TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 12-19-2013, 06:37 PM
In Others Words It's Business and For The Most Part Not Personal ask BA and Betty. Both ladies had Nba policies but when they got desperate all of the sudden they had an epiphany I think most brothas will agree that Ladies should put in their advertising if they have a NBA policy or not. Nothing is more humiliating than to get pass screening, get all squeaky clean, drive to the destination, then knock on the door and silence Originally Posted by Thatdude
Hilarious Thatdude. Didn't know that about those two. Nice! And didn't go as far as making the drive but did get thru screening only to get the PM day of: "Oh, sorry, I no see blacks, I NBA..." Thanks Asian lady w/ big tits whose name I forgot...

back to reminiscing on your ass whuppin huh? that does not constitute a "string"... when will madness end? I was gonna post this pic for this thread, but now it's even more fitting.

Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
I think I started a poll on being short on funds and asking hobbyists for money? I have yet to do that. All of my bills are paid. I ventured into something different, and should I had? Some idiots think it's funny when someone gets robbed, raped, beat evidently. Funny they are black as well, and or with a black SO! So I will leave this for who gives 2 shits, I'm not on hard times and only time I was when I tried to be more open minded and everyone deserves a chance shit! I didn't start this thread, but there is no real answer, maybe turn on the news..... I'm stepping off before I go to ban land
BustyAmy get off the gas. You could have gotten robbed by anyone. I got robbed by two white guys. So shit happens.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-20-2013, 10:25 AM
Busty got what she got for talking shit. She wants to twist it into random robbery now, but most know the deal. No one said it was funny, but if your mouth writes a check you can't cover sometimes you get bounced. That's your fault, learn when to stop when you're ahead and that shit won't happen.
Busty got what she got for talking shit. She wants to twist it into random robbery now, but most know the deal. No one said it was funny, but if your mouth writes a check you can't cover sometimes you get bounced. That's your fault, learn when to stop when you're ahead and that shit won't happen. Originally Posted by Trey
Or like my Mom used to say, "Your mouth wrote a check that your ass couldn't cash." In all fairness, I did ask if she had learned anything from it..I guess not.
I dont discriminate but if the caller is like "what it do baby.....can I come beat that pussy got a man? ...and thuggish I usually "forget" to text back. On a funny note tho I have a few friends who when they first called were so corporate and professional I swore they were white......and to my surprise were black when I opened the door. I still see them on a regular basis. ...... as long as your are polite and have good grooming and respect me as a lady Im good with purple and orange :-)
quickie's Avatar
Green is what they all want...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I dont discriminate but if the caller is like "what it do baby.....can I come beat that pussy got a man? ...and thuggish I usually "forget" to text back. Originally Posted by brittneynashville

On a funny note tho I have a few friends who when they first called were so corporate and professional I swore they were white......and to my surprise were black when I opened the door. Originally Posted by brittneynashville
Black People + Proper Grammar = Shocking Caucasians since 1619.
I still see them on a regular basis. ...... as long as your are polite and have good grooming and respect me as a lady Im good with purple and orange :-) Originally Posted by brittneynashville
Guest010115-3's Avatar
So much over nba policies, i usually discriminate back. I actually put it in my signature so that when I pm a lady she knows I do not see nba women. Now I am never disrespectful, but nba = foolish for more reasons than I wanna state.

Black People + Proper Grammar = Shocking Caucasians since 1619.
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I fall in love with you a little more with every post. ijs
funny and soooooo creative
Funny how easy it is to ruffle a few feathers. Truth is I still see a few regular aa gentleman, and if someone is well established I will open the door. Backpage, or a friend of someone I know is a no no. But you know I'm a attention whore lol. And cockstrong has never said anything rude or out of the way to me, and even when I talk shit he holds his composure. I'm sorry about the white guys who robbed you, you got lucky cause mental whities (as I said,like to shoot shit up) lol. I'm in a good mood, and gonna leave it at that. My status won't change cause I'll look like more of a ding bat changing it again. You good guys, stay that way. Don't let us nba chicks ruffle your feathers to much. I'm just a shit talking straight shooter. It's who I am. I occasionally take off the kkk hood and put it away lol, jk. I know that might piss someone off again, but that's my humor, cause there really isn't enough humor and folks just laying back and saying fuck it! Hell I love the kitty with the broke arm, that pussy got all beat up lol. Merry Christmas everyone!