Miss Howard (are you the three stooges sister?), why are you attacking me? I pointed out that the thread had deviated but answered the previous posts. I'm surprised that you didn't attack the initial person moving the goal post. Me thinks it says something about you and not us. As for your moron comment. Go pick up a dictionary and do some reading.
I will also remind that my first post on this topic was about our reliance on Russia for our space program such as it is.
I also have to call you out on your OP. You cut and paste some article. I doubt you checked the facts or gave it much thought. It just kind of sounded like something you should be in favor of. An opening post (if it is serious) should express some of your thoughts on the topic. The relationship between Russia and the US has become strained because of Snowden? Things have been strained since Russia refuses to assist with Iran or Iraq, Russia is selling tech to terrorist nations, Russia is selling warships to Red China, Russia demanded (and got) Obama to back down on eastern Europe and the missile defense shield. This is all old news. You came to the table late so don't complain about where you were seated.