What is going on around here????

Whispers's Avatar
The problem most of you whiners have is you really have NOTHING to say or contribute so you whine about me or the negativity on the board... There are hundreds of threads started every months that I never so much as open much less have an opinion on......

Most of the the negativity in every thread that I am involved in can be traced to a post from one of you whiners taking a shot at me and I respond.

I'm never shutting up...

I'm never going away......

I'm always going to bring controversial subjects to the board.....

So get on with your life and post all the positive feel good stuff you want......

I tend to stay out of most of that.....

But invoke my name or make an insinuation in a thread about me and I'll be there.....

I seldom get pointed or banned because i DO walk the line and follow the rules...... Before I fire back at someone I usually have taken quite a bit of crap and made a MOD aware and give them time to handle it....

Some of you folks are simply not "adult" enough to play on this "adult" oriented board.
I totally agree with snoop and his assessment of the board. It's very obvious that Sixx's true colors have surfaced now that he's not a Mod any more. I find it hilarious that he's chosen an ominous looking avatar and tries to come across as a bad ass when in reality he's a short little fat guy with a little fucked up dick. Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
And here is the difference. The people who have been around a long time like Whipers, et. al. generally do not make personal attacks on the person, but on the contents of their post.

You just attacked the man personally hurling insults at him. He has thick skin and no need to respond to the fly on his elephant ass. (See the usage a metaphor here. That is called a veiled insult! Much harder to prove..)

Some people here have excellent debating skills. For many, it is a stage for them to act and they love to act. Some are lonely and this is their community. Living a dual life can be depressing.

Are there misogynists on this board? Yep. They are probably the ones with the little penises that the ladies tell me about. (note: a general insult, not specific to anyone or the entire board.)

If some remember, I took exception to the content of one of Whispers recent threads and I asked some very pointed questions, but I did not attack the man himself and call him names, wasn't mean, ans my intentions were very clear.

Some also may recall a comment I made at Roxanne. That was a personal insult hurled at her and I got pointed. I even got a phone call. But, I am expected to behave well here and they certainly know I am well aware of the rules and what a moderators perceptions can be like. By the way, Roxanne. I would like to apologize publicly. I should have stayed with attacking the post and not the poster. Another intelligent member reminded me of this.

Here is the point. This community is ten or twenty times larger than it was or 6 years ago. It has changed. People use it for all kinds of reasons. I think some think of this place as king of the hill, some as another media outlet, some a popularity contest. I am guilty of all those at different times and moods.

If you are going to participate with people who hide behind a keyboard across the Interwebs, you better have grow some thick skin. Quite frankly, the smartest people are the lurkers who just gather the info and stay hidden. I, unfortunately, am not that smart.
I have played with mine and changed it every now and then over the years. It was interesting to note how people's perceptions of me or what I had to say often changed with my avatars.

Sixx, enjoy your freedom. I know what it is like to restrain myself, too. Can you believe you were stupid enough to ever want to do that anyway?
Thank you Spaceman and all of the Mods. you folks are be commended for your ability to wade through STUFF trying to keep a similance of order. and for free!! you all are tougher than me. again thank you.
sixxbach's Avatar

You are a coward plain and simple. I will save my bashing of you for the proper forum.....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well put, bubba.

"Dracula Dead and Loving It" -- Von Helsing: "And they NEVER GIVE UP!"


snoopdogg's Avatar
And here is the difference. The people who have been around a long time like Whipers, et. al. generally do not make personal attacks on the person, but on the contents of their post.

You just attacked the man personally hurling insults at him. He has thick skin and no need to respond to the fly on his elephant ass. (See the usage a metaphor here. That is called a veiled insult! Much harder to prove..)

Some people here have excellent debating skills. For many, it is a stage for them to act and they love to act. Some are lonely and this is their community. Living a dual life can be depressing.

Are there misogynists on this board? Yep. They are probably the ones with the little penises that the ladies tell me about. (note: a general insult, not specific to anyone or the entire board.)

If some remember, I took exception to the content of one of Whispers recent threads and I asked some very pointed questions, but I did not attack the man himself and call him names, wasn't mean, ans my intentions were very clear.

