Iran Cheated On Odumbo Before The Ink On The Treaty Was Dry.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Ok whatever you say IB. Sure looks like you don't know your stuff. Is this some more of the "poisonous fruit"? talk. That didn't fly either Originally Posted by themystic

I know November 2018 comes after January 2017. I know that actionable intelligence in a November 2018 document takes priority of dated, two year old report. People who don't know that don't know their stuff.
adav8s28's Avatar
[/SIZE][/COLOR] What Albright reported for the November 2018 article supersedes and takes precedence over what he reported for the January 2017 article.

It was Odumbo's treaty that the Iranian engineer was bragging about violating from day one. Odumbo owns all of those fuck-ups: lock-stock-and-barrel.

The facts are the facts. The facts revealed in the November 2018 article supersede and take precedence over what the facts reported for the January 2017 article.

Like in a football game, a defense that plays 2nd down based on what the offense lined up to do on 1st down will not be properly prepared to deal with the offense that is running a different play on 2nd down.

What the intel agencies thought Iran could do in 2015 or the beginning of 2017 ceased to be not nearly as important as new revelations regarding what the intel agencies learned what Iran could do at the end of 2018.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
From the Nov 2018 article in post #32.

Iran would still need to produce weapons-grade uranium. If it restarts its centrifuges, it could have enough in about seven to 12 months, added Albright, who is preparing reports on the archive.

Before the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal mainly negotiated by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, that would have taken only two months, but under the accord Iran was required to ship about 97 percent of its nuclear fuel out of the country and dismantle most its centrifuges.

So before Obama cut the deal with Iran they were only 2 months away from getting a nuclear weapon. By cutting the deal with Iran the time line was pushed out by years if you go by the second paragraph in the Nov 2018 article. Again Albright said if it RESTARTS its centrifuges. If Trump had not backed out of the deal, Iran would not have that option without breaking the deal themselves. With Trump backing out of the deal Iran could turn on or reactivate the high speed centrifuges that were turned off as part of the deal.

Still you lied when you said Obama has enabled Iran to build a nuke by sending them "Natural Uranium" Natural uranium is harmless and you don't need a PHD in chemistry to figure that out. One more time Natural Uranium has very little of the radioactive isotope of U-235 which is what is needed to make a bomb. Last but not least Albright is guessing about how long it would take. He does not really know what concentration of U-235 Iran Has at this point in time. The deal that Obama cut with Iran was a good deal, they were only two months away according to your own article.

The bottom line is if Iran were to get a Nuke in 12 months, it would be Trumps fault. Trump backed out of the deal and this gave Iran the chance to turn back on all the centrifuges that had been turned off as part of the deal Obama cut with Iran.
themystic's Avatar

I know November 2018 comes after January 2017. I know that actionable intelligence in a November 2018 document takes priority of dated, two year old report. People who don't know that don't know their stuff.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your right IB. I don't know the truth about making nuclear weapons. I know enough about the Iran deal to know Trump is one of the only people in the world that thought it was a bad deal Why don't you just admit Adav knows more than you do about the Iran nuclear deal. Its ok. You know a lot about poisonous fruits. Adav probably doesn't know much about those. Its ok to not know everything about everything, like LL does
I B Hankering's Avatar
From the Nov 2018 article in post #32.

Iran would still need to produce weapons-grade uranium. If it restarts its centrifuges, it could have enough in about seven to 12 months, added Albright, who is preparing reports on the archive.

Before the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal mainly negotiated by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, that would have taken only two months, but under the accord Iran was required to ship about 97 percent of its nuclear fuel out of the country and dismantle most its centrifuges.

So before Obama cut the deal with Iran they were only 2 months away from getting a nuclear weapon. By cutting the deal with Iran the time line was pushed out by years if you go by the second paragraph in the Nov 2018 article. Again Albright said if it RESTARTS its centrifuges. If Trump had not backed out of the deal, Iran would not have that option without breaking the deal themselves. With Trump backing out of the deal Iran could turn on or reactivate the high speed centrifuges that were turned off as part of the deal.

Still you lied when you said Obama has enabled Iran to build a nuke by sending them "Natural Uranium" Natural uranium is harmless and you don't need a PHD in chemistry to figure that out. One more time Natural Uranium has very little of the radioactive isotope of U-235 which is what is needed to make a bomb. Last but not least Albright is guessing about how long it would take. He does not really know what concentration of U-235 Iran Has at this point in time. The deal that Obama cut with Iran was a good deal, they were only two months away according to your own article.

The bottom line is if Iran were to get a Nuke in 12 months, it would be Trumps fault. Trump backed out of the deal and this gave Iran the chance to turn back on all the centrifuges that had been turned off as part of the deal Obama cut with Iran.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
You're ignoring the third article wherein the Iranian engineer bragged about how Iran was never in compliance and continued its program by fooling Odumbo, et al, with Photoshopped pictures of destruction that never happened. Plus, the November 2018 article states seven to twelve months and not the "ten years" Kerry was spreading around. Then there's the article that relates the uranium Odumbo helped sell to the Iranians after Odumbo and hildebeest sold 12% of the U.S.'s strategic uranium reserves to Russia: 10 nuclear weapons. This failure all on Odumbo. The Iranians never stopped their nuclear program, and their missile technology has improved substantially. I didn't lie, those are the facts.

