CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Amazing how easy lying is for him.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Maybe those missing emails are retrievable but I wouldn't count on it.

Doubt we'll ever get to the bottom of this and other scandals.
And to think we have the most transparent gov't in history LOL.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-24-2014, 07:14 AM
Should these political organizations be tax exempt?
Only if they are republican...
Which "political organizations"?

Should these political organizations be tax exempt? Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 06-24-2014, 03:32 PM
Which "political organizations"? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
the one's the irs was looking at...all the tea wipe ones and the liberal one!

Should congress clear up that exempt status these political groups seem to be enjoying?

But if we did away with the income tax then it wouldn't be an issue.

Abolish the income tax system.
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  • 06-24-2014, 03:40 PM

Further, the (c)(4) designation has no real purpose. The best explanation, in my view, for tax exemption for charities is that it is a sort of partial government subsidy for organizations that offer services that the private market will not offer, and that government either will not or cannot offer directly. I find it hard to believe that lobbying suffers from such a serious market failure that we need to subsidize organizations whose primary activity is to lobby. In fact, it seems almost perverse that the government would subsidize organizations whose primary purpose is to lobby the government.
So let’s make it simple: if you want to be a charity, be a charity and live with the 501(c)(3) limits; if you want primarily to be engaged in the political process through lobbying or otherwise, pay taxes like everyone else or register as a 527 political organization.
I might support getting rid of tax exemptions for everyone; especially if it is part of a structurally reorganized tax code !

Including unions !
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  • WTF
  • 06-24-2014, 05:41 PM
I might support getting rid of tax exemptions for everyone; especially if it is part of a structurally reorganized tax code !

Including unions ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I have no problem with that....we must not forget the exemption on kids who have done nothing but inherit money from their parents. The mortgage exemption. The kid exemption. All are social skews
lustylad's Avatar
Watch the creepily robotic IRS Commissioner John Koskinen (a former Dem fund-raiser) get his ass handed to him:
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Refresh my memory.. what were the two key things that sank Nixon?
1) Using the IRS to target opponents
2) Suddenly missing 8 minutes of tape recorded conversations that a "staffer mistakenly erased"

Yep.. President Obama is the President that Richard Nixon tried to be. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
You revisionists crack me up. This time it's Tricky Dick.

Did you mean the 18.5 minutes the conservative president and all his "men" lost? The most successfully prosecuted and convicted cabinet in all of American history?
You "conservatives" don't talk about him much. Add to that the idea that the current administration is even eligible for that league is a farce.
Mr. President. The United States knows Dick Cheney. And you're no Dick Cheney.

It looks like you are the asshole whirly wishes he wasn't and that Whatever. Can't tell the douche-bags from the assholes without an RNC membership card.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, the current administration has reached levels of dishonesty and corruption Nixon could only dream of.

One of the articles of impeachment against Nixon was he "endeavoured" to use the IRS against his political opponent. In reality, the Nixon administration never actually used the IRS to target opposition. But Team Obama has !!!!

Actually, the current administration has reached levels of dishonesty and corruption Nixon could only dream of. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Notice how Koskinen keeps shifting his eyes over to the Democrats to help him out !

You gotta love these moments in political theater when bureaucratic tools are exposed !

Watch the creepily robotic IRS Commissioner John Koskinen (a former Dem fund-raiser) get his ass handed to him: Originally Posted by lustylad