Trayvon Martin's Gun and Pot photos

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  • 05-24-2013, 11:55 AM
Do I have to go find the testimony of the sales clerk at the store where Martin bought a pack of skittles and a bottle of gatorade? Your ridiculous statements over what skittles may have been used for does not matter. It is totally irrelevant in the case. I sincerely doubt that the defense will use the hypothesis that Martin was stoned on skittles. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
LOL, the Hong Kong Skittles Defense! Yea JL....this is one smart poster you got here!
There is a lot of willful blindness by our board progressives.

He was 17, so he is not old enough to carry or even own a gun. So the gun he took pictures of and the one he was talking about in the texts is illegal for him to have.

Why does he need a gun if he was a nice, non-violent kid? Well, because maybe he wasn't? Maybe because he was dealing, not just possessing, drugs?

And has everyone forgotten the photos of Zimmerman with blood running down the back of his head and a bloody nose?

It is the TOTALITY of the circumstances that paint the full picture.

If you look one at a time at each little piece in a vacuum, you end up saying: "So he had a gun, lot's of people have them. So, he had pot. Lots of kids do that. So, he beat up Zimmerman, lot's of people do that if they are scared. So he was walking through a strange neighborhood. Maybe he was just getting exercise."

Zimmerman called 911 and was on the phone waiting for them to show up. Your typical racist thug doesn't call the cops before he attacks someone. Zimmerman is telling the same story he told from the start and no one can contradict his version.

So, if you believe in reasonable doubt, how can you convict?

BTW, all of the texts and photos become relevant as soon as the DA tries to paint Trayvon as a nice, law-abiding, non-violent kid. It is rebuttal evidence. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Say what you want hear, Zimmerman n my book, guilty as charged. If Trayvon didn't instigate an altercation, he should still be alive, this Zimmerman character wanted to be noisy, and pursue whatever he thought the situation was, or overly exaggerated. Trayvon had a right to defend himself, he feared for his safety. Its has nothing to do with race.
Uncle Han's Avatar
If Trayvon didn't instigate an altercation, he should still be alive, Originally Posted by sexydream
You are correct. Please stay away from my car when the verdict come down. Thank you. An your posse too. Thank you again.
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  • 05-24-2013, 12:28 PM
You are correct. Please stay away from my car when the verdict come down. Thank you. An your posse too. Thank you again. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Nobody gives a crap about your old rickshaw!
That's funny.................

Nobody gives a crap about your old rickshaw!
Originally Posted by WTF
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm glad to see you are still an idiot. Trayvon Martin had been convicted of NOTHING. And even if he had, it would not be relevant in this case or any other case. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Here's an FYI for you, moron, Martin was suspended. Maybe you came out of the closet to identify with Trayvon Martin because you too fashionably carried several pieces of women's jewelry in your book-bag when you were in high school, moron.

What an idiot!! This is all Zimmerman's statements. Do you not think he will lie through his teeth to protect himself from charges of murder? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You have to prove Zimmerman is lying to give any credence to your specious conjecture, you moronic jackass.

IB what Zimmerman said and the 9/11 tape to not line up. If Fox News reported Jody Aries version of events in her killing of that boy....would you take that as fact? Reporting a version of events is not a endorsement of said event. Do you see the line where the operator asks if Zimmerman is following Martin and Zimmerman replies yes? This was done after directions were given. Zimmerman is claiming he was already out of his vehicle when the dispatcher told him to stop following Martin.

What appears to have happened was that Zimmerman was following Martin. Zimmerman called police. Martin walked toward Zimmermans car. Zimmerman got out of his car and gave the address to police. Martin started running away. Zimmerman followed after being told not to.

WTF WOULD YOU DO IS SOME ARMED ASSHOLE FOLLOWED YOU AROUND IN CAR AND THEN ON FOOT? You're 16 years old and the other guy is thirty. one should know better...which do you think that is ? The 16 year old? As a stranger, such as Martin was, in an unfamiliar neighborhood, such as Martin was, doubling back and assaulting a pursuer -- Zimmerman -- who was not being confrontational, would not be a top priority on any list I might make.

However, as a member of a Neighborhood Watch, like Zimmerman was, calling the police, as Zimmerman did, and reporting a suspicious stranger, as Zimmerman did, meandering through his neighborhood -- Zimmerman's neighborhood -- is wholly reasonable.

Subsequently, while waiting for the police to arrive, Zimmerman no doubt wanted to be able to point to the individual he was reporting, Martin -- who enhanced his suspicious behavior by obviously trying to hide. If Zimmerman couldn't aim the police at Martin, then what use is there having a Neighborhood Watch.

