New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Would Kick 181 Million Off Private Insurance

I'm sorry Obamacare hurt you and others. AGAIN -- Republicans have had 8 years to come up with a healthcare plan superior to Obamacare. NOTHING YET!!

I am forced by the government to purchase insurance for my automobiles. Is THAT socialism?

So your answer to my question

So you are completely against giving people any form of government assistance such as medicaid, TANF, CHIPS, SNAP, EITC, Supplemental Security Income, and housing assistance, which are welfare programs in the U.S.?

is "All the programs that you mentioned are ripe with inefficiency, out of control spending, fraud and going broke...yeah their great."

Anything other than your opinion to back that statement up? You are long on opinions, short on facts. Hopefully you will never have someone who needs government assistance on a temporary basis. I have and that temporary assistance was a life-saver.

Calling someone a socialist, which you tend to call anyone whose political viewpoints differ from your viewpoints, is wrong. Especially when you are clueless as to the other person's political viewpoints.

So please -- go ahead and call others "gutless" and that all liberals want bankrupt the country. How little you know. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Speaking of short on facts Speedy. Again with the phony comparison to auto insurance? If you don't drive, you don't need to purchase auto insurance. Obama FORCED everybody to purchase an expensive plan or get fined (it was never a tax, he always called it a fine). Trump is attempting to remove a big problem by allowing insurance to be purchased across state lines. That alone would open up competition and lower prices. Seems it's the Dems who don't like that.
Do ya thinks their support of such a fiscally reckless and irresponsible idea is correlated to the fact that neither one of those two idiots ever took a course in economics?

Not sure about their math proficiency either....

But they both earned an "A" in Pandering 101!! Originally Posted by lustylad

It will be interesting to see how they pander when people read this and see that over 800,000 people would lose their jobs under this monstrosity. There goes your tax money that was going to pay for this. Doesn't matter what your tax rates are if nobody's employed.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So if we go to medicare for all I don't think the millions and millions- did I say millions -of heath care professionals are going to be willing to take a pay cut. Trump just picked up more votes. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You are making the huge assumption that whoever becomes the Democratic candidate for POTUS will campaign on Medicare for All.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 03:33 PM
(referring to ACA) Replacing a broken system is an imperative.

- Obamacare is far from perfect. Work to find something better. So far the Republicans have offered NOTHING.

Agreed - and a major issue for Republicans is to develop a system that combines private, competitive insurance market with other coverage for those indigent and with pre-existing conditions.

They have not done so, and the DPST party Will Not do so!
It is a major omission for the 2020 campaign - and it is needed to develop a better plan than Bernie'/Warren Medicare single payor for the nation.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Speaking of short on facts Speedy. Again with the phony comparison to auto insurance? If you don't drive, you don't need to purchase auto insurance. Obama FORCED everybody to purchase an expensive plan or get fined (it was never a tax, he always called it a fine). Trump is attempting to remove a big problem by allowing insurance to be purchased across state lines. That alone would open up competition and lower prices. Seems it's the Dems who don't like that. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Fair point on auto insurance.
  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 03:36 PM
You are making the huge assumption that whoever becomes the Democratic candidate for POTUS will campaign on Medicare for All. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Given the radicalism of the Left on display for All - I think that is a fair assumption
I expect to see it in the DPST platform.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
(referring to ACA) Replacing a broken system is an imperative.

- Obamacare is far from perfect. Work to find something better. So far the Republicans have offered NOTHING.

Agreed - and a major issue for Republicans is to develop a system that combines private, competitive insurance market with other coverage for those indigent and with pre-existing conditions.

They have not done so, and the DPST party Will Not do so!
It is a major omission for the 2020 campaign - and it is needed to develop a better plan than Bernie'/Warren Medicare single payor for the nation. Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree on all your points. But nothing will get done unless there is compromise on BOTH sides of the aisle.
You supply this board with all the shit it needs. I'll pass. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Are you Mr. or hide!!
You never answer direct questions...typical left wing obfuscation.

Is socialism name calling...won't get an answer there.
Forcing people to purchase healthcare...won't get an answer there. You tried to make the auto insurance comparison...YOU FAILED!!

Shoving Obummercare down the throats of the American people with ZERO support of the opposition party...won't get an answer there.

That the Gumment is inefficient, bloated and spends to much can't and won't acknowledge that!!

You talk about "shit" on this sling it and run.
Your TDS has consumed continually espouse this socialist ideology and don't know my political ideology...from the man who said "I've become a Democrap".

You try and play this sanctimonious above the fray crap as though your the "gentleman" and you tell us who you respect and don't as though we give a shit!!

