Yes, the outrage seems ridiculous, but it is necessary to try to prevent small transgressions from becoming big ones.


[C]onceding a little ground usually leads to bigger concessions, as it did for the tobacco industry. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Sorry, apples and oranges here. The tobacco companies lied about addictive qualities and ramped up nicotine levels to get people addicted. They also lied and denied regarding cancer causation.

Old Dingus
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Leaker's statement: 'I am unbowed'

Only because he hasn't been in the general population yet.
If he wants to be a hero or a martyr, he needs to come home and put the government on trial. He will lose his case, but running and affiliating with Assange is not helping his cause.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-02-2013, 04:17 AM
I will not help answer the question because I think it off point. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Off point? Your very first post in this thread quoted me, and that very same question.

Nevertheless, an answer isn't really expected since i think i already know what it is.

Damage doesn't need be done for a method to be wrong.
No, it doesn't. But there's a difference between running a stop sign, and running a stop sign and killing somebody. Particularly if you ran the stop sign because the person in the back-seat is having a heart attack and you're trying to get to the hospital and your sole intent is to save a life.
LexusLover's Avatar
A problem this guy has is:

#1, no body likes someone who snitches on their own country, not even Putin, #2, he has snitched on Obaminable's administration, which pisses them off, and #2, he has snitched on a program that the Republicans have been "approving" for years.

Now he has to deal with the devil. Putin. Good luck with the KGB.
May live out the rest of his life in the airport. Wonder if there are hookers there?