It will raise the dead!!!
  • DSK
  • 03-20-2015, 08:32 PM
Bribes? What bribes? Please direct us to the several sources you no doubt have for this information. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Wow - are people bragging about bribes now and providing evidence of their misdeeds?
Remember, Clinton made that welfare reform....then Obama reversed it.

Maybe they should make it mandatory to find a job. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
wellendowed1911's Avatar

And more people voting (the poor, uneducated, dumbed down) would result in people voting for bigger government. And bigger government means more political influence in washington which means more money spent to influence government policies and the administration of government.

Obama has it assbackwards, as usual. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So playing devil's advocate- should they pass laws that the poor and uneducated should not be allowed to vote?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The man who is suppose to be a "constitutional" scholar, wants to take away your right to not vote.

He makes the bogus claim that it would "would counteract the influence of money in politics more than anything else".

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I think the Republicans fear that they will lose elections if this were enforced- also how is this different with the Republicans Voter I.D- where in the constitution does it say you must have ID to vote?

Also, if it helps you 22 countries in the world have mandatory voting and it seems to work great there- all these countries are democracies:

Full list of countries with compulsory voting

Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
France (senate only)

Switzerland (Schaffhausen)
  • DSK
  • 03-21-2015, 07:24 AM
So playing devil's advocate- should they pass laws that the poor and uneducated should not be allowed to vote? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Hell yes!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hell yes! Originally Posted by DSK
Spoken like a true lawyer...
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Hell yes! Originally Posted by DSK
Well if you believe the poor and uneducated shouldn't vote- that would eliminate Lusty Lad, I B Hankering, JD, Whirlaway, and IIF from voting since we know they are a bunch of dumb uneducated fucks- so that suits me fine.
  • DSK
  • 03-21-2015, 09:47 AM
Well if you believe the poor and uneducated shouldn't vote- that would eliminate Lusty Lad, I B Hankering, JD, Whirlaway, and IIF from voting since we know they are a bunch of dumb uneducated fucks- so that suits me fine. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Fair enough my friend, we both disavow universal suffrage - it is merely a matter of who sets what rules for whom.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well if you believe the poor and uneducated shouldn't vote- that would eliminate Lusty Lad, I B Hankering, JD, Whirlaway, and IIF from voting since we know they are a bunch of dumb uneducated fucks- so that suits me fine. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You'd be the dumb, uneducated fuck, WE. It's amazing how you hypocritical dim-retards were two weeks ago arguing how voter ID would abridge a citizen's right to vote, but now you are arguing for a voter verification system -- a voter I.D. system -- that would penalize those who willfully decide not to vote. Choosing not to vote for candidate A or candidate B is still a citizen's right, you dumb as fuck jackasses: a right you dumb-as-fuck, uneducable dim-retards now openly avow to abridge, WE.
You'd be the dumb, uneducated fuck, WE. It's amazing how you hypocritical dim-retards were two weeks ago arguing how voter ID would abridge a citizen's right to vote, but now you are arguing for a voter verification system -- a voter I.D. system -- that would penalize those who willfully decide not to vote. Choosing not to vote for candidate A or candidate B is still a citizen's right, you dumb as fuck jackasses: a right you dumb-as-fuck, uneducable dim-retards now openly avow to abridge, WE. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are perfectly within your rights to continue on being as ignorant as you wish. It was mentioned in passing as an answer to a question at a town hall event. You act like there's a bill up for debate on the floor of the senate as we speak. Calm down. Like the Washington Post, Fox News, etc., you have blown it way out of proportion. I seriously think he says shit like this just to fuck with the idiots. And you guys never disappoint.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution does it say that voting is a right? It doesn't except in later amendments. It talks about voting in general terms but not who has the "privilege" of voting.
The people (undefined) vote for the members of the House.
The state (to be determined by each state) elects or selectes a Senator.
The House and the Senate determine who is to be the President and Vice President.
That was your original voting RIGHT.

They progressives screwed things up by amending the Constitution to make the election of Senators a popular vote process so you end up with Senators who care more about the feelings of the people than what is best for the state.

