Simple question, do you think George Zimmerman got a fair trial?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-17-2013, 08:35 AM

The ethics course of your Internet JD GED encourages overt political manipulation of our judicial system, mine does not. And you have the audacity to portray me and others as lynching Klansman. You probably agree with and approve of TimPage's post on how the Obama administration is going to use the DOJ placate the race peddlers.

Pathetic. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You are a pathetic ignorant fool if you thing all things are not political.
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a pathetic ignorant fool if you thing all things are not political. Originally Posted by WTF
Was it "political" when you popped out of your mother's womb?

Do they still let you keep your own score card? Those 2+2 skills are not your strong suit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Prosecutors for the Zimmerman case are being sued by "whistle blower" Ben Kruidos. Kruidos testified that the prosecutors intentionally did not provide evidence to the defense: a violation of Brady disclosure rules.

Defense lawyers O'Mara and West echo Kruidos' claim, and they too have charged the prosecutors with violating Brady disclosure rules several times. Judge Nelson is currently reviewing those charges and has yet to make a ruling.

Some of that withheld evidence, Kruidbos testified, pertained to "photos on Martin's phone that included pictures of a pile of jewelry on a bed, underage nude females, marijuana plants and a hand holding a semi-automatic pistol."

Those images and text messages will undermine any civil case the Martin's may file against Zimmerman.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-17-2013, 10:34 AM
Was it "political" when you popped out of your mother's womb?

t. Originally Posted by LexusLover
About as political as you popping out of your mothers asshole.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 10:48 AM
About as political as you popping out of your mothers asshole. Originally Posted by WTF
bet that gave IB an erection
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-17-2013, 10:58 AM

Trial is OVER.

study that today after traffic court closes
LexusLover's Avatar
About as political as you popping out of your mothers asshole. Originally Posted by WTF
I was a test tube baby. Didn't you know that already?

Geezzz. And I thought you knew everything!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-17-2013, 11:41 AM
I sure the fuc did not know the outcome of the Zimmerman trial!
jbravo_123's Avatar
Generally speaking, I believe when we talk about getting a fair trial, we're talking about having a trial where the government doesn't use its greater power (as opposed to the power of the individual) unfairly. This partly why the burden of proof lies upon the government as well as having the higher standard of "beyond reasonable doubt" in criminal cases.

Since Zimmerman got the Not Guilty verdict, I think that right to have a fair trial seems to be preserved.

Zimmerman was lucky..........he drew a good jury..................the 2nd degree murder charge should have never been sought.

Based on last night's interview of juror; I think had the jury been presented with only manslaughter they may have convicted. But I don't know. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I was speaking with a lawyer friend about the case (this was before the verdict) about why the prosecutors presented the murder charge as opposed to the manslaughter charge. He was telling me that interestingly, using self-defense pretty much prevents a manslaughter charge from being used since when you use self-defense, you are admitting that you intentionally killed someone (ie, murder) so there is no accidental killing that manslaughter generally requires.

Would any of the lawyers like to comment on that? I thought it was an interesting legal issue.