Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

TinMan's Avatar
My biggest problem with her story is, if it’s an accurate accounting of what went down, she’s still guilty of at least manslaughter. She should know better than to walk into a darkened apartment without backup.

Even if it had been her apartment and he really was burglarizing the joint, her confronting him alone when 1) she didn’t have to, and 2) he had the advantage (he’s in the dark, she’s outlined by the light of a hallway) is something I am almost certain she was trained not to do.

Her version of events is plausible, but not excusable.
TinMan's Avatar
You can look at hiring standards in the police department. Originally Posted by slowmover
It may not get better as long as taxpayers refuse to support higher pay and better department staffing.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^ Sad but true ^ Another DPD female arrested for DUI . I'm starting to believe there's issues with hiring and training.
Ronin3's Avatar
I don't know...

Imagine walking into your apartment. It's weird that your door was unlocked. You're on high alert. You get halfway down the hallway and a guy is just a few feet away from you. He says, "What are you doing?" You pull your gun and tell him to stay where he is. He rushes you, grabbing for your gun in the dim light. In a second or two something bad is going to happen. And it does.

I don't see this as being a cop thing or a female thing, either. As someone who has carried a gun, I try to put myself in this situation. It's a crappy situation, but I can see it being a tragic mistake. Originally Posted by Crock
Piss poor execution of training. The front door was the choke point...and illuminated. Volumes to speak of in how her actions negate her right to carry a weapon. But I’ll leave it at that.
TinMan's Avatar
They’ve been bailing on the force for years now. The screwed up pension system didn’t help.
TinMan's Avatar
I don't know...

Imagine walking into your apartment. It's weird that your door was unlocked. You're on high alert. You get halfway down the hallway and a guy is just a few feet away from you. He says, "What are you doing?" You pull your gun and tell him to stay where he is. He rushes you, grabbing for your gun in the dim light. In a second or two something bad is going to happen. And it does.

I don't see this as being a cop thing or a female thing, either. As someone who has carried a gun, I try to put myself in this situation. It's a crappy situation, but I can see it being a tragic mistake. Originally Posted by Crock
But weren’t you trained *not* to walk into a situation like that?
I’ve come home to find my door slightly ajar and you know what I did? Retreated to my car and called 911. It’s happened twice. Once, the intruder was long gone. The other time, still in the house and ran out because I set off the alarm on the other car in the garage when I was leaving. They caught that one.
My biggest problem with her story is, if it’s an accurate accounting of what went down, she’s still guilty of at least manslaughter. She should know better than to walk into a darkened apartment without backup.

Even if it had been her apartment and he really was burglarizing the joint, her confronting him alone when 1) she didn’t have to, and 2) he had the advantage (he’s in the dark, she’s outlined by the light of a hallway) is something I am almost certain she was trained not to do.

Her version of events is plausible, but not excusable. Originally Posted by TinMan
Exactly. What if it had been a maintenance guy or firefighter in her own apartment? For instance, there was a report of an electrical fire and they had to turn off electricity and gain entrance?

It’s ridiculously irresponsible for anyone, inexcusable for a police officer or anyone with LE training.
Dallas really sucks big time. It was cold blooded murder and she should pay. The fkn Mayer didn't want to pay for quality law enforcement. The good cops leave and the bad stay.
GingerKatt's Avatar
It’s just weird!! The way those places is the door couldn’t been cracked or she couldn’t mistake it from her cause I believe it’s too different levels or whatever!! It was either a setup or she was on some kind of drugs i wonder if they did a drug test on her yet? Originally Posted by Str8Kandi
Yes they did. They drew blood on the scene that same night; to test for alcohol and drugs. The results haven’t been released yet.
Heard today on 101.1FM of someone speaking during open mic session in front of the Mayor (or was it district judge?). According to neighbors, they heard her banging on his door and demanding that she be let in. Apparently, she had issues with him making too much noise upstairs in the past and after a long shift at work, probably heard noise from upstairs and instead of changing her uniform, she went straight up to his place, banged on the door yelling at him to "let me in." He saw that she was a cop and as soon as she got in, well...you know the rest. I thought this was one of the most interesting angles I've heard since I've been following the case as the neighbors attest to the banging on the door and her screaming "Let me in." That is why I think the Rangers couldn't let her get off the hook because of all the neighbor's accounts that were so drastically different from hers. This case is all messed up...
I honestly hate to see her be a victim of all this racial divide, if it was honestly an accident. Its easy to say what you will and won’t do, until you are in that position.

Nobody else has gotten off on the wrong floor? Yes, Ambien will make you do strange things. I have a good relationship with my female doctor, and she refused to prescribe it to me; due to the harmful ingredients. Originally Posted by 8701
She’s a victim? She Killed An Innocent Man! The fact that she’ll likely get off in large part because she happens to be white still does not make her a victim. It makes her lucky in today’s America.
TinMan's Avatar
She’s a victim? She Killed An Innocent Man! The fact that she’ll likely get off in large part because she happens to be white still does not make her a victim. It makes her lucky in today’s America. Originally Posted by Barrymccockinner
Unless something changes in the story, she’s not going to skate on this one. “Lucky” in this case will mean she gets convicted of manslaughter instead of murder.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah , not "going to skate" at all the investigation is still ongoing she may be charged with murder yet.
All the Activists are just trying to get the outrage going however this is nothing more then a stupid copper.
TinMan's Avatar
The more I hear, the more I think murder is the right charge. She didn’t accidentally discharge her firearm, which it seems would have to be the case for it to be manslaughter.