What it takes to get rid of NBA Policy ?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Please for the Love of Paul Wall,tell me your Grillz was made by Johnny Dang? Originally Posted by nikkivikkisix

umm no but check this out love the Krunk Drip lol

Jesus, don't be such an idiot. What she does or doesn't offer in session is her call, just like whether you do or don't want to see her is yours...neither have anything to do with the comment she made and that you attacked her for. Originally Posted by wildething

He didn't actually attack me, he just made a bunch of factual statements, but I think he thought he did; that was the funniest part, lols.

But, thanks.
OP. Don't take the NBA thing too seriously. The Providers say it's all about preference. I suggest you look at the alert section and take a look at all the busted johns to see who these girls prefer. You will probably feel a little better about this whole NBA thing.
OP. Don't take the NBA thing too seriously. The Providers say it's all about preference. I suggest you look at the alert section and take a look at all the busted johns to see who these girls prefer. You will probably feel a little better about this whole NBA thing. Originally Posted by rayg07
Well said! Plus us guys scroll and select our search filters based on our individual likings. The only difference is the ladies we don't want to see will never know. The shit works both ways.

Italia DiBella's Avatar
Well it's officially February now....


I'm with Italia. I don't see how having a preference on who you want to see as a provider makes one racist.
I don't see Indian or middle eastern men, I don't have anything against them or their culture or anything in the RW, I just prefer not to fuck them, period.
Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
First of all....
Hot Dayumm your body is phenomenal
Kudos Kudos

As for why the Racist label....Cause it's easier for someone who doesn't agree with you to throw the race card.
Instead of realizing Everyone and their choices are free.

I don't know if I'm more upset at myself for answering the OP's gibberish filled thread
For wasting my time reading that other pendejas thread blackmailing folks to reschedule with her by Monday
# Classic
LexusLover's Avatar
I suggest you look at the alert section and take a look at all the busted johns to see who these girls prefer. You will probably feel a little better about this whole NBA thing. Originally Posted by rayg07
I don't feel better about being "last" or even "next"!

The operative word is "booked"!
BLM and feel NBA policy is out right racist. Originally Posted by Heman
Bitching probably wont fix anything
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Agree...leave the NBA providers alone and let them run their business in peace. If they think I'm a threat or that my skin is disgusting, or that it's bad business they have that right it's their body. You're the one going to them for some boo-tay.

The only thing I don't like is when they tell me I sound white. Like seriously that really pisses me off for real real because I don't sound white. That's more insulting to me than anything and it really fucks with me. I get so upset about it. I may not be Barry White, Issac Hayes, Morgan Freeman, or James Earl Jones but man don't hit me with the I sound white card. It's pretty offensive. Maybe I'm just crazy I don't know but it is a pet peeve. ;-)
gimme_that's Avatar
Legalize prostitution. Make nba policies more taxable through congress or worthy of loss of business license through "black johns matter" campaign, forcibly enslave nba hoes to see you or face the consequences.

That's not necessarily better. Lol.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I believe they should be able to discriminate which is categorically different than being a racist...and even if they were racist who the fuck cares. It's just sex not a rocket science job opportunity
Wakeup's Avatar
I don't know why this is such a big deal. If you find a chick with an NBA policy, just say you're Native American. Providers do it, why not you too?

Wakeup's Avatar
I heart these threads.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It's called IOP hustle. Make em think they're getting something different, something exotic, something rare. I don't knock it personally. I just smile to myself. However, at the end of the day no matter what they claim you'll be able to tell if they're genuinely black if they refuse to let you run your fingers through their hair. Black chics don't let you touch their hair under any circumstance. That's like starting WW III.

Italia DiBella's Avatar
After "doing my homework " and reading several redundant threads in our City and neighboring as well.

Seems like most, not all but most of the one's ticked off about ladies having NBA-POLICY or as some put it pretend to have NBA-POLICY, they sure are quick to get hot headed and offended.
They're quick to body shame and belittle the NBA ladies.
They're quick to automatically think the lady sees them as disgusting etc....skin color this that redundant derogatory slamming bully type posts.
So yes, we all have our personal reasons for having NBA due to our own personal experiences and preferences
Anyhoo....Last time I checked we were all Free
to choose.

In honor of Our President Trump
" Make NBA right again "
My new NBA POLICY stands for...
"No Bitter Apples" / NBA POLICY
It could mean any and all races.
Is that better?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The complainers can always go uncle Rukus and start the skin bleaching treatments. it worked for Sami Sosa