Booty Vs. Tits

tcx's Avatar
  • tcx
  • 11-23-2011, 12:28 PM
I love the rump as long as its round, it can be nice size or it can be thick as long as its nice round and sweet.
john353's Avatar
Eccie, I'm really not scared. Actually the more shit you talk... the wetter I get.. and the more I just wanna put this rain on ya. Bring it baby.

Amber Rain Originally Posted by Amber Rain
I'll bring it.

You just make sure you bring the lube, sweet cheeks. You're gonna need plenty of it on the trip I'm gonna take you.

That ASS is MINE!!!
Giddy up and ride cowboy. The cowgirl coming to ride you like a bucking bronco... YEEEHAWWWWWWWWWWw
john353's Avatar
Eight seconds wins the prize!!! LMAO!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Watch Johnny she's gonna post a "next time I'm keeping my mouth shut next time" thread
Large, firm natural tits will get my utmost attention every time.
MissWettWett's Avatar
Super Head 713's Avatar
Amber is on my to do list lol +1 +2 +3
Whooo hooooo.. Super.. I'm ready for you too doll.. Eccie.. you just keep shut til I put this Dallas Rain in your mouth. John is ready for me I can feel it... Are you?.. lmao
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Oh john is ready for you but i don't think you're ready for him lol
OMG eccie.. I'm gonna so make you eat those words and ME... lmao
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ass is essential, titties are an added extra.

But to be clear - the ass has to be firm athletic no pimples zero cottage cheese one hand not two hand sweet to lick bootilicious runs track 400 m 100 m is OK 800 m maybe not big enough.

There are so many hideous women who think their big ass is attractive.

No, it is gross, get to the gym.

To be honest, if any over 18 yr old does not exercise regularly, your ass is too fat.
  • aznk
  • 11-23-2011, 10:35 PM
booty man here.

more than a mouth full is a waste.. lol jk
Rifleman's Avatar
Tits please, natural with a side of smooth shaven legs