Rush with an AR15

That's a .600 Nitro Express Pistol. WTF? Originally Posted by boardman
That's what I thought, thanks for confirming.

No way in hell I would shoot a .600 Nitro Express rifle, let alone a pistol!

Dad relates a story told by an old-timer about 50 years ago. The guy had been a hunting guide in Africa for many years ending in the 1950s. He had an old .600 Nitro Express rifle that he said he had fired three times in about thirty years -- once to confirm that it was sighted in well enough to hit a target, at least at fairly short range, and twice at charging elephants.

I guess after firing it once, he had zero interest in doing so again...

...unless absolutely necessary!
I have fired a 577 Nitro in a Double, you just kinda "go with the flow"

Really, the big doubles in the Nitro Chamberings aren't as brutal as some of the higher velocity centerfires in Bolt Rifles, such as the 460 Weatherby and it's offshoots. The big doubles have more of a "push" than that sharp slap that the bolt action Rifles have. Still knocks the crap out of you, though.

I have a friend that built a 416 Remington Ackley Improved on a big Dakota Arms action. 400 grn Barns at right at 2500 fps. Brutal.

I can remember years ago, I read an article that included an interview with the great white hunter Peter Capstick. The interviewer ask him why he carried a 600 nitro when guiding clients out for dangerous game. His answer. "Because they don't make a bloody 700".
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  • Doove
  • 04-19-2012, 04:55 PM
CJ7, the NRA recognized long ago that in order to combat the never ending attack uppn the Bill of Rights, they had to at times go "over the top". This means never caving in on anything, because they are well aware that once the camel gets it's nose under the tent, it wont be long untill he is in all the way.

Charlton Heston's "from my cold dead hands" speach was such a moment. The seemingly irrational stand against the ban on ANY weapons is another. The NRA knows who the enemy is, and they know this enemy will stop at nothing to see that the 2d Amrndment is stripped from the Bill of Rights.

I get peeved at some of the NRA's endless attacks on anybody who suggest that perhaps we do need more sensible gun laws. I get peeved at their never ending flood of "mail", both electronic and snail, that has one theme, give more money to the cause.

But I know that the NRA is the one Organization that WILL stand and deliver. While I do not agree with every tactic they employ, I certainly recognize that in a battle as important as this, it is good to have someone who will fight the uncompromising fight.

Ted Nugent is part of this. Heck, as a Veteran, I know he was no better than the thousands of others who managed to use rather creative methods to avoid the draft. But at least he has since put his money where his mouth is since, in his support for a multitude of causes that benefit those who have been severly handicapped while in the service of their Country.

Of course Nugent is over the top. He is a flawed icon. But he fights a uncompromising fight, and at times, that is who we need. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Are you talking about Ted Nugent, or The Black Panthers? Originally Posted by Doove
What's sauce for the Goose, is also sauce for the Gander. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Great. I got $100 that says we won't go 14 days before post #37 can be referenced to show what a pathetic hypocrite you are. Originally Posted by Doove
Damn Doove, lighten up a little. I have always been respectfull of your views, even though I disagree with you the majority of the time.

If you can't have a civil conversation, why not just stay out of it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Did i say 14 days? It barely took an hour. Even i didn't see that coming.
Doove, That's pretty lame. You can do better.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-19-2012, 05:46 PM
Doove, That's pretty lame. You can do better. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The hypocrisy coming from people like you does get old after awhile, so what can i say?
The hypocrisy coming from people like you does get old after awhile, so what can i say? Originally Posted by Doove
Douchee he was being nice to you. You just can't figure it out. How can you say anything while you are sucking on Ozombie Cock.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Doofe has views? I've only ever heard him bitch.

boardman's Avatar
Leave it to Doove to fuck up a good gun discussion.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-20-2012, 12:37 PM
Leave it to Doove to fuck up a good gun discussion. Originally Posted by boardman

doove isnt totally responsible ... Im surprised it lasted as long as it did.
