My 1st 6 Months - A Hobbyist's Review

Lucky LaRue's Avatar
Thank You for your post Irish and MM. Both are great common sense advise points. What is lacking is the common sense of many of the persons involved with "The hobby". There are few basic ground rules. It is not hard to adhere to them and a safe, enjoyable time can be had by all parties involved. Once again thank You and thanks to all who have provided their useful feedback.
Lucky LaRue's Avatar
Oh shit Redleg I have missed several opportunities for a bubble bath with Dallas Rain. My bad.Thanks for the reminder.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
First time seeing this .... so much YES.

Getting into this Hobby 6 months ago, I had some pre-conceived notions but truly had no idea what I was getting into. I had dabbled in the Hobby 6 years ago after my divorce when the only thing I knew was going to the "E" section of the yellow pages and calling the numbers I found under Escorts. I was fortunate and found an ATF almost immediately and she was the only one I saw up until February of this year when she moved on with her life and got out of the Hobby.. So back in the game I came and WOW has it been one helluva a ride in these 1st six months!!! That said, I've decided to recap some of the things I've learned along the way. It's a collection of 10 critical points. I share in the hopes that this can give guidance to newer Hobbyists and/or just provide some enjoyable reading. These points are merely my opinions based on what I've seen or heard... Nothing more, nothing less...

1) The Hobby - 1st things 1st... Forget what you've heard and come in with an open mind. You are entering a world with some very diverse, unique and genuine people. Good people... Great people!!! There are the shady ones that you'll need to watch out for however they are the vast minority and often times Karma does her thing and weeds them out rather quickly.

2) Verification - Spend the money and get verified. Preferred 411 seems to be the best avenue... This will save you a lot of time and frustration.

3) BE CLEAN FOR F**K'S SAKE!!!! This is without a doubt the biggest complaint I've heard from Providers. Think about what you're going to be doing.... Take the time to wash up paying particular attention to the "special" parts... I always try to shower within 1 hour of the appointment time.. Showing up with bad BO, booty funk and a dose of nut sweat is not cool...

4) Understand the rules of engagement. Do your homework on the provider your going to be seeing.. Read their reviews, learn what services are on the menu and the prices... This will help ensure a good experience.

5) That Guy - In line with #4, don't be that guy who tries to talk down prices or negotiate services that the Provider has set. If it's $300 an hour pay it... If she doesn't offer a certain service, don't try to persuade her to do it. For the most part, you're dealing with professional woman and this is either entirely or partially their income. If you've established a relationship and a solid rapport with a Provider, feel free to discuss business arrangements... Just don't do it right out of the gate.. If you got hired to do a certain job at $12 an hour and then you show up on your 1st day and the boss tells you that the pay is actually $8 an hour and you're going to be doing something totally different, how cool are you going to be with that?????

6) YMMV - "Your Mileage May Vary": This is a very real and tangible thing in the Hobby and is just another way of saying chemistry between one another. Just because "Bill Doe" wrote a great review on a provider and had the best time of his life, this MAY NOT be the same case for you. We're all human and it's a fact that we will not always gel like others have..

7) Communication is Critical - Things are going to happen in life that will interfere with your ability to make it to an appointment. Communicate this as early as possible so the Provider can make other arrangements. Providers, the same goes for you as well!

8) Disappointing things will happen - You'll get no call/ no showed.. You'll have less than savory experiences... Don't take it personal... There are a lot of awesome ladies out there and from my perspective, it's a buyer's market.

9) Emotions - Now this is a very touchy area and everybody is different.. If you're here and looking for a "true" girlfriend/ wife, it's probably not the best place. Try E-Harmony or Remember that your paying for a fantasy. When the ride comes to a stop, it's over. It's business. The Hobby can be highly addicting and before you know it you're in too deep... Make sure you check yourself early and often and keep a level head. If you're getting twisted because a Provider doesn't return your PM's or texts as quickly as you'd like and/ or when you see another guy's review of her and it pisses you off.... NOT GOOD! I guess the best piece of advice on this comes from the movie "HEAT" when Robert DeNiro's character explains that if you don't wanna get pinched, do not get attached to anything you can't walk away from in 30 seconds flat.... Now all this said... some very beautiful things can happen!!!!! We're all human.. JUST BE CAREFUL!!!

10) Reviews - These are critical for us as Hobbyist's to do our homework and for Providers as positive advertisement. If you had a great time with a Provider, SHARE IT!!! Now... What about negative reviews... I have yet to write one but the law of averages says that the longer I'm in this Hobby, eventually it will happen. The following is the criteria I would use to warrant a "No" recommendation:

*** The Bait N' Switch - Pics are not a representation of the provider who arrives.

*** No Call/ No Show - After the appt. is set (Agreed upon date, time & location), the provider fails to show and fails to contact you in a manner consistent with previous communications (PM's, texts, phone calls etc....) As I've mentioned before, I'll give them 24 hours to respond. If nothing, fair game.

*** Theft - Theft of money, time or any other property of yours.

*** Violence - Any physical violence (not requested by you that is )

*** Upselling - Provider asks for more money than what she advertises.

*** Anything that could be considered a danger to your fellow Hobbyists. (IV drug use etc...)

*** I will always try to handle a poor situation behind closed doors. If it can't be resolved and my peers need to know, the review will go up and only the facts will be shared... While I'm sure I'll be pissed, I will keep my emotions out of it.

In closing, I will just say this... The Hobby is a two-way street. The rules that apply to providers also apply to us as well. Treat the other person with respect and the vast majority of the time it will work to everyone's favor. HAVE FUN, STAY DRAMA FREE AND BE SAFE!!! Originally Posted by Irish14
CasanovaJJ's Avatar
This is literally the post I've been looking for the last few days as far as how to get started. Thank you sir, even though this was posted over a year ago lol. P411 is definitely the gold standard as I've learned.

I like the layout of eccie more honestly, but it's all about safety for both me and the ladies and p411 provides that!

Anyway, I'm going to follow this to the T in my getting started. Thank you again!!

*Now to figure out how to set an avatar*... lol
Brilliant thread !!!