Hambone Spoke but what happen?

notanewbie's Avatar
I thought I was scared of number one before, now I am terrified.
dearhunter's Avatar

So, how does it feel to have Admin decide that the appearance of theft amounts to theft?

To quote you:

Having information is one thing.

theft is another.

so is the "appearance of theft."

Whether or not your solicitation to your email bank intended as theft... it is if they accept it as such.

I replaced the orginal word "intimidation" with theft.

But, that was your response to me..............pretty much the same.

Your original quote (unaltered):

making fun is one thing.

intimidation is another.

so is the "appearance of intimidation."

Whether or not your posts ripping into providers is intended as intimidation... it is if they accept it as such.
notanewbie's Avatar
metal_head's Avatar
yes, it mirrored aspd -- intentionally, to assist new members with a bit of comfort zone. Bad enough to learn a new board operation much less new forum navigation. We would have used the ASPD green had it been available. Originally Posted by ck1942
Ck, nobody ever said a "mirror" of ASPD was a bad thing. I'm sorry if it came across that way. I understand the need to have a place that is "member friendly." Look at this place. The fact that you created a sight like that, with all of the forums and layout like ASPD had, impresses me, and thank you for it. We all had a place to go, a 2nd home, durring the crash. Your efforts as the Admin of ASPD are appreciated, and will never be forgotten.
dearhunter's Avatar
By that logic...........I have "intimidated" every provider who decides I have done so.

and..........you stole information from ASPD. Because, someone over there decided you have done so.

Works for me.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Helluva' chess match! Is it Black or White's move?
dearhunter's Avatar
.....as they all sat there patiently waiting.
boardman's Avatar
Awwwww, Fuck!
Wayward's Avatar
I just want to make one thing perfectly clear on ymwv we do OWN you. Every last one of you. We know who has clicked on the terms of service and who was thinking about clicking on it. Which amounts to the same thing.

So ck you set up a social site with members in common with the P and you got banned for it. I find this shocking. I can not believe that would ever happen. Tell me this is not true. Where are the SHMB ethics?

Seriously this has been P SOP from the very beginning. Really need to bone up on your SHMB History a little.
simpleton's Avatar
was I thinking about clicking?......
Wayward's Avatar
Posting the thought is close enough for us. So yes, some part of your mind was.
By that logic...........I have "intimidated" every provider who decides I have done so.

and..........you stole information from ASPD. Because, someone over there decided you have done so.

Works for me. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Helluva' chess match! Is it Black or White's move? Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
.....as they all sat there patiently waiting. Originally Posted by dearhunter
As the old saying goes, "Patience Hell, I am going out and kill something".

And now it is White's move...

Ck1942, what you have failed to learn old son is how the appearances of things is usually very different than the reality of things. That is the exact same mistake you made in October and November 2007, when you banned me from ASPD for BS that was made up by two hookers, which you have repeated numerous times over the years

The bust in Houston on the social was directly related to the fact that you were the lead Admin on a SHMB. No amount of claiming that ASPD did not support socials can change the fact that as an Admin of that site your support, and efforts, in organizing those socials, in both San Antonio and Houston, led to implicit site support of those socials hence the reason Vice got involved. Had you been smart and not had such an elaborate system in place, things would have been very different.

Even a child can see the logic flaw in the claims made by you, and others, who supported such a thing which is why others are seeing the look of impropriety in appropriating the databases from ASPD to setup H2.

That dog don’t hunt ole boy and never will just like it did not hunt when Caroline and Classysex aka VenusNova claimed I stalked them. In their minds, I did which, using your logic, means that it must have been so which means that I am all that they claimed I am and worse… much worse even if I do have my standards. Then in your mind that made it real which then made it a reality so it MUST be the truth. However, that reality old son has been shown to be a very different animal and is, in fact, quite false. As a matter of fact, I have had to deal with what you claimed those two did due to being outed by them multiple times and indirectly by you and the other GT mods since your support of them and their actions allowed that to occur.