Your right IB. I don't know the truth about making nuclear weapons. I know enough about the Iran deal to know Trump is one of the only people in the world that thought it was a bad deal Why don't you just admit Adav knows more than you do about the Iran nuclear deal. Its ok. You know a lot about poisonous fruits. Adav probably doesn't know much about those. Its ok to not know everything about everything, like LL does Originally Posted by themystic
All one needs to know about Odumbo's treaty is that it is an abject failure and Odumbo and Kerry were fooled by Photoshopped pictures.
adav8s28's Avatar
Plus, the November 2018 article states seven to twelve months and not the "ten years" Kerry was spreading around. I didn't lie, those are the facts.

All one needs to know about Odumbo's treaty is that it is an abject failure. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Kerry did not lie. The terms of the agreement calls for the 13,000 high speed centrifuges to be turned off for 10 years. After 10 years they can be turned on again. Without the high speed centrifuges Iran can't enrich natural Uranium and get the U-235 concentration above 20% (weapons grade level). With Trump backing out of the deal, the high speed centrifuges can be turned on at anytime and Iran can start the enrichment process again.

Your claim that Obama has enabled Iran's nuclear program is just one big lie. Iran was in compliance with turning off the high speed centrifuges and not having any Uranium with a U-235 concentration above 20%. Obama cut a good deal. If Trump had not backed out Iran would have been 10 years away from getting a bomb. They would not have been able to turn on the high speed centrifuges without breaking the agreement. Look at the Summary of Provisions section, that is all you need to see.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-27-2019, 02:36 PM
Kerry did not lie. The terms of the agreement calls for the 13,000 high speed centrifuges to be turned off for 10 years. After 10 years they can be turned on again. Without the high speed centrifuges Iran can't enrich natural Uranium and get the U-235 concentration above 20% (weapons grade level). With Trump backing out of the deal, the high speed centrifuges can be turned on at anytime and Iran can start the enrichment process again.

Your claim that Obama has enabled Iran's nuclear program is just one big lie. Iran was in compliance with turning off the high speed centrifuges and not having any Uranium with a U-235 concentration above 20%. Obama cut a good deal. If Trump had not backed out Iran would have been 10 years away from getting a bomb. They would not have been able to turn on the high speed centrifuges without breaking the agreement. Look at the Summary of Provisions section, that is all you need to see. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Trump backed out of the inspection process and let them continue to sell their oil.

What a dumbfuc.

And I just read where the Saudis were going after nukes!

Welcome DJT to the MuddleEast!
LexusLover's Avatar
Kerry did not lie. The terms of the agreement calls for the 13,000 high speed centrifuges to be turned off for 10 years. After 10 years they can be turned on again. Without the high speed centrifuges Iran can't enrich natural Uranium and get the U-235 concentration above 20% (weapons grade level). Originally Posted by adav8s28
They got it from North Korea, who was enriching it, and there is some indication that Iran received deliveries from the Russians.

Then, of course, there was "the problem" of Iran not allowing inspections as same with Saddam.

The deal was a bad deal.

As for Kerry ... his history is LYING! He also "fraternized" with the enemy of this country while still in the military .... and of course .... he "keeps" great company ...

adav8s28's Avatar
They got it from North Korea, who was enriching it, and there is some indication that Iran received deliveries from the Russians.

The deal was a bad deal.

Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, you are a day late and a dollar short. According to Hankering's guy Albright in post #32, Iran does not have any "enriched uranium"and in order for them to get a bomb they would have to turn on the centrifuges and start enriching uranium. He estimates that they could have a nuke in 12 months. Those are his words not mine.
One more time the deal Obama cut with Iran, the 13,000 high speed centrifuges were to be turned off for 10 years. Go look at the link below. BTW, the inspectors could go into any plant that Iran has.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Kerry did not lie. The terms of the agreement calls for the 13,000 high speed centrifuges to be turned off for 10 years. After 10 years they can be turned on again. Without the high speed centrifuges Iran can't enrich natural Uranium and get the U-235 concentration above 20% (weapons grade level). With Trump backing out of the deal, the high speed centrifuges can be turned on at anytime and Iran can start the enrichment process again.

Your claim that Obama has enabled Iran's nuclear program is just one big lie. Iran was in compliance with turning off the high speed centrifuges and not having any Uranium with a U-235 concentration above 20%. Obama cut a good deal. If Trump had not backed out Iran would have been 10 years away from getting a bomb. They would not have been able to turn on the high speed centrifuges without breaking the agreement. Look at the Summary of Provisions section, that is all you need to see.
Originally Posted by adav8s28
You're still ignoring the article wherein the Iranian engineer bragged about how Iran was never in compliance and continued its program by fooling Odumbo, et al, with Photoshopped pictures of destruction that never happened. Plus, the November 2018 article states seven to twelve months and not the "ten years" Kerry was spreading around. Then there's the article that relates the uranium Odumbo helped sell to the Iranians after Odumbo and hildebeest sold 12% of the U.S.'s strategic uranium reserves to Russia: 10 nuclear weapons. This failure all on Odumbo. The Iranians never stopped their nuclear program, and their missile technology has improved substantially. Those are the facts.

