Writing reviews

suiram77's Avatar
Still riding the sack of one of your fellow Hobbyist lmao....you cosigning for another man..lol too damn funny Originally Posted by Analeese
Blah blah blah bye lucy medicine time
Blah blah blah bye lucy medicine time Originally Posted by suiram77
Im the one with bi polar...and you clearly have a memory issue...

I told you I would never meet you for a session...do you remember that?

I also told you stay away from me on this board...and you said I should do the same... Thought we were pretty clear on staying away from each other...

You want to remember the destination but not the journey...of how we got to this point..

Keep calling me whatever you like...it won't affect me ..

Blah blah blah....

Im far from crazy...but I see what you like to do on this site... Bash women..and talk alot of shit....and make people look bad...and post nonstop.

Lucy is signing off this thread now.... Y'all have fun with these two tools
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
You really think I care if im your type or not?I could care less

For every one guy who doesn't like me... There are 10 more willing and ready to be with me...and pay... Fat chance pun intended

You're nobody to me just like im nobody to you..Glad we agree on something

You really are making yourself look bad ... Talking about how im chubby and you wouldn't borrow someone else dick to fuck me...I am speaking facts

Shit I might be chubby....but im still getting paid with my chubby ass..So you are proud being a chubby escort that gets paid for sex?

You probably won't see my WK come on this thread.... Cause we are talking shit about you right now via text..and how you are riding the nuts of a couple Hobbyist here in the last couple of days.If you are talking shit about me right now via text I must really be something special to you guys. Trust me I wouldn't waste a New York minute texting anyone about you or anyone else on this site.

Your comment that KM was outting herself about private area knowledge was uncalled for..Bullshit, I asked her a question and she cleared it up. How the fuck was that outing? If I told KM that I had proof she was reading ROS or if I notified the MODs that would be outing. It would be no different if I told you I liked or disliked the things written about me in the Powder room. A Provider's immediate response would be : How do you know what's in the Powder Room when you don't have access..?"
You were trying to start drama unnecessary drama and you know it...Trying to start Drama? Really ?

You can't say anything that will hurt my feelings...or run me off...Not my intentions

Now since you got your little feelings hurt because I said something you thought was rude...you thought you could come for me and I was going to bow out like a coward..nope not going to happen...You are far too chubby to ever hurt my feelings. As I stated earlier you have never been on my radar and never will. I don't find your body attractive nor your face pretty, but guess what beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So I am pretty sure there are clients who are looking for chubby, flat booty pale ladies

You do this for fun...and this is my job.... you gain what from your posts? It means I have a real respectful career whereas you depend on this site to make ends meet- your choice not mineNothing... What do I gain from my posts? More clients.... Which means more money.... So I don't really care if you were upset by my comment or not...im not here to protect your feelings..or to sugarcoat shit for you. Please stop acting like you are some HDH, to be honest, I am in Denver right now and I seen chicks at the gas station who look better than you. You literally have nothing going for yourself from my perspective. Zilch- you could use a membership at the gym. You know I run a 5k every year I will be glad to give you some personal training when I visit Dallas, but it won't be free.

Check my positing history ..
.I'll debate with the best of them...
If you don't like me or my comments...I'll take a quote from your buddy surrium.... Ignore is your friend....I don't use ignore personally...I like to see everything that anyone has to say about me or to me...

Y'all have a good one with your hurt feelings....

This chubby girl has a Snickers to eat...and some cash to be made...You know I could easily boast what I make a year, but people will get jealous and call me a rich privileged prick so I don't want to go there- trust me if I blown more at casinos and perhaps on men's suits than you make in 3 weeks.

Carry on with your entertainment Originally Posted by Analeese
I will and won't give a damn if you don't like my responses chubby. You don't own this site nor do I need approval from you to post. If you want to control what people post- apply for a Moderator position.

It's so nice to know that I am a NoBody, but you and your WK's are texting about me- How Sweet!!!!
J.G Wentworth's Avatar
Im the one with bi polar...and you clearly have a memory issue...

I told you I would never meet you for a session...do you remember that?

I also told you stay away from me on this board...and you said I should do the same... Thought we were pretty clear on staying away from each other...

You want to remember the destination but not the journey...of how we got to this point..

Keep calling me whatever you like...it won't affect me ..

Blah blah blah....

