Just asking for a name should not be that hard.

CurvyKatie's Avatar
You're the one who started the thread...
Why exactly?
I'm trying to give you a perspective that you obviously dont want to hear. Thats it.
Then you get butt hurt over it and fall back on the good old "you'll never understand". I understand running a business. What I'll never understand is why providers start threads like this. Originally Posted by boardman
You're the one who started it?

Real mature....

I am trying my hardest with all of my might not to say what I really want to say here.
Sooooo..... Back to the point. Give up the handle boyz if ya just randomly text first.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Sooooo..... Back to the point. Give up the handle boyz if ya just randomly text first. Originally Posted by ZantannaParella

My name's Bud.
Can I buy you a beer?
My name's Bud.
Can I buy you a beer? Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Lmao! why yes! Yes you can Bud. And if ya get me drunk you can also take advantage of me! JFS!
The1Slayer's Avatar
Lmao! why yes! Yes you can Bud. And if ya get me drunk you can also take advantage of me! JFS! Originally Posted by ZantannaParella

Really........................ ..!?????!??!??!

.........Umm.. I got a bunch of liquor back at my place............

Really........................ ..!?????!??!??!

.........Umm.. I got a bunch of liquor back at my place............

...... Originally Posted by The1Slayer
Oh damn. Is your name Bud also?
boardman's Avatar
You're the one who started it?

Real mature....

I am trying my hardest with all of my might not to say what I really want to say here. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Not "it", the thread. I'm not trying to start shit so there is no "it". Dont try to make this more than what it is.

I simply dont understand the point of the thread. Why bring it into coed if she doesn't want a different (male)perspective? Does she want a bunch of "amen sista"sympathy? What's the point? Where did she expect the thread to go.
She posts this complaint. I take a look at her profile and see, from a potential client perspective, some things that might be added to reduce the incidences of the problem she's complaining about. I tell her what I see then I get the "you dont have a pussy" defense mode. Who's being immature here?
If i look at your profile and ads I'm going to see something quite different CK. you've put some considerable thought into the wording of what you require AND you've managed to keep it sexy and inviting. Not an easy task.
Just seems.to me that the easiest way to effect change in this situation is to be proactive about it rather than expect others to assume.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Dont try to make this more than what it is.
Originally Posted by boardman

So much I want to say. But I'm done

Set to ignore.
Not "it", the thread. I'm not trying to start shit so there is no "it". Dont try to make this more than what it is.

I simply dont understand the point of the thread. Why bring it into coed if she doesn't want a different (male)perspective? Does she want a bunch of "amen sista"sympathy? What's the point? Where did she expect the thread to go.
She posts this complaint. I take a look at her profile and see, from a potential client perspective, some things that might be added to reduce the incidences of the problem she's complaining about. I tell her what I see then I get the "you dont have a pussy" defense mode. Who's being immature here?
If i look at your profile and ads I'm going to see something quite different CK. you've put some considerable thought into the wording of what you require AND you've managed to keep it sexy and inviting. Not an easy task.
Just seems.to me that the easiest way to effect change in this situation is to be proactive about it rather than expect others to assume. Originally Posted by boardman
Come on now BM. Your remarks do appear to be a little womanizing(personal opinion) and well...to keep it 50/50 that's what co-ed is for (opinions from both sides). Gents to learn things that ladies dont favor when booking & in conversation. Also, a gents point of view.

As CK has bit her tongue keeping co-ed peace there is no need to keep going after the OP repeatedly with negative remarks towards her thread. You may not understand but others do... I also doubt that you were looking at it from a "potential client" point of view. Especially since every other word you use towards the lady's thread is "complaint". Which I can see how it was perceived that way from a long standing member but... It can also be looked at as information for newbies & others when contacting ladies.

boardman's Avatar
Come on now BM. Your remarks do appear to be a little womanizing(personal opinion) and well...to keep it 50/50 that's what co-ed is for (opinions from both sides). Gents to learn things that ladies dont favor when booking & in conversation. Also, a gents point of view.

