Sugar Babies

Sounds to me there is alot of illision going on here. Most of the so called sugar baby arangments are nothing but having a prepaid hooker that sees others. Along the same line as having a lawyer on retainer. Having Jody riding around in the car I am paying for, slipping out the back door while I am coming in the front door really does not make for an arrangment I see as cost efficitive. If you find yourself with some unexpected free time can you show up unannounced? Originally Posted by big country

That's not true in a lot of cases. A true sugar baby knows the rules and knows that in order for both of you to be happy, you both need to come to an agreement. If the agreement is she sees no one else, then she doesn't see anyone while in the "relationship" with her sugar daddy. No SD wants his SB to be a hooker or keep being a hooker while he's taking care of her.

Can you show up unannounced? I don't suggest anyone show up unannounced at anyone's place period. Its rude. I don't even allow my family to stop by unannounced.
+1 MsElena
That is some funny stuff FS, I love it lol. By the way nice new avatar lol

Now back to SB.

I do not mind having a sugar baby I have had one in the past,

but now all I want is a Sugar Momma to help me out and take care of me lol Originally Posted by Oenghus

Is it still a sugar mama if she's 10 years younger than you? hmmm... just curious.
dont know FS

You are simply scamming your regulars, not acting as a sugarbaby.

Weekly allowance for a once a week date?
That is not a sugarbaby, that is a prepaid trick.

Please re-examine the history and definition of "courtesan" before claiming yourself as one.

There is much Honor in being a professional prostitute.

One dishonors the profession by falsely claiming a higher status.

A SB/SD arrangement has some sort of exclusivity. Originally Posted by LoveWomen
Wow I was totally gojping to give you credit for the "leave them better than you found them" til I ran across this bullshit.

What is the scam exactly? Flat monthly or weekly rate and no time limits? I think that is precisely what I said "sd style" and yet you want to be pissy about it. Perhaps because your regular girls won't do the same for you?

And not all sd/sb have exclusivity. Yours might, but as has been said over and over again, there is no perfect template. It makes me sad that you recognize the wisdom of Dan Savage but are so narrow-minded otherwise.

And I don't pander. If that is what you expect of an "honorable" hooker may I point you in the direction of the cash and dash you got scammed by? I'm sure they were willing to say anything you wanted to hear. How did that work out btw?
I hate to agree with most things SG says buuuuut...

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