Theres ALWAYS a fox in the hen house..

GneissGuy's Avatar
its being smart. its being safe. Originally Posted by MISS2868
No, if you were being smart and safe, you wouldn't be a provider.

And if I were being smart and safe, I wouldn't be a john, either. just saying BBBJ should be reevaluated and CBJ should be taken off the back burner. simple. point blank. done. period. Originally Posted by MISS2868
If CBJ is taken off the back burner, that particular provider goes onto the back burner for most of the guys.

simple. point blank. done. period.

Actually, she goes off the stove entirely and goes on the shelf for most guys.
lol, who is Marco? Regardless, I am anti-agency myself so I could care less. Originally Posted by MISS1402

Nice try dude. You've been poped. All the evidence is in hand and being sent to gent's left and right who have pm'd. You fucked up with the outing post. It wasn't hard to do some recon after that and then do confirmations. Only one thing in common with everyone you outed was they saw a chick from mint/RBB and one of his current ladies like Katie. Then it was a matter of going back to confirm everything and one by one each light bulb went of and it was oh ya that's right. This date, this time.

Better luck next time dude, all you've accomplished this time is exactly what you said you wanted to avoid by remaining anonymous.

Back lash

M*** **n
C******** C***e
MISS1402's Avatar
How can it be rude it's the same person ? Originally Posted by DIE HARD
I appreciate the compliment however, she does have nicer tits.
I appreciate the compliment however, she does have nicer tits. Originally Posted by MISS1402

I'm going to go ahead and say goodbye to you now. I would say it's been a pleasant experience but dealing with marco is never pleasant.

Ch******a C**ie
M*** L**
MISS2868's Avatar
Codybeast, are you saying that there arent any smart intelligent ladies out here who have something to say about the Hobby and dont want to voice their minds and opinions? by assuming that, "IT MUST BE A MAN" is sort of insulting. what? a lady cant be smart and intellectual? she cant voice her opinions without it being someone else, a man at that? who the hell is Marco????????????????????????? ?????????????
MISS2868's Avatar
the whole point of this post was to get the point across that being bullied into BBBJ and scowled at when CBJ is presented after YMMV isnt okay and that YMMV should be a norm. In my own opinion.
Codybeast, are you saying that there arent any smart intelligent ladies out here who have something to say about the Hobby and dont want to voice their minds and opinions? by assuming that, "IT MUST BE A MAN" is sort of insulting. what? a lady cant be smart and intellectual? she cant voice her opinions without it being someone else, a man at that? who the hell is Marco????????????????????????? ????????????? Originally Posted by MISS2868

I'm going to go ahead and say goodbye to you to miss- whatever, not even important enough to remember.

Marco or one of the ladies in sig line is what we are saying. I'm leaning on one in particular, can u guess which one?
MISS2868's Avatar
i think you all have lost sight of the origional point....
MISS2868's Avatar
lucky for me i am none of those ladies. try try again.
the whole point of this post was to get the point across that being bullied into BBBJ and scowled at when CBJ is presented after YMMV isnt okay and that YMMV should be a norm. In my own opinion. Originally Posted by MISS2868
I think they should take their cash and walk out, and they have every right too. I would. I am always freshly showered and clean with brushed teeth, clean clothes so I've never , ever had an issue. If someone who has done bbbj, based on reviews, pm or txt back and forth tried to pull that on me I would take my money and leave and you bet there would be a bad review posted.
Codybeast, are you saying that there arent any smart intelligent ladies out here who have something to say about the Hobby and dont want to voice their minds and opinions? by assuming that, "IT MUST BE A MAN" is sort of insulting. what? a lady cant be smart and intellectual? she cant voice her opinions without it being someone else, a man at that? who the hell is Marco????????????????????????? ????????????? Originally Posted by MISS2868
Nope what I'm addressing is the obviousness in all of the Miss xyz's sharing the
Same handle,
Same Intellect,
Same anonymity,
Same recent joining,
Same pot stirring demeanor,
Outing details kept conveniently on hand, all of whom are past clients of Marco
PLUS the other connections Homer brought to light pretty much make it a no brainer as to who you most likely are.

One or even two of these factors might be a hell of a coincidence but everything combined paints a pretty clear picture.

I thank my lucky stars I never used your agency. More than once I almost called to book Taylor one of your star and most loyal earners.
Nope what I'm addressing is the obviousness in all of the Miss xyz's sharing the same handle, same Intellect, same anonymity, same recent joining, same pot stirring demeanor, outing plus the connections Homi brought to light pretty much make it a no brainer as to who you most likely are.
One or even two factors maybe but everything combined paints a pretty clear picture.

I thank my lucky stars I never used your agency. More than once I almost called to book Taylor one of your star veterans. Originally Posted by Codybeast
Taylor, I knew I missed one. Can anyone think of any other past or present Marco- RBB-Mint girls. We should have a 100% list here for guys to be wary of.
MISS1402's Avatar
This is too fucking funny lol.
MISS2868's Avatar
i am not in an agency I am independent. and being clean is AN AMAZING PLUS! props to you Homer. i LOVE IT when a gentleman comes in like the cleanest tiger in the jungle! mmmm! HOWEVER, when i am about to perform and i notice a rash or a bump or something not quite should be up to my discretion whether or not to BBBJ or CBJ. ya know? i think we are talking two types of clean. haha. no but seriously guys that show up clean, smelling good, fresh, and trimmed and groomed have a far better chance or BBBJ. i have no disagreements with you when it comes to showing up clean in that sense.
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 09-18-2012, 12:54 PM
the whole point of this post was to get the point across that being bullied into BBBJ and scowled at when CBJ is presented after YMMV isnt okay and that YMMV should be a norm. In my own opinion. Originally Posted by MISS2868
MISS2868, I feel that you either need to commit to BBBJ or CBJ. Not being stringent about your menu is doing a disservice to yourself and the entire community. This YMMV thing just doesn't work where BBBJ is concerned. I would never see a lady who is CBJ,because a good BJ is really the first thing I'm looking for. If your reviews and services state BBBJ, and I show up and you decide it's going to CBJ today, I'm gonna be a bit miffed. I always show up clean, trimmed and with my big cock ready to be taken care of. If you change your mind on that day, it's not gonna be ok.

Pick one and stick to it. YMMV in this instance is just going to cause problems.

Just my .02