Calls from the wives...

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
I use a TracFone from Walmart as my Hobby Phone! Cheap to buy, low monthly cost. NO RECORDS! Originally Posted by Charbore
LexusLover's Avatar
You could all ways keep your numbers written on scraps of paper in your wallet.Hopefully your wife girlfriend or other people do not look in your wallet very often. Originally Posted by dtymh55
Just don't keep your money in there and you will be ok.
Like the Dos Equis guy....."I don't hobby often, but when I do, I use a prepaid hobby phone."

When not in use, keep it hidden someplace with the battery removed.
Its only happened once, and i just hung up.
I have used a TracFone, but if you hobby alot and co-respond via text message, it can become expensive and a hassle when the time runs out. Third party iPhone apps are very useful and you can hide them down in folders or delete them and download them everytime.

I have come to the realization that I need a photo of Alyssa as my avatar!!