Can Trump win?

After watching Joe's speech, that's EXACTLY the kind of idiot we need in the White House to handle a crisis like this!! .....One who loses his thought process in the middle of a sentence, and can't conceievably put competent sentences together without stumbling, mumbling, bumbling ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Fast forward to the fall when the Presidential debates begin. Trump is no master debater, in the traditional sense. Matter of fact I think he lost both the first and third debates to a charisma-less, yet experienced debater in Hillary Clinton. However, Trump is going to wipe the floor with the version of Biden we have seen recently.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Like there are people in your country who are undecideds...
adav8s28's Avatar
his endorsement would have sealed up the nomination for Biden months ago and not given Sanders any life. Now, you will have a sizable number of Bernie backers who are either sit this election out, or actively vote against Biden. Originally Posted by SecretE
Obama let Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina save sleepy Joe's campaign. It will not matter what happens during the debates. The next presidential election will be a four state race (Penn,Mich,Wisc,Ariz). If sleepy Joe can flip any three of these 4 back to blue, Biden will get the 270 electoral college votes for the win.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Obama let Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina save sleepy Joe's campaign. It will not matter what happens during the debates. The next presidential election will be a four state race (Penn,Mich,Wisc,Ariz). If sleepy Joe can flip any three of these 4 back to blue, Biden will get the 270 electoral college votes for the win. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I would add Florida to your list for sure. One can never tell which way that state will go. Republicans won the Senate seat and the Governor's seat in 2018 midtermsso I would say it leans slightly Republican right now. Trump leads in polls but within the margin of error.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Obama let Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina save sleepy Joe's campaign. It will not matter what happens during the debates. The next presidential election will be a four state race (Penn,Mich,Wisc,Ariz). If sleepy Joe can flip any three of these 4 back to blue, Biden will get the 270 electoral college votes for the win. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Not true. He’d need to flip more than 1.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Not true. He’d need to flip more than 1. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
True. I believe he would need to flip Florida and one other state or, losing Florida, would have to flip 3 states.

But I believe he said Biden would have to flip 3 of those 4 states, which is true.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2020, 07:16 AM
Obama let Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina save sleepy Joe's campaign. It will not matter what happens during the debates. The next presidential election will be a four state race (Penn,Mich,Wisc,Ariz). If sleepy Joe can flip any three of these 4 back to blue, Biden will get the 270 electoral college votes for the win. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I think he (Biden)wins Pennsylvania and Michigan and it comes down to Wisconsin. Not sure he can flip Arizona.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think he (Biden)wins Pennsylvania and Michigan and it comes down to Wisconsin. Not sure he can flip Arizona. Originally Posted by WTF
Arizona went for Trump by 3.5% in 2016. Romney won the state by 10% in 2012. In the 2018 midterms, Democrat Sinema won the Senate race, taking a Republican held seat. Republican won the Governor race. Democrat Kelly is favored to win the 2020 Senate race. Biden easily won the Democratic primary.

Current polls, for what they are worth 7+ months before the election, have Biden ahead.!

Arizona is becoming more blue every year and based on recent voting results I would call it a battleground state.
Arizona went for Trump by 3.5% in 2016. Romney won the state by 10% in 2012. In the 2018 midterms, Democrat Sinema won the Senate race, taking a Republican held seat. Republican won the Governor race. Democrat Kelly is favored to win the 2020 Senate race. Biden easily won the Democratic primary.

Current polls, for what they are worth 7+ months before the election, have Biden ahead.!

Arizona is becoming more blue every year and based on recent voting results I would call it a battleground state. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I have to agree. AZ cannot reliably be put into the GOP pile anymore. However, the last poll conducted on that aggregate was March 15. I suspect that will change in Trump's favor a bit considering how his administration is addressing the pandemic, and Biden is nowhere to be found (and when he is found, is fumbling so badly).
  • Tiny
  • 03-28-2020, 04:18 PM
Arizona went for Trump by 3.5% in 2016. Romney won the state by 10% in 2012. In the 2018 midterms, Democrat Sinema won the Senate race, taking a Republican held seat. Republican won the Governor race. Democrat Kelly is favored to win the 2020 Senate race. Biden easily won the Democratic primary.

Current polls, for what they are worth 7+ months before the election, have Biden ahead.!

Arizona is becoming more blue every year and based on recent voting results I would call it a battleground state. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Add Iowa and North Carolina to the list. Biden is about three or four points ahead in polls there.

The economy is about to go through an extremely rough patch. The thing that could save Trump is if people rally behind him because of the coronavirus epidemic and approve of the way he's dealing with it. And if he could also control what comes out of his mouth between now and the election he'd have a great chance of winning.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Add Iowa and North Carolina to the list. Biden is about three or four points ahead in polls there.

The economy is about to go through an extremely rough patch. The thing that could save Trump is if people rally behind him because of the coronavirus epidemic and approve of the way he's dealing with it. And if he could also control what comes out of his mouth between now and the election he'd have a great chance of winning. Originally Posted by Tiny
I don;t know about Iowa. Few indications that the state will swing Democratic at the current time.!

NC is a possible flip. Biden has been leading in polls but no polls done recently. Incumbent Republican Senator is in a very tight race for reelection in 2020. He is not well liked in the state and his race could impact the presidential race within the state.!

And I agree that Trump's actions on the coronavirus will go a long way to determining which way the election goes in November.