Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

well exxxxccccuuussseee me....I didn't realize we were working the foreign affairs desk at faux news....not sure why you got so upset....
about 5 minutes after the plane went missing you were already posting your theories' on a hijacking or other terrorist far no group has claimed responsibility and usually terrorists want to take credit as quickly as possible....
than again there could be a lot of other reasons aside from terrorists....
Yes, I DID see the word "MAY" .... AND ... the conclusion is ... by several sources flying over the exact location of the ALLEGED floating items ...
time for you to beam up....

... there are no such floating objects.

Th "NO OBJECT" report was published BEFORE (see that word) YOU POSTED YOUR "MAY"!

Now back to reality. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That story didn't come from nowhere.

PM me for the real story. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I'll save BigKotex the PM. BigTex, the real story is you're a dumbass.

In the event that he sends you a PM, tell BigTex that he is correct. Gonad the Turdfly is a fucking dumbass.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Fixed it fer ya Turdy. Since you are a fucking dumbass there is no charge!
try to remember the investigation is being led by the Malaysian government....they have not been very open about the information they have....they did not ask for outside help for about 2 days...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Hahaha, keep writing this sounds like the beginning of a best seller.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Don't be surprised when it shows up over Kansas carrying a nuke.
Don't be surprised when it shows up over Kansas carrying a nuke. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That would be cool.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
well exxxxccccuuussseee me....I didn't realize we were working the foreign affairs desk at faux news....not sure why you got so upset....
about 5 minutes after the plane went missing you were already posting your theories' on a hijacking or other terrorist far no group has claimed responsibility and usually terrorists want to take credit as quickly as possible....
than again there could be a lot of other reasons aside from terrorists.... Originally Posted by stevepar
Malaysia 370 disappeared at about 0740 (CST) on the 7th of March, 2014. I posted the start of this thread at 0030 (CST) on the 9th of March, 2014. So what is that? 41 hours? Do you want to retract your statement now or continue to look foolish?

Lets answer some of your concerns;

1. Flight 370 is either crashed or someone took it. If it crashed then everyone is dead and no further harm will befall anyone. That seems to be what some of you are hoping for. If someone took it then where is it now. Why was it taken? What happened to the passengers?
A. One theory that I have heard is that the passengers were taken by people unknown. Why? A lot of semiconductor engineers on board. No one would acknowledge taking them (taking credit) because that would justify an attack by the United States, Australia, China just to name a few of the countries involved.
B. Another theory is that the plane was taken to be used for a terrorist act someone else in the world. The plane has a working payload of about 15 tons. The passengers could be taken off, the plane filled with Semtex, repainted, the transponder signal changed, and some other target is going to be hit with a flying bomb. No one would acknowledge this because the operation is not complete yet. Why tip off your target by telling the world you took a plane.
C. Another possible theory is that the plane was taken but it crashed somewhere far away from the likely crash site.

After 9/11 the commission that looked through the data and determined that there was a failure of imagination. That is why they asked several fiction writers to DC to brainstorm what could be done with the proper resources. Though difficult, a plane could be taken (it has been done before), the transponders could be turned off (terrorists are not stupid), and the plane flown on the deck to a new location. No one was looking for it for a few hours and when they did, they were looking in the wrong place. This would give the time for any terrorist to find a safe location, land, and hide the aircraft.

Things that back up the terrorist angle;
Two men with stolen passports from a year apart end up on the same plane at the same time. One hit!
The transponders went off. Hit number two!
The plane was spotted by radar on a different course and heading. Hit number three!
There are reports of cell phones ringing through. Hit number four!
There are reports of the engines flying for four more hours because of telemetry from the engines. Hit number five!
If the plane crashed on land, a black box would start pinging and that hasn't happened. Hit number six!

Any one of these would be cause for suspicion. Two would be cause for concern. Three would be cause for alarm. Four or more...
LexusLover's Avatar
well exxxxccccuuussseee me..... Originally Posted by stevepar
You're not. But you believe what you want to believe.

Just don't expect others to believe you.

Today's news even further distances the facts from the Chinese images.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what if it crashed, JDIdiot?

I guess you've spent three or four days spewing, fuming and beating the drum for no good reason.

OK. Makes perfect sense.
j.d. will be greatly disappointed if the plane actually crashed and there was no sign of terrorist involvement....
None of the theories makes sense. This is a very fucked up situation.

But the worst sounding theory is that the plane was flown to some small deserted island in the Indian Ocean. Really?

A 777 needs a runway about 8,000 feet long for maximum landing weight:

Even if it was NOT at maximum landing weight, it would probably still need about 6,500-7,000 feet. And it has to be reinforced concrete, not a dirt landing strip.

How many remote islands in the Indian Ocean have a runway like that? None?

If if landed at a populated island, there would be witnesses, of course.

And our satellites would have found it on land by now. You just can't hide a 777 and the 239 people on it. Here is more:

I think the best of all the bad theories is that one or both of the pilots took the plane on a suicide mission. They shut down all of the tracking equipment and flew out into the middle of the ocean and ditched.

But, if that is true, why hasn't some jihadist organization taken credit for it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-14-2014, 11:07 AM
the media AND THE WORLD need to put this story to bed until the plane shows up and there's concrete evidence that supports the story ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
None of the theories makes sense. This is a very fucked up situation.

But the worst sounding theory is that the plane was flown to some small deserted island in the Indian Ocean. Really?

A 777 needs a runway about 8,000 feet long for maximum landing weight:

Even if it was NOT at maximum landing weight, it would probably still need about 6,500-7,000 feet. And it has to be reinforced concrete, not a dirt landing strip.

How many remote islands in the Indian Ocean have a runway like that? None?

If if landed at a populated island, there would be witnesses, of course.

And our satellites would have found it on land by now. You just can't hide a 777 and the 239 people on it. Here is more:

I think the best of all the bad theories is that one or both of the pilots took the plane on a suicide mission. They shut down all of the tracking equipment and flew out into the middle of the ocean and ditched.

But, if that is true, why hasn't some jihadist organization taken credit for it? Originally Posted by ExNYer
I never, and I heard no one else say it on this site, said anything about a small deserted island. There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting.

I will answer your question for the third time. If this is an ongoing operation then you don't tip your hand by taking credit.

If this is a real crash then some terrorist organization COULD take credit for something they didn't do.

If this is some kind of quasi government op out of say...Pakistan, then Obama becomes very dangerous. Not because he is but because he really needs to change the subject from Russia, Benghazi, Syria. and the ACA. He just orders some guys to attack a compound, try to get back some hostages and he becomes a hero. I am sure that the Chinese would throw in with him as well. We supply the tech (ships, drones, missiles, infor) and China supplies the troops.

Considering how well Iran has hidden some of the sites, you can hide a 777 in the world today.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-14-2014, 02:49 PM
There are many landing strips in the Pacific left over from World War II. We built them everywhere and never took them out. They won't be in the best shape but they could be cleared for an operation like this and concealed again with potted trees and cargo netting.

wow, talk about dumb.... sheer stupidity on every level.
JCM800's Avatar
A lot of theories on what is most likely nothing more than just an unfortunate plane crash.

No terrorism involved, nothing.

Sometimes shit just happens with no explanation.

Don't be surprised when it shows up over Kansas carrying a nuke. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
That would be cool.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin