New group in formation The Young Guns

  • Booth
  • 02-08-2011, 10:22 PM
well, in the future, please you the commonly accepted internet format of using the @ symbol when responding to one person and one person only... e.g. @Booth, please refrain from putting your head up your ass Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
So quoting you as I just did and stating "You're being ridiculous" is not sufficient? I have to say @Kittyloveratx you're being ridiculous?

Clearly you're a little slow on the uptake.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
see now booth, your lack of education is showing. You responded that you were responding to wyldeman and wyldeman only, which, had you followed the commonly accepted internet standard would have eliminated any misunderstanding as to why I think you are an uneducated oaf. :d
  • 02-08-2011, 10:25 PM
Eh. I'm already excluded. Have at it!
Guest031411-2's Avatar
@jimbo1605 - lol, seriously, I would bet that the most of the guys responding would be excluded including myself and I know a couple of the ladies that exceed the age threshold as well
  • Booth
  • 02-08-2011, 10:27 PM
see now booth, your lack of education is showing. You responded that you were responding to wyldeman and wyldeman only, which, had you followed the commonly accepted internet standard would have eliminated any misunderstanding as to why I think you are an uneducated oaf. :d Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
WTF are you talking about? I quoted him in my response. How stupid do you have to be not to see that? How vain must you be to think my response to another person's quote was directed at you?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Well KittyLover after a few beers with AG and we thought of this group we thought it was funny and would get some feathers all ruffled. It worked someone has been nailing the RMT button.

There is the Attack Pack and we wanted to have the Young Guns a friendlier group.

Instead it seams to have been taken as a attack on a fews way of life as they know it.

Again I say get thicker skin and do not drink the kool aid.
  • 02-08-2011, 10:29 PM
@kittyloveratx (and all the old farts) - Let get our own group! The Geritol Gentlemen! hehe!

Whatever...I just think it's interesting that age has anything to do with this.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
would the young guns like to have an older 'mentor'? LOL, kind of like every frat house has graduated members come in for support? Just trying to get a way past that silly age limit you posted
Guest031411-2's Avatar
@booth - dude, take a chill pill. its all in good fun, its co-ed right? smiley face makes it all ok!

@jimbo - i think the name will need to be put to a vote, like elderly erections, The Geritol Gentleman, The blue man Group, mature masturbators, etc... etc....etc...
Guest031411-2's Avatar
The Past my bed-time perfomers LOL
WyldemanATX's Avatar
AG actually came up with the age limit but geez it is supposed to be a joke for the most part. I like to have fun period joke around and I can take what I dish out too. I just think people have been taken the stuff put out on a message board on the internet too seriously.

So sit back take a good look at everything on here and laugh at it for what it really is funny.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 02-08-2011, 10:39 PM
I am always amazed that some guys on here are willing to meet as a group - without necessarily knowing who will be there. I don't ever want to meet any of the guys on here, because chances are that I know some from work-related or other activities. Once you are outed, you can't undo it. Maybe I have more to lose or I am just more discreet.
jimmers's Avatar
Sigh, I read the entertaining first two pages, then I ran out of popcorn. Anyone with cliff notes for pages 3-5?
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Jimmers Cliff notes was a topic of discussion at P10 as well there are some long winded people here. That is why I just leave the bullet points.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
@jimmers - cliff notes, to many people with their underwear in a wad (if they don't wear underwear then they perceived their potential bankroll as being in a wad e.g. gone because people were talking about getting FREE Sex on a p4p site), a bunch of silly posts, some people taking things to seriously posts, and then a post that someone was worried about being seen with a group where he might know someone. Thus ended the lesson for today LOL.....