"This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something," Zimmerman tells the 911 operator. "He's just staring, looking at all the houses. Now he's coming toward me. He's got his hand in his waistband. Something's wrong with him." Martin -- a stranger wearing dark clothing -- was wandering, apparently aimlessly, in Zimmerman's neighborhood -- a neighborhood plagued by burglaries -- after dark, on a cold, rainy night. That's enough to justify suspicion.
Zimmerman described Martin as wearing a hoodie and sweatpants or jeans. He continues: "He's coming to check me out. He's got something in his hands. I don't know what his deal is. Can we get an officer over here?"
"These assholes always get away," he says to the operator. Zimmerman is then heard giving directions to the dispatcher. "Shit, he's running," Zimmerman says.
"Are you following him?" the dispatcher asks.
"Yes," Zimmerman responds.
"We don't need you to do that," the dispatcher says. This version dovetails with the NBC report. These two accounts can be different points on the same timeline. Originally Posted by WTF
Hard to dispute when the other guy is dead. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yet you try.
Uncle Han's Avatar
Nobody gives a crap about your old rickshaw!
Originally Posted by WTF
You remind me of the character Unger from the movie the Longest Yard.

What does WTF call 97 rednecks in an orgy?
The WTF Family Reunion.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You remind me of the character Unger from the movie the Longest Yard.

What does WTF call 97 rednecks in an orgy?
The WTF Family Reunion. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
He's smarter than you, WTF - go Uncle Han!!!
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  • 05-24-2013, 01:32 PM
He's smarter than you, WTF - go Uncle Han!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
God gave them a big brain to make up for their little penis. Not sure what he did for your tribe JL, you appear to have been short sided on both fronts.
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  • 05-24-2013, 01:35 PM
IB we.disagree on Zimmerman's version on the tape dovetailing. Something for the jury to ponder. He has already gotten his punishment for being a wanna be cop. That is really wtf the stupid sob was guilty of.
Uncle Han's Avatar
God gave them a big brain to make up for their little penis. Not sure what he did for your tribe JL, you appear to have been short sided on both fronts. Originally Posted by WTF
If you are correct Joe Biden, and there exists an inverse relationship between brains and cock size, then you definitely have the biggest cock in the sandbox.

Only problem is, we know how often you are correct.
Everything you provided was a strawman argument. We have no way of knowing if Zimmerman version is correct. We do know that Zimmerman disregarded the 9/11 operator and had already called Martin ''these assholes''.

The link you provided to start this thread has about as much to do with guilt as what a woman was wearing before she was raped. Originally Posted by WTF
Looks like you don't even know what "straw man" argument means.

Your ENTIRE response is predicated on Zimmerman not doing what the 911 operator told him to do.

Is that it? Is that all you have? Because, if so, you FAIL. This may come as a newsflash to you, but you are not required to obey 911 operators. You are still your own best judge of the situation you are in. You do not surrender your rights when you make a 911 call.

If you think so, provide a link.

The 911 operator, under the BEST of circumstances, has no better than a sketchy idea of what is going on. So his or her advice or warning is not determinative of anything.

Zimmerman was already following Martin before the 9-11 operator told him not to follow. And, apparently he got out of the car to check for a street address when the 911 operator asked to his location.

You keep making statements that indicate you somehow KNOW what was going on in Zimmerman's mind and somehow KNOW he was a racist.

As for the comment, "these assholes always get away with it", it sounds to me like he was referring generally to criminals that had victimized the neighborhood before.

How do you get either "blacks" or "racism" out of that comment? Perhaps you should look in the mirror. What is he supposed to call burglars and thugs in the neighborhood? "Gentlemen"?

I can see everybody on this board, including YOU, describing criminals in their neighborhoods as "assholes".

Hell, I'd call you that half the time just based on your posts.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If you are correct Joe Biden (referring herein to WTF), and there exists an inverse relationship between brains and cock size, then you definitely have the biggest cock in the sandbox.

Only problem is, we know how often you are correct. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Uncle Han bitch slap you again WTF !! He too fuckin' smart for you!!
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  • 05-24-2013, 03:26 PM
Uncle Han bitch slap you again WTF !! He too fuckin' smart for you!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
If you tied your lil dick and Uncle Han's pecker together you wouldn't be able to bitch slap a grasshopper with those toothpicks.
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  • 05-24-2013, 03:41 PM

I can see everybody on this board, including YOU, describing criminals in their neighborhoods as "assholes".

Hell, I'd call you that half the time just based on your posts. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Call me wtf you want, I don't give a fluck. Looks like we will have a trial and a jury can hear the case. No harm in people seeing the exact same thing and not agreeing on what they just saw. Like I said imho Zimmerman has gotten punishment enough for acting like a god damn fool and playing like he was some cop. Him sweating out a guilty verdict is just cherry on the cake. Now let me ask you how you would react if some black man followed you around some neighborhood you had walked through to buy some candy and then chased after you? Would you maybe beat his dumbass? Martin's mistake was not realising the wanna be cop was armed.