I can't hide this anymore. Everyone needs to know the truth

TheRealJohnnyRingo's Avatar
Absent handles none of this happened, including this post.
I do not like this thread. 2 sides to every story and you do not want us the hear the other side.
PeterBota's Avatar
I would absolutely love to know who these providers are. Someone please pm me. Thank you.

Stay safe all.

SP Originally Posted by Sinful Pleasure
Why you want to know
I got a random pm...

First name in the list,first provider in your alert..shit's not adding up
According to your story, it was your first time meeting her
Your reviews say otherwise Originally Posted by NubianPrince
I don't think the list of names is in order by story...he said story one is a white provider...
I don't think the list of names is in order by story...he said story one is a white provider... Originally Posted by Analeese
He also stated that provider #2 is Hispanic. Unless my mother has some explaining to do, I call bullshit!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I can't lie....

I'm dying to know as well. LOL
He also stated that provider #2 is Hispanic. Unless my mother has some explaining to do, I call bullshit! Originally Posted by Sinful Pleasure
Did someone send you the list?
Cornelius's Avatar
I can't lie....

I'm dying to know as well. LOL Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

Me too. Still waiting on the list......
TheEccie214's Avatar
I'm not sharing it anymore because I think it's BS and not fair to the ladies mentioned.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Why do I feel like OP has abandoned the thread?
Ok... First of all, I refuse to go back and forth on this ridiculous thread defending myself against someone who doesn't have the balls to state the names of whom he feels the need to post an alert on. I was informed that I was "provider 2".
The OP was a bit misleading in his account of this particular days events.
The OP contacted me stating that he wanted to see me, and he needed to see me in the next 30 mins. I was just waking up. I told him this, and asked for an hour to shower and get ready. Maybe drink a cup of coffee. He insisted that he needed to see me in 30 mins bc he had to go shopping. I conceded and told him that if I were to do this, I would need him to send me the donation upfront via Paypal so that I can pay for my room for another night. I did not have time to get myself ready AND go to the store and load $$ onto my account in the 30 mins he allowed me. I didn't see a problem with this as he has always paid me via Paypal (note I said always. that is because he has visited me at least 3 times prior to this date.). He agreed only if I would send him the room number. Against my better judgement and normal practice, I sent the room number, stressed the importance of him not coming upstairs until I let him know I was ready. He agreed. Approx 15 mins later (15 mins before our scheduled session was to begin), there is a knock at my door. I look out of the peephole. It is a hotel employee. Confused, I open the door wearing a bathrobe over very revealing lingerie. By this time, I had already lit candles in my room which I almost always have burning during my sessions. The hotel engineer stated that he needed to check out a faulty light switch. I found this very odd bc there was nothing wrong with the switches in my hotel suite. I let him in. He appeared to check out a switch. Looked around my suite, and me up and down, and said that is all, Thank you. I saw him to the door, and continued getting ready. About 5 mins or so later, another knock. This time it is the hotel manager. This time, I closed the door behind me and spoke to her in the hallway (still in my bathrobe). Looking very suspicious in a 4 star hotel hallway in a bathrobe and full make up, I am freaking the hell out. She advises me that she is addressing noise complaints from my neighbors. I am very confused at this point bc I had been in my suite alone all night. I had not seen a client there since the previous morning. She says what she has to say all the while looking at me with very judgmental eyes. I go back into my room, and I'm assuming she goes back downstairs.
I am all but having a nervous breakdown at this point, when the OP texts me stating that he is there in the parking lot. I text him back quickly summing up what just happened outside of my room. I then tell him, I don't think it is a good idea that we move forward with our session. I also tell him that I need to leave here and go to another hotel and I can see him later that day. He tells me that he has driven all of the way over here and he really needs to see me. I once again explain that probably isn't wise, and I am not comfortable with that. He texts again, simply saying please. And again. In the mean time, I am trying to pack my things up, get my clothes on, and get the hell out of there before LE shows up at my door. My phone continues to go off, calls and text notifications all from the OP. Then I receive a text from the saying "I am coming up so we can talk." WTF?!?! Now I am in tears. I call a FRIEND who lives minutes from the hotel (and me being that I live less than 10 mins from this hotel) and ask him to please come up there bc I am totally freaked out. I continue packing and get myself dressed. Abt 5 mins later, my friend shows up. He gets my luggage, and we leave the room. In the elevator, the OP calls yet again. I answer this one and politely tell him to please stop calling and I will call him as soon as I get home and calm down. I immediately hung up. He continues to call and text. I don't know if I am more scared or pissed at this point. My FRIEND gets me in my car (which btw is NOT the car he walked me to after a previous session due to that car being totaled by then. I had been in a car accident.) I get home and managed to calm my nerves. I send him a text stating that I don't think I can see him after his disturbing behavior and refusal to listen to my requests. I told him I am sending the $$ back to him via Paypal. He then apologized for his very rude and selfish behavior and told me to keep the $$. At first, I declined his offer, then I accepted. I did not send the $$ back. My mistake. I didn't hear from or see the OP for almost a month. Out of the blue one day, he sends me a text saying he wants to see me. I reluctantly agree. He shows up. Everything was fine. As were the following 4 times he has seen me since then. And now this...
I am very confused. If I were a thief, liar, and a threat to the well being and/or safety to the OP or anyone else, why did he see me 5 more times after that? Odd huh?
Or could it be that I am now a thief, liar, and a threat bc I told you the last time you contacted me for a visit that I can not extend a discount as I have ALWAYS done in the past. Reason being is that I had just bought my new car, and every dollar counts bc Lexus loves their product. He whined a bit, but agreed to pay the full donation and came to see me. The session went just as they all have. Smooth. No issue. No problem. And, now this.
Now, anyone who knows anything whatsoever about me, knows that I am not currently nor have I ever been "under management" of any kind. At all. Ever. Pimps don't want me. I have a smart ass mouth with no filter, and I hit back. That shit is almost comical.
I'm curious tho, why did it take 3 months and 5 more visits to post an alert? If I am really a danger to the hobby, wouldn't you have needed to inform everyone immediately. You know so that I don't cause any real danger to anyone. I know exactly why. You are full of shit!! You are a fucking child (not literally. He is VERY legal) who is probably bored and really has nothing better to do. Well, I hope this has filled your otherwise pathetically boring day, and you got what you needed from posting this. I for one will not give this bullshit another thought. I have worked my ass off and put up with WAAAYYY too much bullshit to have some man-child smear my name! If anyone has any concerns whatsoever, please feel free to pm me as I will no longer respond to this ridiculous "alert". For those of you who are actually buying this shit, I sincerely feel bad for you. You will miss out on a really good time. I love what I do, and I am damn good at it. 191 reviews (2 of which are from this OP btw) can't be wrong!

