Is Wakeup a Mod?

jokacz's Avatar
noun: lick-spittle
  1. a person who behaves obsequiously to those in power.

Wakeup's Avatar

This link is totally open and free for any member to access.

Now a couple of ass covering dumb fucks are trying to say it's privileged information.

Get a life, Trolls! Originally Posted by jokacz
Do yourself a favor, so you don't end up saying something else moronic...log out, go to the ECCIE homepage, and click the Forum Leaders link at the very bottom...

Let me know if you see it any more...then come back here and admit you fucked up...

You've already doubled down on much farther do you want to go? There's something you idiots still haven't grasped...the moderator listing only shows the moderators of the forums you have access to. If you don't have access to a forum, you can't see who moderates it, and the forum doesn't show up in the list. The female only areas of the board all have moderators, but none of the male regular members here can see the forums listed in the moderator list, or who moderates them, because they don't have access to them...revealing the moderators and the forums they moderate is most likely going to be a guideline violation for revealing restricted information...

Is it sinking in yet? Have you grasped your fuck up? I've already got a massive erection because I get to call out your ignorance, so go ahead, admit you fucked up, then doubled down on it...I'll cum so hard I may pass out...
jokacz's Avatar
Now we have to log in and out to see what we can see and not see?

And I'm the moron?

Take a look at how empty your life is that this board is the center of it.

Interesting Originally Posted by dearhunter

Wow...some of you are idiots... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Do yourself a favor, so you don't end up saying something else moronic...log out, go to the ECCIE homepage, and click the Forum Leaders link at the very bottom...

Let me know if you see it any more...then come back here and admit you fucked up...

You've already doubled down on much farther do you want to go? There's something you idiots still haven't grasped...the moderator listing only shows the moderators of the forums you have access to. If you don't have access to a forum, you can't see who moderates it, and the forum doesn't show up in the list. The female only areas of the board all have moderators, but none of the male regular members here can see the forums listed in the moderator list, or who moderates them, because they don't have access to them... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Wakeup's Avatar
Now we have to log in and out to see what we can see and not see? Originally Posted by jokacz
You don't HAVE to do anything. If you want to not get infractions for revealing restricted information, it's always a good idea to know what that restricted information obviously have no clue what is restricted and what isn't (typical of you Upsetters) I've had to school you...

I've told you how you fucked doubled down on stupid...I explained to you how to verify that you fucked you're tripling down on stupid...

Again, I ask you, how far do you want to take this? Because you're edging me, and I'm going to want to cum soon...
jokacz's Avatar
Again, I ask you, how far do you want to take this? Because you're edging me, and I'm going to want to cum soon... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Just curious, does all this power you think you have compensate for your shortcomings as a man?
Wakeup's Avatar
Yes, it more than compensates. You could have just not acted stupid...or not reinforced that stupidity a couple times...but stepped onto the wheel...

So, how far do you want to go? Do I need to jack myself off here?
jokacz's Avatar
Yes, it more than compensates. You could have just not acted stupid...or not reinforced that stupidity a couple times...but stepped onto the wheel...

So, how far do you want to go? Do I need to jack myself off here? Originally Posted by Wakeup
You see, what you've got here is your inability to recognize that this is just a pile of steaming dog shit which through the emptiness of your existence you have elevated to something relevant. In other words, get a life you pathetic loser.
Wakeup's Avatar
And the nirvana site is all that is great and awesome in the world...right?

P.S.-Don't start with the personal attacks can say I'm acting like a loser, but not that I am a loser...get it? That's how you get points, and I'm here trying to rehabilitate you...
jokacz's Avatar
P.S.-Don't start with the personal attacks can say I'm acting like a loser, but not that I am a loser...get it? That's how you get points, and I'm here trying to rehabilitate you... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Once again, you just don't get it. All this bullshit is important in your world, but not in the world of the sane. You're the little boy that Sister Mary Saint Christopher made hall monitor and the cleaner of erasers. Nothing more.
Wakeup's Avatar
Your characterization of all of us moderators is fairly predictable...pardon us if we reject it.
rooster's Avatar
...the moderator listing only shows the moderators of the forums you have access to. If you don't have access to a forum, you can't see who moderates it, and the forum doesn't show up in the list. ... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I am so unbelievably sick of your shit and your stupid games.

You sit there and play this ridiculous game with us, yet all you've really shown is that there are vagaries and "features" of this site that most of us don't know about. Whoopee. Yer so cool. Then bein a Top 10 Poster and all....I would hope you knew them.

It don't matter. I still don't believe yer a real Mod. You might be a "Forum Leader" but I don't think you have any real powers or authority.

Here's how we're gonna settle this fer real.

Step 1: Rooster tells Wakeup he is an asshole

Step 2: Wakeup gives Rooster points! For "Disrespect to Staff." Rooster will be able to see that in his list of "infractions."

Step 3: Rooster sez "Yup! I was wrong. Wakeup gave me points! He is a Real Mod"

I post that publicly in this threAd. And I stop calling you out on this. (and everyone else sez "Finally!" Now let's fuck some whores!" Well...almost everyone. Wakey doesn't fuck whores)


You don't give them to me...cuz yer not able to. And I keep telling everyone you are not a Real Mod. But not a lot. Cuz it's old.

I'm okay with this going either way. If I'm wrong, I will have no problem admitting it. And I will back right the fuck off.

Even if I'm right, this ain't goin much further. You are a ridiculous person and you prove it frequently. And it's tiresome and no longer fun to keep saying it.

What kind of "Moderator" routinely makes statements like "now you're tripling down on stupid" and "Because you're edging me, and I'm going to want to cum soon..." ????

ANSWER: the kind who has "no problem being the elephant out front, shitting all over your parade." Jeezis. Whatta lowlife.

But I digress. Let's make this official. Here we go:

STEP 1: I don't think you are a Real Mod. But I DO think you are an asshole.

Points Please!

rooster's Avatar
Whoops!!! I almost forgot!

NOW I'm done!

Wakeup's Avatar
Step 1: Rooster tells Wakeup he is an asshole. Originally Posted by rooster
Why would I give you points for that?

Wakeup gives Rooster points!
You don't give them to me...cuz yer not able to. Originally Posted by rooster
There's a third option you're not seeing...I think I'll go that way. Thank for playing though.

P.S.-How can you expect to make any headway with this at all if you don't have the slightest idea how this board works? Your last post is full of things that are rendered useless by how this board operates...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rooster's Avatar
Why would I give you points for that?

There's a third option you're not seeing...I think I'll go that way. Thank for playing though. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Once again...ya gotta play games. Gonna make us all guess again? Prove to us how smart ya are? Or just do what you always do....make simplistic threats by implication.

Ooooh! Maybe yer gonna ask them to let me be a Mod again! I'm flattered...but no...well...I wouldn't zackly be flattered either.

I'm just wonderin how long we're all gonna have to wait. It's prolly just sumthin really kewl like a bancation. I know that takes time. 30-60 seconds, from whut I can dismember.....

But will take long enuff fer you to talk someone into takin action against me that can actually do sumthin??

Put up or shut up. I can take it. Not sure you can do it though. But whatever. This is so old and dumb.