As CK has bit her tongue keeping co-ed peace there is no need to keep going after the OP repeatedly with negative remarks towards her thread. You may not understand but others do... I also doubt that you were looking at it from a "potential client" point of view. Especially since every other word you use towards the lady's thread is "complaint". Which I can see how it was perceived that way from a long standing member but... It can also be looked at as information for newbies & others when contacting ladies.

Originally Posted by TexasJess
It's about perception. What some of you see as negative i see as trying to be constructive and helpful. It's entirely up to the receiver how they want to receive the message. If you dont want a Male perspective then don't start threads in a coed area.
One thing to consider, and I need to do this too, is how and why men and women communicate. Women see communication as an end. Guys see communication as a means to an end. So, when a woman communicates a "problem" they dont necessarily want a solution, thay just want to say it. Guys need to fix it. Otherwise, to us, what's the point of saying it. It's a Mars and Venus kind of thing.
My mistake was in assuming Cam wanted advice or suggestions. Obviously she didn't.
It's about perception. What some of you see as negative i see as trying to be constructive and helpful. It's entirely up to the receiver how they want to receive the message.(apply this to your thoughts next time when you read co-ed threads such as this one) If you dont want a Male perspective then don't start threads in a coed area.(I thought gents wanted more ladies to contribute to co-ed...Now they need to mind what threads they post?)
One thing to consider, and I need to do this too, is how and why men and women communicate. Women see communication as an end. Guys see communication as a means to an end. So, when a woman communicates a "problem" they dont necessarily want a solution, thay just want to say it. Guys need to fix it. Otherwise, to us, what's the point of saying it. It's a Mars and Venus kind of thing.
My mistake was in assuming Cam wanted advice or suggestions. Obviously she didn't. Originally Posted by boardman
I have highlighted what I feel once again is womanizing in red(personal opinion) in your post. Your wisdom is appreciated but maybe outdated.
There is a book Venus vs Mars. The author well.. didn't have growing ear hair LOL well at least he didn't write about it !!
Assumptions… well those usually never work out well.

On another NOTE(Not applied towards BM)
I expect a FULL attack on Jess for simply being respectful and expressing my opinion in co-ed. But, hey... what's new.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
I have highlighted what I feel once again is womanizing in red(personal opinion) in your post. Your wisdom is appreciated but maybe outdated.
There is a book Venus vs Mars. The author well.. didn't have growing ear hair LOL well at least he didn't write about it !!
Assumptions… well those usually never work out well.

On another NOTE(Not applied towards BM)
I expect a FULL attack on Jess for simply being respectful and expressing my opinion in co-ed. But, hey... what's new. Originally Posted by TexasJess
Outdated? OK...if you say so. Maybe the book is but the concept of how we communicate is still supported by modern psychology.
Here is a year old blog in a psych journal that explains what I was saying in more detail.

If that is womanizing because it's written by a man perhaps a women's perspective will make it more platable.
https://www.huffpost.com/entry/men-vs-women-communication-styles-explained_b_59dc8d69e4b060f005 fbd6ab

I posted a mea culpa and even that was offensive. TFF.
Outdated? OK...if you say so. Maybe the book is but the concept of how we communicate is still supported by modern psychology.
Here is a year old blog in a psych journal that explains what I was saying in more detail.

If that is womanizing because it's written by a man perhaps a women's perspective will make it more platable.

I posted a mea culpa and even that was offensive. TFF. Originally Posted by boardman
okay BM.
I think sexist is closer to the right word over womanizing. THAT SAID. Men and women DO communicate differently on the whole.

There is some (much?) truth in BMan's comment. Women tend to want to vent and many times that makes them feel better, especially in a situation with no obvious solution. Men tend to want to solve problems, so when their chick wants to vent, they may go into problem solving mode, even when the woman really isn't ask them to solve the problem.