That is all I got. I have important shit to do now.
Stay safe all!!
Eat a dick OP!

Yup, complete BS. I have a different ordered list from OP, so it threw me off.
Sinfulpleasure has a reason to be upset. I sent one message with the list, and my phone autocorrects to sinfulpleasure because I search her a lot as she is one of my ATFs. Her name was not supposed to be on that message I sent, and copied and pasted. Sorry. Also don't believe a forwarded list, it can be edited. A good handful of providers PMd me asking why I lied on them. More than I even posted about.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-20-2017, 03:48 PM
Sinfulpleasure has a reason to be upset. I sent one message with the list, and my phone autocorrects to sinfulpleasure because I search her a lot as she is one of my ATFs. Her name was not supposed to be on that message I sent, and copied and pasted. Sorry. Also don't believe a forwarded list, it can be edited. A good handful of providers PMd me asking why I lied on them. More than I even posted about. Originally Posted by fredfair90
Why don't you save yourself some more trouble and clear the air with the real names right here, right now?
TheEccie214's Avatar
Sinfulpleasure has a reason to be upset. I sent one message with the list, and my phone autocorrects to sinfulpleasure because I search her a lot as she is one of my ATFs. Her name was not supposed to be on that message I sent, and copied and pasted. Sorry. Also don't believe a forwarded list, it can be edited. A good handful of providers PMd me asking why I lied on them. More than I even posted about. Originally Posted by fredfair90
My list came straight from you and bullshit about it being edited or your autocorrect. Her story coincides with yours except you left out you're crazy. Talk about a self alert!

Think you owe her a few more deposits to that PayPal account.