Im far from crazy...but I see what you like to do on this site... Bash women..and talk alot of shit....and make people look bad...and post nonstop.

Lucy is signing off this thread now.... Y'all have fun with these two tools Originally Posted by Analeese
For now on Analeese. I will refer to you as Anal Ease Go find a client that you can piss on wow you are disgusting .
suiram77's Avatar
Im the one with bi polar...and you clearly have a memory issue...

I told you I would never meet you for a session...do you remember that?

I also told you stay away from me on this board...and you said I should do the same... Thought we were pretty clear on staying away from each other...

You want to remember the destination but not the journey...of how we got to this point..

Keep calling me whatever you like...it won't affect me ..

Blah blah blah....

Im far from crazy...but I see what you like to do on this site... Bash women..and talk alot of shit....and make people look bad...and post nonstop.

Lucy is signing off this thread now.... Y'all have fun with these two tools Originally Posted by Analeese
Your ass keep on responding is proving that you are a bat shit carzy

Btw where did I supposedly tell you all this bull shit at and where did you tell me to stay away from your post I don't see that any where.

Please please I'm begging you to tell me where this conversation took place at. I will wait

Lucy go take your medicine. Bi polar
Back on topic....

Reviews can be time consuming to write from what I hear....I try to message every guy who reviews me with a ty note for the work and effort they put into writing the review...im very appreciative
suiram77's Avatar
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Reviews can be time consuming to write from what I hear....I try to message every guy who reviews me with a ty note for the work and effort they put into writing the review...im very appreciative Originally Posted by Analeese
Go take your meds bi polar
suiram77's Avatar
Reviews should never take a damn hour, if it takes you that long something is clearly wrong, and again it is only proving JG point that majority of the hobbyist are old. I can see it taking awhile for an older person. I just hate reading pages of reviews, what's the fucking point in that shit. We don't have to know that you have fell in love with her and is going to go into your 401k to support her. Lmfao :
Reviews don't take that long to write...just the facts ma'am. If I am reading one that goes on too long, I lose interest and stop reading. I also don't read reviews about dreams, fantasies, daydreams, or any other made-up fiction.
suiram77's Avatar
Reviews don't take that long to write...just the facts ma'am. If I am reading one that goes on too long, I lose interest and stop reading. I also don't read reviews about dreams, fantasies, daydreams, or any other made-up fiction. Originally Posted by biggestbubba
Exactly ducking pointless
TheEccie214's Avatar
I personally don't care to read the ROS. My skin is too thin for that.

For screening, I look at a few things like the TYPE of woman a guy typically sees, the tone of the review, how many "No" recommendations a guy has, the type of service and any comments on the review by other parties. There is actually quite a bit of info between reviews and post history that is helpful in determining if we are going to be a good match. Originally Posted by alaine
Interesting point. Do you have an idea of what percentage of reviews someone's written that are No that raise a red flag? I've never written a No review, had No sessions but none so bad as to feel the need to hurt the lady's business.
pyramider's Avatar
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Reviews can be time consuming to write from what I hear....I try to message every guy who reviews me with a ty note for the work and effort they put into writing the review...im very appreciative Originally Posted by Analeese

Do those thanck you notes come with taint photos?
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Reviews can be time consuming to write from what I hear....I try to message every guy who reviews me with a ty note for the work and effort they put into writing the review...im very appreciative Originally Posted by Analeese
Analeese, I haven't met you and not sure I will; however, it's clear to me that your "customer service" skills are well-honed. For the 30 seconds or less it takes a provider to text her appointments and thank them for the time or the review is just plain intelligent, classy and smart business. Bravo to you. Ciao.
Do those thanck you notes come with taint photos? Originally Posted by pyramider
They haven't in the past...but something to consider going forward
Analeese, I haven't met you and not sure I will; however, it's clear to me that your "customer service" skills are well-honed. For the 30 seconds or less it takes a provider to text her appointments and thank them for the time or the review is just plain intelligent, classy and smart business. Bravo to you. Ciao. Originally Posted by LordoftheRim
Every rw job I've ever had has been customer service in some shape form or fashion....

Plus I learned through my years of hobbying since 09.... Reaching out after an appt or review shows thoughtfulness to your client... Sometimes it's hard for them to tell if you truly enjoyed the experience or was it fake..

Im highly appreciative if anyone who comes to see me and spends their hard earned money with me...

I could not live the life I do without y'all... That's real stuff