Come down off you "high horse" and response to each point...I know you won't.
It just proves my'll pass!!
Replacing a broken system is an imperative.

Haven't seen anything resembling a proposal from Trump or his bobbleheads. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your SACRED Gumment doesn't belong in healthcare or 99% of the other shit it has it's incompetent and inefficient hands in!!
I don't expect you to EVER comprehend that!!
Bobbleheads...didn't you say something about name calling and insults??HUMMM...I guess it doesn't apply to you!!
I'm not concerned if you are hung up on Obamacare or not.

The OP is about replacing private insurance of 181 million with "Medicare for all".

As I noted, Obama, as well as many others on the left, had alluded to and even post passage stated that it was the conduit to get to single payer government run healthcare. There is no doubt about that.

It didn't luckily become deeply rooted enough and has been sufficiently gutted to have lost it's ability to force that takeover by the government of the industry.

As such, you now have even the left railing against it and demanding the Medicare for all replacement.[/QUOTE

I do not support Medicare for All. Got it??

What I have said is that only 2 of the 20+ candidates for the Democratic nomination for POTUS support Medicare for All.

There is a HUGE difference between "alluding to" something and taking action to get it done.

Now you can leap to the conclusion that the real goal of all the Democrats is moving from the ACA to Medicare for All but even if true, it won't happen.

As I keep saying -- Obamacare is far from perfect. Work to find something better. So far the Republicans have offered NOTHING. Originally Posted by eccielover
Again your PRECIOUS Gumment...they don't belong in 99% of what they are fucking up now!!
Fair point on auto insurance. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
This is part of your thought's all after the fact.
Think before you speak.
I agree on all your points. But nothing will get done unless there is compromise on BOTH sides of the aisle. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Like the passing of the unACA...DO TELL SPEED!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
oy Behar Calls Elizabeth Warren’s Tuesday Night Medicare-for-All Push the Democratic Party’s ‘Death Knell’

Posted at 9:10 pm on July 31, 2019 by Alex Parker

Every now and then, The View star Joy Behar goes against one of her own (like here).

On Wednesday, the liberal pundit called out Elizabeth Warren over her push for Medicare-for-All.

Not only is it, in Behar’s view, a “big mistake;” it’s a flat-out “death knell” for Democrats.

While going over the highlights from Tuesday’s Dem debate (one of which was, to me, Tim Ryan losinghere), Joy declared Joe Biden the victor.

And why? Though he wasn’t onstage, Joe won because of Elizabeth’s Medicare madness:
“I love Elizabeth Warren, but this Medicare-for-All with the exclusion of private insurance is the death knell of the party, in my opinion. I have Medicare, and I also have private insurance. I like it, all of it. I want all of it.”
CANDIDATES’ STRONGEST, WEAKEST MOMENTS: Following the first night of July’s #DemDebate, the co-hosts discuss the biggest moments and share their takeaways.
— The View (@TheView) July 31, 2019

You may be surprised:
“I’m not sure that these independents — Americans don’t want to give up their stuff. We’ve got it, we want it, and I think she’s making a big mistake. So that’s why I said Biden won, because he’s in the middle.”
So Joy thinks the populace doesn’t want Washington solely in charge of their healthcare? And they want the ability to purchase for themselves?

I’d wager she’s right.

A sizable chunk of Blue politicians likely disagree. Apropos, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez touts socialism, wherein the ultimate Big Business — the government — owns all products and means of production. That’s a monopolized system if there ever was one.

And Cory Booker believes patriotic people wanna give up more of their hard-earned resources to Uncle Bernie…I mean, Sam (here):
“We live in a nation with far more patriotism than people are expressing. What I mean by that is folks want the best for their country. And they know that if your family doesn’t have a great public school for your kid, if your family does not have great access to healthcare, then we all are suffering as a result of that and often creating greater costs. … We’re all hurting because we have not designed an economy that invests in each other.”
Joy’s lookin’ not so liberal after all.

Oh, wait; she also said the following: To oust Trump, she’d vote for “any functioning adult at this point.”

Yeah — that’s sounds more like it.

Welcome back, Behar. I thought we’d lost ya.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Again your PRECIOUS Gumment...they don't belong in 99% of what they are fucking up now!! Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You can complain all you want. Nothing will change.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Like the passing of the unACA...DO TELL SPEED!! Originally Posted by bb1961
It was passed. Republicans have had 8 years to propose a better health care plan and have not done so. So the Democrats are to blame for the ineptitude of the Republicans?

When something better comes along it should become law. Until then, the ACA should remain in place.