All things abortion

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah and they are doing it. Besides Abortion, Wars, violent crime, Disease dangerous drugs and Pharmaceuticals. They're many ways to die. It's hard to control 7 Billion people but 500 million is possible. 500 million slaves for the elite that's their goal. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Who is they?

And how do you not see the irony and hypocrisy of your position here, because, I can assure you everybody else here does.
Who is they?

And how do you not see the irony and hypocrisy of your position here, because, I can assure you everybody else here does. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
They is Government. For Liberals it's become their Religion.
DNinja69's Avatar
Serious question for those on both sides of the abortion fence:

It abortion going away? Ever?

If yes by what method?

If no then the question shifts to what parameters are needed.
Is it legal in other countries? If so then it'll never go away in the US. Every state should just have 16-20 weeks (with that time frame it's likely there doesn't have to be a discussion about rape and incest except in extreme cases). The life and health of the mother should be an exception to the time issue as should viability/quality of life.

Personally, I would allow abortion upon determination of genetic defect but that's one that'll take some fighting.
winn dixie's Avatar
Is it legal in other countries? If so then it'll never go away in the US. Every state should just have 16-20 weeks (with that time frame it's likely there doesn't have to be a discussion about rape and incest except in extreme cases). The life and health of the mother should be an exception to the time issue as should viability/quality of life.

Personally, I would allow abortion upon determination of genetic defect but that's one that'll take some fighting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
100 percent
Good point bringing forward the genetic defects issue. Excellent
txdot-guy's Avatar
Is it legal in other countries? If so then it'll never go away in the US. Every state should just have 16-20 weeks (with that time frame it's likely there doesn't have to be a discussion about rape and incest except in extreme cases). The life and health of the mother should be an exception to the time issue as should viability/quality of life.

Personally, I would allow abortion upon determination of genetic defect but that's one that'll take some fighting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
100 percent
Good point bringing forward the genetic defects issue. Excellent Originally Posted by winn dixie
I would agree with that plan, 20 weeks limit, exceptions for rape incest, life and health of the mother. The problem with determining an exception for genetic defects is what constitutes a defect and who makes the determination. Technically just being genetically male or female could be considered a genetic defect.
I would agree with that plan, 20 weeks limit, exceptions for rape incest, life and health of the mother. The problem with determining an exception for genetic defects is what constitutes a defect and who makes the determination. Technically just being genetically male or female could be considered a genetic defect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Go back and read your last sentence and really think about what you wrote.
VitaMan's Avatar
May I daresay if men could get pregnant, there would be no discussion about this.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They is Government. For Liberals it's become their Religion. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Horse manure.

So the government you detest is prohibiting women from controlling their own health, obliterating their personal liberty and freedom.

How is that OK with you?

Again, the irony is staggering.

Then again you could just be arguing in your spare time.
Horse manure.

So the government you detest is prohibiting women from controlling their own health, obliterating their personal liberty and freedom.

How is that OK with you?

Again, the irony is staggering.

Then again you could just be arguing in your spare time. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Abortion has nothing to do with a Women's Health. There are no Liberty or Freedoms being denied.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I would agree with that plan, 20 weeks limit, exceptions for rape incest, life and health of the mother. The problem with determining an exception for genetic defects is what constitutes a defect and who makes the determination. Technically just being genetically male or female could be considered a genetic defect. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Go back and read your last sentence and really think about what you wrote. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I know what I wrote. The point is that trying to write a law that gives a pass to kill a viable life just because a genetic defect might result in a less than optimal outcome is more than a little repugnant. Killing a child because it’s the wrong sex happens all the time in countries that have biases toward male children. That’s why the male to female ratio in china is off. To much pressure to have a male heir and artificial limitations on the number of children a woman can have.

It’s safer overall when writing an abortion bill to limit abortion after the point of viability to just the safety of the mother’s life. Anything else including rape or incest should be discounted.

I’m not a monster. I don’t like the idea of abortion in general but I don’t think it’s my place or the government’s to make that decision for others. However my limit is the point of viability. After that you are killing a child and you better have a damn good reason to do so. Like if going forward with the pregnancy could kill the mother.

Just my opinion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Abortion has nothing to do with a Women's Health. There are no Liberty or Freedoms being denied. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You are kidding, right?
winn dixie's Avatar
Abortion has nothing to do with a Women's Health. There are no Liberty or Freedoms being denied. Originally Posted by Levianon17
What? Originally Posted by winn dixie
That's right. If you can conjure up one of your off the wall rebuttals go for it.
You are kidding, right? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No Iam not. What Health concern are you talking about? There more Health risks with an Abortion than a women going through with a full term pregnancy. You're just concerned about a Freedom or a right issue associated with Abortion. You couldn't justify it if your life depended on it.