Trump backed out of the inspection process and let them continue to sell their oil.

What a dumbfuc.

And I just read where the Saudis were going after nukes!

Welcome DJT to the MuddleEast!
Originally Posted by WTF
You're blatantly ignoring the article wherein the Iranian engineer bragged about how Iran was never in compliance and continued its program by fooling Odumbo, et al, with Photoshopped pictures of destruction that never happened. Iran wasn't complying and never had any intentions of comply, and Iran's non-compliance was ongoing before the ink had dried on Odumbo's fucked-up treaty ... and before Trump was ever even elected!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how can you be sure that Iran didn't pull a bait n' switch with the uranium?

the article states that Iran got their iranium from Russia and North Korea. who's to say that they didn't get the enriched Iranium from North Korea to replace the ones they gave up and process the ones Russia gave them.
themystic's Avatar
how can you be sure that Iran didn't pull a bait n' switch with the uranium?

the article states that Iran got their iranium from Russia and North Korea. who's to say that they didn't get the enriched Iranium from North Korea to replace the ones they gave up and process the ones Russia gave them. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
And Flynns conviction is getting overturned. First it was his plea. What is it with Trump followers. Maybe ............

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

adav called out the facts about IBs lies
adav8s28's Avatar
Poor, poor Odumbo. The only legacy Odumbo can salvage is if he buys one at a used car lot.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You do not read your own links. This plutonium reactor is not even suitable for making bombs. This guy said they are not interested in getting a bomb. From the link.

However, Salehi insisted that such subterfuge did not indicate that Iran was or is seeking nuclear weapons, as the Trump Administration and Israel insist. Iran’s plan was to modernize the Arak reactor, which was based on an old Russian design, and use the new facility to produce reduced quantities of plutonium that would be used for nuclear fuel, but not weapons, he said.

“First, we do not intend to build a nuclear weapon,” he said and noted the refurbishment was agreed on during the nuclear talks. “Second, this [reactor’s] plutonium is not suitable for nuclear weapons.”
I B Hankering's Avatar
You do not read your own links. This plutonium reactor is not even suitable for making bombs. This guy said they are not interested in getting a bomb. From the link.

However, Salehi insisted that such subterfuge did not indicate that Iran was or is seeking nuclear weapons, as the Trump Administration and Israel insist. Iran’s plan was to modernize the Arak reactor, which was based on an old Russian design, and use the new facility to produce reduced quantities of plutonium that would be used for nuclear fuel, but not weapons, he said.

“First, we do not intend to build a nuclear weapon,” he said and noted the refurbishment was agreed on during the nuclear talks. “Second, this [reactor’s] plutonium is not suitable for nuclear weapons.”
Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yeah, I read all of those articles. I read that Iranians lied about being in compliance with treaty from day-one. I read that the Iranians never intended to be in compliance with the treaty from day-one. I read that in their effort to not be in compliance with the treaty they lied and fooled the Odumbo administration with false images and reports. I read where Odumbo helped Russia sell enough uranium to Iran to make ten nuclear weapons, and I read where the Iranians could field a nuclear weapon in as short a period as seven months -- not ten years as Odumbo and Kerry lyingly claimed. And if you are so gullible as to believe the demonstrably lying Iranian liars aren't developing nuclear weapons, then why the hell are they investing so heavily in ICBM delivery systems? I bet you voted for hildebeest too, right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-29-2019, 07:34 AM
Yeah, I read all of those articles. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did you read how stupid it was to pull out of a deal where you take your inspectors out of a country that you want to inspect!

What a dumbfuck move. We should be doing business with Iran.

Clinton did that in Iraq and look where that got us when Bush needed actionable intelligence!

Besides, Trump has ceded the ME to Russia , Isreal , China and Europe. He does not give a fuck about Iran...if he did he wouldn't of tuck tail and ran from Syria.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Did you read how stupid it was to pull out of a deal where you take your inspectors out of a country that you want to inspect!

What a dumbfuck move. We should be doing business with Iran.

Clinton did that in Iraq and look where that got us when Bush needed actionable intelligence!

Besides, Trump has ceded the ME to Russia , Isreal , China and Europe. He does not give a fuck about Iran...if he did he wouldn't of tuck tail and ran from Syria.
Originally Posted by WTF
I read that Iran was in non-compliance with the treaty before the ink was dry. So what was it Trump pulled out of? NOTHING! Because Odumbo's treaty was a farce -- a delusion that only Odumbo and Kerry believed: a bad-faith delusion that Iran never honored.