Lying Rapist Trump has no one to defend him.

Ducbutter's Avatar
So we agree that Trump is a Lying Sexual Assaulter. Though you believe the sole purpose for the law was aimed at Trump it’s what we call a catch up law. It allows to claims that were previously precluded to catch up so that going forward all claims can be brought timely. Sadly for Trumpy it worked against him. He also brought it on himself and continues to do so. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Trumps accuser admitted on CNN that she helped dems craft the law while being bankrolled by the same dem donor who funded the civil trial after the law's passage. Please don't expect us to believe that multiple dem DAs persuing charges against him is coincidence.
I will admit that Trump is more than likely guilty here and it's undeniable that he's a liar. I do have an issue with an evidence free trial, especially 30 years removed from the alledged incident. I have never liked him for a myriad of reasons.
However, what about Biden. He's a liar, he's been just as credibly accused as Trump in this case at least. And look at Biden's language around his crime bill along with his friendship with Byrd. That's some racist shit.
Will you admit those things about Biden?
  • Tiny
  • 05-13-2023, 07:32 PM
Will you admit those things about Biden? Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Probably not. Our esteemed fellow poster suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Probably not. Our esteemed fellow poster suffers from Democrat Syndrome. Originally Posted by Tiny

I heard that a very intelligent well organized gop finest has mucho committees investigating every and anything with even the slightest hint of a blue shade.

It's just to bad that the red dawn gop finest are a bunch of fucking morans with fucking moron supporters that don't believe in facts.

News flash...opinions and lies are not facts.
If only mega morons could have made it through grade 6. That would be equivalent to 2nd grade in a blue state that is not trying to cancel education

The gop is still trying to cancel educated voters. Gop wants to ban all votes on college campuses. They depend on voters that have never heard of colleges or even the 8th grade

That's why so many shoes fit around here

A n d...I actually did say so for the really really ignorant around here
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I heard that a very intelligent well organized gop finest has mucho committees investigating every and anything with even the slightest hint of a blue shade.

It's just to bad that the red dawn gop finest are a bunch of fucking morans with fucking moron supporters that don't believe in facts.

News flash...opinions and lies are not facts.
If only mega morons could have made it through grade 6. That would be equivalent to 2nd grade in a blue state that is not trying to cancel education

The gop is still trying to cancel educated voters. Gop wants to ban all votes on college campuses. They depend on voters that have never heard of colleges or even the 8th grade

That's why so many shoes fit around here

A n d...I actually did say so for the really really ignorant around here
Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
Redhot1960's Avatar
Was Biden credibly accused by 16 women? I’m not so sure I’d agree with that. Tara Reed’s allegations aren’t supported by a slew of other behaviors by Biden, whereas Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump’s defense was “I didn’t do it because Miss Indiana whom I mistakenly took as my ex-wife and without my lawyers help I couldn’t differentiate between the two in a phot I was in wasn’t my type”. Not to mention he stated to a reporter in a pre interview how he loved the fact he was a star who could sexually assault women because he could get away with it. Sorry Butters but those are a far cry from similar.

Personally I have no issue with the 80s crime bill. It did have an adverse impact on black incarceration mainly as a result of the differentiation between cocaine crack and powder (I think had I dropped the bomb on both groups we’d be looking at a different US today as far as drugs and poverty go, bit that’s a different discussion. Personally I believe criminality and selling drugs is a choice and folks that engaged in that shouldn’t blame the law. Don’t sell drugs if you don’t wanna be jailed.

Robert Byrd unlike Strom Thurman actually saw the error of his ways and stopped promoting the racist propaganda that Thurman took to his grave. As men of similar ages it shows that people can change when they see beyond their racist upbringing. Byrd went from full KKK to disavowal of racism, segregation, the Klan and the rest and voted to give equal rights and treatment to Blacks. Thurman stay in the senate hiding his black love child and voted against giving his kids and grandkids equal rights until he died and was replaced by a black man.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Probably not. Our esteemed fellow poster suffers from Stockholm Syndrome. Originally Posted by Tiny

Score one for Tiny.
Was Biden credibly accused by 16 women? I’m not so sure I’d agree with that. Tara Reed’s allegations aren’t supported by a slew of other behaviors by Biden, whereas Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump’s defense was “I didn’t do it because Miss Indiana whom I mistakenly took as my ex-wife and without my lawyers help I couldn’t differentiate between the two in a phot I was in wasn’t my type”. Not to mention he stated to a reporter in a pre interview how he loved the fact he was a star who could sexually assault women because he could get away with it. Sorry Butters but those are a far cry from similar.