Some also may recall a comment I made at Roxanne. That was a personal insult hurled at her and I got pointed. I even got a phone call. But, I am expected to behave well here and they certainly know I am well aware of the rules and what a moderators perceptions can be like. By the way, Roxanne. I would like to apologize publicly. I should have stayed with attacking the post and not the poster. Another intelligent member reminded me of this.

Here is the point. This community is ten or twenty times larger than it was or 6 years ago. It has changed. People use it for all kinds of reasons. I think some think of this place as king of the hill, some as another media outlet, some a popularity contest. I am guilty of all those at different times and moods.

If you are going to participate with people who hide behind a keyboard across the Interwebs, you better have grow some thick skin. Quite frankly, the smartest people are the lurkers who just gather the info and stay hidden. I, unfortunately, am not that smart. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Great points!
I think it's great reading all the posts from lurkers who agree that the board particularly the co-ed discussion has gotten toxic as of late...hopefully things will change...I for one am done with getting into "pissing contests" everytime i make a post... or start a thread....

Here's to good
sixxbach's Avatar
I totally agree with snoop and his assessment of the board. It's very obvious that Sixx's true colors have surfaced now that he's not a Mod any more. I find it hilarious that he's chosen an ominous looking avatar and tries to come across as a bad ass when in reality he's a short little fat guy with a little fucked up dick. I really have no bone to pick with anybody on this board. The total nature of this board has changed so dramatically that it's just not fun to participate in any threads anymore due to all the negativity. I have met several wonderful ladies on this board and a handful that I will continue to see regularly. I'm at a stage in the hobby that I don't want or need to see the new flavor of the month so BCD isn't that important to me any more. That only leaves discussion threads and Lord knows that's getting old as Hell sifting through the hourly Whispers Blog. I may get points or banned for my comments here but when I think about it....... Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
Ah Candyman,

If you mattered in hobby land, I might be offended by your statement. I am actually disturbed by some of your comments. I have a small penis? Hmmmm ok, never claimed to have a big one. I have to ask this though... why on earth during a session would I come up. Did it take talking about me and my penis to get you going for your session? Wow dude, thatNs scary. So if I had a big cock would you have complimented me on that? On second thought, I don't want to know the answer for fear it would confirm the gayness in your comments.

Just because of my avatar, I think I'm a bad ass? Really man? I guess I was so bad ass that you finally mustered the courage to take a shot at me. It's okay man, you had your shot, enjoy it. So with the gay like quality of your avatar when do you plan on seeing TS Josie? Put a review up you haven't been very relevant in the Austin scene for awhile.

Btw.. this is just a warm up for later but it won't be in this forum.... wink....

snoopdogg's Avatar
Ah Candyman,

If you mattered in hobby land, I might be offended by your statement. I am actually disturbed by some of your comments. I have a small penis? Hmmmm ok, never claimed to have a big one. I have to ask this though... why on earth during a session would I come up. Did it take talking about me and my penis to get you going for your session? Wow dude, thatNs scary. So if I had a big cock would you have complimented me on that? On second thought, I don't want to know the answer for fear it would confirm the gayness in your comments.

Just because of my avatar, I think I'm a bad ass? Really man? I guess I was so bad ass that you finally mustered the courage to take a shot at me. It's okay man, you had your shot, enjoy it. So with the gay like quality of your avatar when do you plan on seeing TS Josie? Put a review up you haven't been very relevant in the Austin scene for awhile.

Btw.. this is just a warm up for later but it won't be in this forum.... wink....

Sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
See this is the type of stuff we're talking about
and what exactly are you threatening him with? We'd all like to know?
Is all this Necessary?
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Cant we steer this board in a better direction?
i mean the whole point of this hobby is fun isnt it?
Why are a "chosen" few allowed to control discussions here on the Austin Board? Originally Posted by snoopdogg
Sure, you can steer it any way you want. The point of hobby is fun. I think the point of this board is information exchange, at least that's in the name...

So who are the "chosen" few that you keep bringing up that control the discussions?

I've stayed out of most of the bashing you've done on the "chosen" few, but I want to ask you something. Of the 77 posts you've had to date, how many of them were to bash Whispers, how many more to bash the "chosen" few? I understand, as you like to point out so much, that you have a life and don't spend 24/7 on the boards to post so much, but of the few posts you do make, how many are positive?

