Bad news from Kynsley Morgan

MOD!!!!! Eccie rule #2 Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable period. Hence remove her racist remark.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
It was so much more pleasant when you were banned.

Cracker = redneck. It ain't racist, it's descriptive.

Well, I can say the cracker because it is a personal remark towards myself as I was called a ritz cracker in school lol.
Lightly salty, buttery (yellow) and it just fit.
No need to RTM because it was not a racial remark towards caucasians. defination 4 and 5 disagrees with u.
guest071618-1's Avatar defination 4 and 5 disagrees with u. Originally Posted by billyland
Dude, just use RTM and let MODs decide. BUT just move on afterward.... trust me when u start up lay with RTM game, I will be using it for first time and many more I can find on ur posts.

Ur obsession is beyond ridiculous now that it’s making me wonder u need to be checked out
DocHolyday's Avatar
Ladies and gentlemen...PLEASE!!! NONE of this drama is related to the TOPIC OF THIS THREAD!!!

Can we PLEASE get back to the sleepy but informative Mississippi Board and put a sock in all the drama???