does I am a happy man because I get my dream girl. Anyway it be fun to watch what happens. I think it starts with having a good moderator and I think we may have one now. Time will tell. New year and fuck the singing what we need is some 70s pono music because that's what the site is for.... Lol
Ned, I love your last sentence.....TRUTH! This drama is oldddddddddd! How can you dog the agencies , when they provide safe, discreet , professional service. The ladies are hot and accommodating. Without them, we may be stuck with the BP stable of creepers, pimps in cars, non-hygienic, scammers and any of the otherwise frightening situations that they offer. Not ALL of them, but you know what I'm talking about. Being somewhat new to ECCIE, this drama is not what I am looking for and refuse to partake in this conversation ever again . I will share more of my reviews, and encourage those you review the ladies and agencies and businesses. I suggest we all follow suit in order to make this forum a true hangout....
I'll drink to that
nedsum121's Avatar
Totally agree with you before I met single1 I was scared every time I went to hotels houses ect.... BP is hit or miss at best or non GFE. So yea my two buddies had to register as agencies it hurt the business and that's just the start of what was done to them but if you really know my buddies they are more concerned for the girls. They hate what was done to them but they hate what has happened to the girls more... The girls aren't doing this because they love it they do it to support their families. Anyway enough!
It starts with us doing reviews then a good moderator. I hear the music playing in the background it is time we start having some fun.
mirandalee's Avatar
You guys are a trip lol
mirandalee's Avatar
You all need to get fucked just right stop this lil girlie shit this is a fucking fucking board not a lil Jr high school board... Dam stripclubs got less drama than here wtf
tandyscone's Avatar
So are people saying that the drama in this forum on Eccie has reduced the number of appointments the providers can get? I hate the drama, and find it distracting, but it hasn't made any difference in how often I schedule with providers. That would be just stupid. (I think someone earlier in this thread expressed the same thought.)
So are people saying that the drama in this forum on Eccie has reduced the number of appointments the providers can get? ... Originally Posted by tandyscone
The short answer is, "Yes."
It's not likely to reduce the number of appointments I book (that's more a factor of budget & opportunity), but it is likely to reduce the number of providers I consider or see. If the discussions get too nasty, then a person might ignore ECCIE altogether and look for providers elsewhere. Currently there are only 2 independents and 1 agency listed for the RGV on P411. They may also check BP, but that involves more work vetting and higher risk than I want.
That's a potential downside of a hostile board environment. The upside? The trolls who propagate the flames are entertained.