I don't think I would be far off if I took a guess and said half of your 77 posts are probably about Whispers or one of the few.

It's OK to be an occasional contributor, many are, but you've become one of the biggest hypocrites on this board to scream about wanting a fun board, yet only contributing negativity and drama.

I for one dont understand how this is allowable...but then again i guess i'll illicit "points" for questioning things.....
It's allowable in any open forum where communication is allowed. The vocal few will always seem like the majority. You seem to be under the impression that this board is a bit more free in handing out points than it really is, or that the staff are biased in handing out points. There are rules here, they are enforced. If you read and understand the rules, you will see why some people are allowed to say the things they seem to "get away with". There are ways to toe the line without breaking it. The flip side is that the staff really shouldn't be making decisions about what direction the board will go in individual decisions - tactical vs. the strategic decision of what rules to put in place. If you ask the staff to make decisions on what fits the positive mood or direction they want the board to go, then let them enforce the rules based on that, you will see very inconsistent rulings.

you and your crew think that inciting daily drama is "contributing" to the board
i guarantee a majority here dont think that's their definition of contributing

i dont care if you and your friends have 10,000 more posts than anyone else...
it doesnt mean a dam thing...just that you guys have nothing else to do....
and that's the truth Originally Posted by snoopdogg
I don't know who you consider part of the "crew", but Sixx has obviously contributed 67 reviews (the most obvious way to contribute to the information exchange), he has also shared back channel information through PMs, texts, and Men's Lounge posts. Majority of your contributions have been to attack other members on this board because they don't present the board to you in a way you would like.

I also don't think you can guarantee what the majority here think. As much as you and those detractors keep saying that the vocal minority is not the majority, please don't deign to speak for a silent majority just because you're one of them. It's presumptuous and probably not true.

You keep bringing up post count as if that should mean something. Yes, you don't post much. Yes, others post more. You keep trying to relate low post count to you having a life. While you might have a great life, having a high post count here does not denote a lack of life.

I totally agree with snoop and his assessment of the board. It's very obvious that Sixx's true colors have surfaced now that he's not a Mod any more. I find it hilarious that he's chosen an ominous looking avatar and tries to come across as a bad ass when in reality he's a short little fat guy with a little fucked up dick. I really have no bone to pick with anybody on this board. The total nature of this board has changed so dramatically that it's just not fun to participate in any threads anymore due to all the negativity. I have met several wonderful ladies on this board and a handful that I will continue to see regularly. I'm at a stage in the hobby that I don't want or need to see the new flavor of the month so BCD isn't that important to me any more. That only leaves discussion threads and Lord knows that's getting old as Hell sifting through the hourly Whispers Blog. I may get points or banned for my comments here but when I think about it....... Originally Posted by TheCandyMan

Way to not stoop to personal attacks. As much as some people like to think this board has become Whispers’ hourly blog or his facebook… I only see two threads started by him on the first page. So sifting through 2 threads is getting old… As it’s been brought up, if you don’t want to read someone’s posts, put them on ignore. If you don’t want to put anyone on ignore, skip their posts. It’s simple folks.

No it isnt only about Six and Whispers..Thats the whole point.It is supposed to be a Place for "FRIENDLY" exchange of infoand viewpoints..But it does seem that if those Views are not the same as certain individuals here.then it turns into a Flame war.Some individuals here are NOT capable of expressing ideas and Views without stooping to personal attacks.It is getting to be more obvious that the General consensous here has gotten Tired of it.If the Majosity of the people here want a kinder .more fun filled Enviroment they need to ALL BAN TOGETHER and steer it that way.dont let the few individuals who think they have a "GOD GIVEN RIGHT" to bash and attack everyone here get away with it..The board belongs to everyopne Not a SELECT FEW. Originally Posted by Texasquest
Would personal attacks include things like naming someone “Chosen One” and starting threads about them? How about having the majority of your posts about one particular member when you show up to a city’s boards? Oh yeah, you were only calling out the BS… Whispers claims that he’s calling out others’ BS. Who’s right?

