The prostitutes do not want you touching them at all. That is why they get paid, to tolerate you, to not vomit when you touch them, and not act repulsed when you go down on them. If they wanted your touch, your lick, your advances, you would not have to pay her, get it? Prostitutes typically act like she is having an orgasm in order to get you to stop, reality is she is not into it, not into you, she wants you to stop and cum so her momentary obligation to perform ends. Chit chat a little, much easier for her than acting like a climax,. It is all about the dollars my friend and for a price you can find a prostitute to act and tell you whatever you want to hear but if you want to feel the satisfaction of pleasing your partner you have to find a real girlfriend. This is merely masterbation by proxy. No passion, no desire on her part, and feeling.
Originally Posted by Boudin3112
Not everyone hates their job, and just because someone gets paid to do something doesn't mean they hate doing it. Most of us, after all, have to make a living whether we hate to or not. Most ladies, I don't doubt, are indifferent or worse to most or all of their clients, but not all. So a lady won't see if you don't pay? If you're broke no woman will date you and your wife will eventually leave you, does that prove all women hate sex?