Trumps Thinks American Soldiers Are Whores and Sells Them Like Pussy

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Whatever amount the Saudis are paying to the United States government and our arms manufacturers is a drop in the bucket compared to what we're spending out of pocket on the Middle East. Why are we there? We're a net oil exporter now.

And if we're going to do this, we need to do it like Americans, not Commie Cubans. The Cubans send their doctors and nurses to other countries and charge the host countries millions upon millions of dollars for this. Then they turn around and pay the Cuban health care professionals maybe $40 a month. It's slave labor. We shouldn't be sending Americans to Saudi Arabia and paying them a pittance. Make the Saudis pay an arm and a leg and raise the salaries of American servicemen so that it makes sense for them to voluntarily risk their lives. Or even better yet put it all in the hands of the private sector and make it legal to be a mercenary.

I'm saying this tongue in cheek, but definitely see SC's point. I also agree with LL and others, we need to make the Europeans and others pay for their own defense, although I'd like to see this result in a big reduction in what we're paying, and that's not happening. Originally Posted by Tiny

you made duplicate quotes.

its being done for Europe's benefit. U.S. has a euro-centric policy regarding the mid-east that has been in place for decades since the 1950's. its time we moved on from that.