Life is funny isn’t it Ck? I knew people would eventually see you as you are but I have to commend you for keeping the charade going as long as you did. It is good that people are starting to wake up and see you for what you are but then I don’t claim to be The F*cking prophet… I just know certain things and this prophet doesn't carry rocks but a glock because of you.

I suggest you pay attention this time around and learn from your mistakes.

One last thing Ck is this: I forgive you son but don’t ever do again what you did to me. The next person may not be as forgiving as I am.
Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
No, it was not me that posted to that blog.

According to Amber in my conversations with her, all she knew about Home2 was something about meeting to discuss what it was you wanted to discuss with her about it.
She never approved of the site, never saw the site, and didn't even know the url.

You know Amber wasn't reading the Support emails forwarded to her, but you left that part out all the times you "reassurred" everyone that the "owner" was copied on Support emails.
Similarly, you say here that she was in on the discussions, but access to the information is not the same as accessing the information. You know she wasn't reading the threads and emails you talk about, but you never make anyone aware of that, preferring instead to give the false impression that she was fully aware of and approved the details of what you were doing.

When setting up Home2, you used the database and approved members based on their emails and other data from ASPD. You clearly used your access to the ASPD database and ASPD itself to send out email invitations.
Now you say that what you are doing now is a result of your extensive address book innocently compiled as a result of automatic inclusion.
The evidence that you are attempting to deceive people is found in the simple logic that you are asking us to believe that you bulk emailed Home2 members, but you didn't use the Home2 database to do it.
Are seriously expecting people to believe that?

It's the same method you use to provide excuses for why you had 7 undercover vice officers attending your social.
You revise history by ignoring all you ever said that was intended to imply your screening method was extensive and assurred everyone's safety.
When the social is raided, you place the blame on providers vouching for guys they didn't know and people violating the rules against conducting business at the social. This is the same social you advertised as a "marketing opportunity" for providers to meet a group of "vouched" clients who were not "window shoppers". You ignore that part after the raid and spend all your time talking about how no plan is fail-safe. You didn't talk about that much before you got raided.

You say it isn't fair to discuss details about those arrested who haven't yet been convicted. I agree, but what about the details of how they were in a position to get arrested? It's been a month. Surely, you've figured out what happened by now. Is the lack of those answers really more about protecting you and your ability to have more socials?

If you're so honest and trustworthy, you should have no problem demonstrating it somewhere that you don't have the ability to control the conversation.

Watch closely, people.
simpleton's Avatar
boom goes the dynamite....
Htowner's Avatar
I don't know all that goes on behind the scene but never stopped me from opining:
As the party goes, ther is no perfect uncrime.
Posting openly you won't be there, UTR ladies, guests with no person to receive them, the list laying there unattended at the door, none of the gate keepers associated with us and knowing any faces, on and on and on.
Not to say the organizers would have necessarily listened to us if was brought up ahead of time but just saying imperfections were rampant and can't be intelligently fixed on one person alone.
As the HomeII goes, I don't know what the details were, but as the number one in charge, a person needs to know what she is giving her blessing to and follow through. Not monitoring, not being familiar, not reading the communique, and so forth is not the way to run any entity. Was that taken advantage of ? I don't know. Did she leave herself open to that ? Absolutely.
She was not well. If she couldn't do it someone should have been asked to do it.
I personally didn't see HomeII as a threat to aspd as long as site was up and running or not dragging. Whose faut was it that the site was not maintained and updated and backed up for people not needing the HomeII?
Again I am not sure to what extent permission was given and to what end and none of us would ever know and whether an outright abuse was ever carried out with it.
This is the problem with observers not being privy to the behind the scene and wanting to form an opinion based on two sides involved.
It is a lot like what goes on in DC.
We only vote based on what is made available to us and what little of that we actually follow and stay informed with.