Personally I have no issue with the 80s crime bill. It did have an adverse impact on black incarceration mainly as a result of the differentiation between cocaine crack and powder (I think had I dropped the bomb on both groups we’d be looking at a different US today as far as drugs and poverty go, bit that’s a different discussion. Personally I believe criminality and selling drugs is a choice and folks that engaged in that shouldn’t blame the law. Don’t sell drugs if you don’t wanna be jailed.

Robert Byrd unlike Strom Thurman actually saw the error of his ways and stopped promoting the racist propaganda that Thurman took to his grave. As men of similar ages it shows that people can change when they see beyond their racist upbringing. Byrd went from full KKK to disavowal of racism, segregation, the Klan and the rest and voted to give equal rights and treatment to Blacks. Thurman stay in the senate hiding his black love child and voted against giving his kids and grandkids equal rights until he died and was replaced by a black man. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Not his type just means he couldn't treat her like a hooker and make her have sex with him. She didn't want anything to do with him.
... Did you ever think that Trump is telling the truth here?
And that He didn't know the woman?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Ducbutter
America is morphing into a Banana Republic. This is the type of shit that happens in those types of Countries. Take down the Political Opposition at all costs even if you have to tweek the laws and pay idiots like Jean Carroll to fabricate a story. This is pathetic.
... Did you ever think that Trump is telling the truth here?
And that He didn't know the woman?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No one with sense believes Trump.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Was Biden credibly accused by 16 women? I’m not so sure I’d agree with that. Tara Reed’s allegations aren’t supported by a slew of other behaviors by Biden, whereas Lying Sexual Assaulter Trump’s defense was “I didn’t do it because Miss Indiana whom I mistakenly took as my ex-wife and without my lawyers help I couldn’t differentiate between the two in a phot I was in wasn’t my type”. Not to mention he stated to a reporter in a pre interview how he loved the fact he was a star who could sexually assault women because he could get away with it. Sorry Butters but those are a far cry from similar.

Personally I have no issue with the 80s crime bill. It did have an adverse impact on black incarceration mainly as a result of the differentiation between cocaine crack and powder (I think had I dropped the bomb on both groups we’d be looking at a different US today as far as drugs and poverty go, bit that’s a different discussion. Personally I believe criminality and selling drugs is a choice and folks that engaged in that shouldn’t blame the law. Don’t sell drugs if you don’t wanna be jailed.

Robert Byrd unlike Strom Thurman actually saw the error of his ways and stopped promoting the racist propaganda that Thurman took to his grave. As men of similar ages it shows that people can change when they see beyond their racist upbringing. Byrd went from full KKK to disavowal of racism, segregation, the Klan and the rest and voted to give equal rights and treatment to Blacks. Thurman stay in the senate hiding his black love child and voted against giving his kids and grandkids equal rights until he died and was replaced by a black man. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

In my previous message I referred to the credibility of the accusations against Trump "in this case". None of the other accusations has been adjudicated so I wouldn't know anything about their credibility and I don't believe you do either.
I refered to Biden's language "around" the passage of the bill not the bill itself though I bet I coud easily find a bunch of folks who'd be happy to call the bill racist. We all know what those sentencing disparities were about.
And yes, thank you for correcting me, I meant Strom Thurmond, the lifeling avowed racist. The one who requested that Biden speak at his memorial service. Yes, that close friend.
  • Tiny
  • 05-14-2023, 10:45 PM
And yes, thank you for correcting me, I meant Strom Thurmond, the lifeling avowed racist. The one who requested that Biden speak at his memorial service. Yes, that close friend. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Joe Biden's Eulogy at Strom Thurmond's Funeral:

According to Biden, Strom Thurmond voted against the poll tax, and in favor of the extension of the voting rights act and the MLK holiday. He changed as South Carolina and the South changed. He did his best to help his Black constituents.

“The Civil Rights Movement did more to free the white man than the black man. It freed my soul.”

- Strom Thurmond as told to Joe Biden
No one with sense believes Trump. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
In 2016 during a debate Trump said our Leadership is Stupid. I definitely believe that. Biden pretty much proves that statement to be true. Trump doesn't lie about everything.