Nice idea, but if every thread anybody posts is hijacked by Sixx or Whispers and turned into a nasty pissing contest, what's the point of trying? I don't think I've ever used the red triange in the 13 months or so I've been a member, but today I've already used it twice. I'll bet it won't be that last time I use it today, either. Thanks for starting this thread, snoop. Originally Posted by mastermind238
Why do you let it get hijacked? If it’s true that the huge majority of people hate the direction that Whispers and Sixx are taking, why not just ignore? I don’t understand this trend of playing the victim. Seems there are a handful lately that think they are the victim of Whispers and Sixx…and their “crew” or “Attack Pack”. Really? Who are these people in the Attack Pack or crew? Which threads are they hijacking and who are they attacking? Yeah, I see the Whispers vs. TM thing. Aside from that, what else is antagonistic?

The owners are looking for 1-2 people to become Moderators here in Austin. Step up! Throw your name in the hat and maybe you will be selected and then you will see that there are no favorites when it comes to Moderating. Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Let’s get Snoop and Texasquest, they seem to know what the majority want, and where the board should go.

The way I see it, if some people (like Whispers as the preeminent example) post a whole hell of a lot and invest energy into the board they will have a greater impact on the feel and flavor of the place than those who do not. I think that's just reality.

It may be an unpleasant reality if you happen to find such any such highly engaged poster arrogant and abrasive or overly argumentative (posting style) as some obviously do, but try to remember that he's just impacting your internet reading experience not your life. BTW reading is something you DO...you choose to...so in reality you're just ticked off that you cannot bring yourself to just ignore them. Your drawn to the opportunity to be outraged. It's like Jerry Springer and desperate housewives...you watch those guys rant on line and it make you feel "I'm better than them". Originally Posted by irishlad
Very well said! One step further is to post online how you think the villains are the worst thing, and you’re nothing like them and better.

Short of throttling "high activity" folks by having a daily posting limit (probably undesirable) all you can do is have some objective behavioral guidelines, which this board does.

I will take one position though. I really do think it would be for the good of the board if calling women (or hobbyists) who post here fat, old, cellulite ridden or anything else in that vein, at least anywhere but in the description section of a review, were forbidden and/or addressed a lot more aggressively. That kind of BS just pollutes the air and inhibits participation by some folks and adds nothing of value when its just part of a heated argument.
There are times when a description may be given that’s not part of a review, and I’m afraid that words like and others in that vein would be stepping into the subjective behavioral guideline side. I can tell you that if I chose to, no list of words will keep me from insulting, degrading or humiliating someone on a forum. Such attempts would only help the creative.

There is one board I know of that stops a lot of the BS by simply making at a violation to directly address any individual. You can comment on the OP or make statements on the topic, but no directly addressing other posters is permitted. It is amazingly effective, but comes at a cost and may not be appropriate for a board like this one.
That would be a pretty high price to pay, and I’m not sure that would create the “fun” atmosphere the others are looking for.

See this is the type of stuff we're talking about
and what exactly are you threatening him with? We'd all like to know?
Is all this Necessary? Originally Posted by snoopdogg
So how is it that you notice Sixx responding, yet say nothing about CandyMan calling him a short, fat man with a fucked up little dick? He said that he would respond in a more appropriate place, I would imagine that to be either Austin Men’s Lounge or National Men’s Lounge where the rules are more…relaxed.
  • Vyt
  • 02-17-2011, 03:07 PM
If you mattered in hobby land, I might be offended by your statement. Originally Posted by sixxbach
How does one matter in hobby land?

Do you get a badge?

I think a badge would be pretty awesome.
runswithscissors's Avatar

If Vyt gets a badge, I want a badge!

It's not fair if he only gets a badge! ( the smiley face means this is all fucked-up)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!


BTW -- Hey sixx and candy: what's the point in threatening each other online? Why don't you dudes meet at high noon and have a dickfight? I'll bet someone could set that up in a local GC, sell tickets and get everybody laid afterward!
harkontume's Avatar
If we are comparing cock sizes then I WANT TO KNOW WHO HAS THE MEASURING TAPE!!

I am very particular about who may or may not measure my cock!

Is there a Prize associated with this contest?

If I am going to go through the trouble of unwrapping this damn thing then there needs to be a Prize!

Havent been in a cock measuring contest since Jr. High.
( which of course I won)

Is this Jr. High?
nuglet's Avatar
Wohooo!! Did someone say Dick Contest? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4ofJGOkkPU