What if you fall in love

SofaKingFun's Avatar
I'd suggest that you proceed cautiously--whatever your decision. If you're putting your heart out there, you'd better make sure that you're getting the GFE and not the illusion of one.

It's been my experience that the really great GFE providers sold the illusion effortlessly. Everything just seemed to click and fall into place far too easily But, whenever I found myself slipping towards that boundary line, I checked myself and reeled those feelers back in. That's me though. I tend to do that with any committed relationship --regardless the situation. I guess in a hobby environment the primary reason was because I wouldn't want someone I loved to be doing this for a living. And since it would have been a new, budding relationship I had no idea where it would have led and I certainly wasn't going to take her away from this and financially support her while we were finding out, so that made the decision much easier.

I have found a happy medium though.

I allow myself to fall in love with a provider a couple of hours at a time --from doorknob to doorknob. Sure we may talk or see one another in between these visits. But I'm really showing how much I care for her by not dragging her into a relationship that I know I'm going to end up somehow fucking up down the road anyway. I know me...better than anyone, so I knew what I was talking about.

Idk, that approach has worked-out pretty well for me and I've found that by using this it's far less messy than an actual relationship.

It's your life and your decision. So weigh it up and put some serious thought into it. I wish you the best of luck.
Wow. What a deep conversation. I could see myself falling for a provider, but I would have to put myself in check and remember that I knowing myself as I do would end up on the losing end of the stick at some point and get hurt as i have a few dozen times in civilian relationships. Im not a new kid to life and grew up to a very hard and drama filled life which took me moving half way across the country to get straightend out and away from all the drama. I certianly dont and cant do that again. I've learned alot in my short 31 years and I dont really want to have to go start over and re learn life again. I think that in my case if it were to happen I would have to start pulling away. I'm not sure i could live with knowing that she was a provider and at the end of the day I was coming home to her after a few other gents. I know that it is kind of 2 faced but it is how i feel.
Jasser's Avatar

If for some fuq'd reason I thought I was falling in love, I would just think of the previous women I "loved". That would be enough for me to say "fuq that".

I mean reallly, several years ago I was in "love". Now I'm replying to a post on a review forum for hookers and johns.

Isn't love grand?

I'd take a deep breath and conclude that I obviously had no life.
Will Boner's Avatar

I mean really, several years ago I was in "love". Now I'm replying to a post on a review forum for hookers and johns.

Originally Posted by Jasser

Paging 32 flavors

32 flavors you have a call at the desk

anybody seen 32 flavors
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Ringo, if only I "could" buy another ticket and ride again...
warlock's Avatar
Miss the old avatar TGO.
Bestman200600's Avatar
There are some nice ladies out there and it would be easy to start thinking beyond just hobbying. Things can get confusing.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Lets get back to more important things, like, ballsack teabagging!
I'm here for the assmazement, you don't want anything else,
neither do they.
Love makes you do the dumbest shit possible, alcohol and drugs cant impair your judgement like love does.
I would say go read discussions by GUC and "R" but we are unable to do so..... that will make you back away from falling in love with a provider !
Hercules's Avatar
I would say go read discussions by GUC and "R" but we are unable to do so..... that will make you back away from falling in love with a provider ! Originally Posted by Lana Storm
That explosion should be required reading for both sexes.
LatexLover's Avatar
Love makes you do the dumbest shit possible, alcohol and drugs cant impair your judgement like love does. Originally Posted by Angelsshadow

Amen brother! Pussy will make you do some dumb shit too!
Like2Bone's Avatar
Hell I don't even enjoy spending time with me 24/7, why would someone else?