Compliments vs Symbolism

On a compliment thread, let me compliment you on having such class! Charlie, I betcha ya you'd have a good time with this one.

Hey Lucy Van Pelt (Becky)hows that for charlie brownie points?
Originally Posted by WTF
Lucy V Pelt says forget about seeing escorts Charles, and adobt a pet instead. Happiness is a warm dog.

PS Thank you WTF you made me smile.
I would think they would give a compliment, then you never hear from them again. I would take that as a major sign, lol. But when they return over and again, then their compliments to me seem more genuine. Not to say they may not exagerate a little... but it's nice when they do!!!

Compliments are bullshit. Whenever a woman says "You have nice eyes/hands/lips/cock/mind/wallet/shoes" what I hear is "[I have just compared you to every other Tom Dick and Hairy and] You have blah blah blah [in comparison to them]." To which I think, oh I'm sorry, did I remember to say Fuck You? I passed on sex with probably 1/3 of my dates out this kind of frustration. People blow smoke up my ass all day long, when a woman focuses on my shit and then passes judgment, it is all I can do to remain calm enough to get through the invitation to leave. I don't give a shit what a woman thinks about me in comparison to someone else. I will decide on my own how I measure up and adapt accordingly where possible. As I am sure you will (both interpretations).

The compliment is when a woman says "I like your shirt/smile/the way you touch me/the way you notice/listen/talk/fuck". She is telling me how she personally feels, about me. That, I care a lot about. That, is the compliment. If you don't feel it, don't fucking say it. If you do feel it, tell me how you feel, not how I compare. I'd rather go through the whole date without any compliments at all because you didn't personally feel moved, than hear some drivel I can get by sending myself a fucking Hallmark card through the mail (adult if necessary).

If you want to give a compliment I will love to hear it but in the process how about leave the rest of the fucking world out of it.

p.s. And if you feel moved to tell me about a problem or feel moved to insult me, by all means let it rip, it might even make a difference, but for christ fucking sake start the sentence with I don't like...

Compliments are bullshit. Whenever a woman says "You have nice eyes/hands/lips/cock/mind/wallet/shoes" what I hear is "[I have just compared you to every other Tom Dick and Hairy and] You have blah blah blah [in comparison to them]." Originally Posted by BammBamm

I don't know how a gentlemen translates, when I say "I like your eyes", but I'm not actually comparing anyone.

What it means is: I find your eyes expressive, and I feel comfortable under your gaze.

Sincere compliments do exist...

As much as we hear "it's a business" and as much as people might discuss pricing as though we are talking about a commodity like oil; the reality is that in a session it is just you alone in a room with a woman; and the qualities and compatibilities of those two people matter. Neither one is a commodity because the nature of the business integrates personality, character and intellect with physiology, emotions and sometimes even spirituality.

I am not sure how practical my approach is for other hobbyists; but it has certainly worked for me. :-) Originally Posted by Laurentius
That was a wonderful post, Laurentius. I'm not surprised that the approach has worked well for you.

Many of the best meetings I have had are with the gentlemen who like my personality (as presented through my website) even more than my photos. A couple of emails that resonate intellectually for both of us set the tone, and tend to segue into great conversation and chemistry in the actual meeting.
Lucy V Pelt says forget about seeing escorts Charles, and adobt a pet instead. Happiness is a warm dog.

Originally Posted by Becky
The investment of time and money in a pet is more expensive than an escort. By the time you pay the adoption fee, the shots, neutering, feed, regular trips to the vet, time walking, bathing, de-fleaing, and other unscheduled trips to the vet, the costs in time and money will far exceed what little escorting I do. And besides, I think I have dander allergies.
The investment of time and money in a pet is more expensive than an escort. By the time you pay the adoption fee, the shots, neutering, feed, regular trips to the vet, time walking, bathing, de-fleaing, and other unscheduled trips to the vet, the costs in time and money will far exceed what little escorting I do. And besides, I think I have dander allergies. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Charles we really do need to find you a positive attitude.

The way I see it Becky thought enough of you to send you warm thoughts in her own special way. Instead of picking apart a nice gesture, smile and say thank you. It really is easy to do.
Lucy V Pelt says forget about seeing escorts Charles, and adobt a pet instead. Happiness is a warm dog. Originally Posted by Becky
Charles we really do need to find you a positive attitude.

The way I see it Becky thought enough of you to send you warm thoughts in her own special way. Instead of picking apart a nice gesture, smile and say thank you. It really is easy to do. Originally Posted by Ansley
Hint received and understood [sometimes this fly does need a sledgehammer].

TY, TY both.
  • dhemm
  • 05-08-2010, 01:07 PM
Charles , Do what George did on an episode of Seinfield, whatever your first inclination is when interacting with the women you decide to see in the future, do the opposite . Problem solved or at least diminished somewhat.
Seriously give it a try and you might be surprised at the results.
I'm no box of chocolates and when I first started seeing the younger independents, I was very self conscious about my looks compared to theirs and it affected my experience , so I did much what I described to you above.
Made a world of difference.