Later the Constitution was amended to confirm that women had the RIGHT to vote (some states already allowed women voting rights) in national elections but not all women.
Native Americans were recognized as citizens of the United States and were thus allowed to vote.
Black people were allowed to vote earlier but it was a problem in the south and some parts of the north. The voting rights acts of the late 50s and early 60 confirmed that black people had the same right to vote as did white people which meant that not everyone, black, white, or Indian, had a right to vote.
Finally, everyone from 18 to 21 was given the voting privilege because of Vietnam. This last one is the most interesting. Because 19 year olds were bearing the brunt of the war it was thought, rightfully so, that they should have some say.
Using that last idea, that someone is bearing the brunt, I believe that people who are not paying taxes should lose their voting privilege. If you are living off the government it is a conflict of interest to be electing officials who buy your votes with promises of more goodies. Here is my plan (which is about the third time I've posted this):

Repeal the 17th amendment. Let Senators represent the best interest of the state and not the people of the state (that is the job of the House).
Allow all legal US citizens over the age of 18 years to vote in national, state, and local elections with the following exceptions;
A. Anyone who is convicted of a felony cannot vote. (Appeal possible)
B. Anyone who has failed to register for the draft (women will be included in registration).
C. Anyone who has been dishonorably discharged from the US military. (Appeal possible)
D. Anyone who has been ajudicated to be mentally unfit prior to the election. (Appeal possible)
E. Anyone who have been convicted of election fraud.
F. An exception shall be made for anyone who is on active duty in the US military if they have not reached the age of 18 years.
G. Anyone who is currently recieving government benefits which excludes;
1. Social Security beneficiaries
2. Government employees
3. Retirees with a government pension
4. Medicare recipients
5. Retired service members with either a pension or disability payment.

Did I forget anyone? Writing laws is so difficult sometimes. If some House member wrote the above it would probably take a couple of hundred pages to get every little thing that Timmie, Tampon, and WTF would probably try to play on.

The point is that anyone who is doing their job of supporting the country should have a say in how the country works. This is not to say that they are unpatriotic if they have fallen on hard times but that they should get back into the game as soon as possible if they want a say.

Voting should not be required. If you don't feel that it is unimportant, or you don't have time, or you don't want to get involved then go on and live your life. We've got it.

If I had my way I would also require passing a short civics test that has nothing to do with your affiliation but does show that you have an adequate understanding of how our government works.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are perfectly within your rights to continue on being as ignorant as you wish. It was mentioned in passing as an answer to a question at a town hall event. You act like there's a bill up for debate on the floor of the senate as we speak. Calm down. Like the Washington Post, Fox News, etc., you have blown it way out of proportion. I seriously think he says shit like this just to fuck with the idiots. And you guys never disappoint. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You'd be the stupid, uneducable dim-retard trying to deflect and blame Fox News and the Washington Post for the hypocritical political stance avowed in statements made by WE and Odumbo, you "#Grubered" cock-sucking, Odumbo Minion.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are perfectly within your rights to continue on being as ignorant as you wish. It was mentioned in passing as an answer to a question at a town hall event. You act like there's a bill up for debate on the floor of the senate as we speak. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
"Bill"? Who needs a "bill"? Who "mentioned" it "in passing"?

The Executive Order Queen ... Obaminable!!!

Perhaps he will take it before the U.N. for a vote.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You'd be the dumb, uneducated fuck, WE. It's amazing how you hypocritical dim-retards were two weeks ago arguing how voter ID would abridge a citizen's right to vote, but now you are arguing for a voter verification system -- a voter I.D. system -- that would penalize those who willfully decide not to vote. Choosing not to vote for candidate A or candidate B is still a citizen's right, you dumb as fuck jackasses: a right you dumb-as-fuck, uneducable dim-retards now openly avow to abridge, WE. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ok I B riddle me this- since you are so much against the government "forcing" people to vote if they don't choose too or have the desire- what about the women in this country who don't want to be "forced" by the govt to go through a 9 month pregnancy that they choose not to have- you can't have it both ways pal.