Beautiful But Crazy - How Do You Deal With It?

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Jess...just enjoy her beauty ok and move was merely an example ;-)

And yes my black friend resembles need to turn this into some referendum on beautiful IG models. Why do you have negative feelings toward. Enjoy her beauty enjoy her essence...marvel at God's first creation.;-)
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And maybe I'm up because I dont conform to Western civilization of time.;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Spoken like a true unemployed broke ass. My work here is complete. Thanks for playing though. You really just told on yourself to me about actually having any money genius. Thanks for telling me what I already knew
So why not post her! Lets see, Im sure she could use the free advertisement ! And.. stop mentioning me if you don't want me to respond.. Its simple. Lol, I marvel at a lot of things, like your existence on this board... she isn't one of them. Not my taste... sorry. To each their own..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Tell your AP employee I said hello. You're a sweet kind loving boss...wear that proudly Lucas we need more lovely people like you.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So why not post her! Lets see, Im sure she could use the free advertisement ! And.. stop mentioning me if you don't want me to respond.. Its simple. Lol, I marvel at a lot of things, like your existence on this board... she isn't one of them. Not my taste... sorry. To each their own.. Originally Posted by TexasJess
I post and respond strategically to inquiries..I never truly confirm or deny anything..plausible deniability.;-) and uhh you didnt know it but I had previously put you in a time out and wanted to make you wait because I knew how badly you was trying to get my attention on the board. I just felt like if I made you wait for some time you'd appreciate me more when i finally re-engage.

Also are you bisexual? You seem to indicate you are. If so have you ever eaten sweet black pussy? How do you deal with BSC women?
I post and respond strategically to inquiries..I never truly confirm or deny anything..plausible deniability.;-) and uhh you didnt know it but I had previously put you in a time out and wanted to make you wait because I knew how badly you was trying to get my attention on the board. I just felt like if I made you wait for some time you'd appreciate me more when i finally re-engage.

Also are you bisexual? You seem to indicate you are. If so have you ever eaten sweet black pussy? How do you deal with BSC women? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Yeah Okay. Everything Bones said to you is true. You can't even put yourself in time out to save face! Those spots always return. You wont bait me in and huh NO thanks on the chick either... Not my type. I cant get past the hair. Sorry, but not sorry! Oh and here you go again with this black this and that blahhh blahhh blahhh… still lets see the chick. The real deal. Not your fantasy. Oh and she's not a IG model. Its pinterest Lmao. I believe I gave you a link to all her pics so you can stop spamming us...

Oh and while your at it, there is thread in Sandbox waiting on you since your feeling froggy.
Getting you to answer real questions is like waiting on the "Mod Connect"
Boy bye ! Good night !
boardman's Avatar
If anyone truly cares about people liking them on a hooker board then that person has some serious issues. We buy pussy, internalize that shit. Nothing is swagger about paying for foooking human female companionship. Shine Da Great is the least bit concerned about if I'm "liked" here. My real world companions like me because they know me. Every now and then I need some pussy and can't get it any other way. Simple. If I have a thought I post it. Simple. It baffles me when people start with people don't like you here. Ummm okay. But hey this is a foooked up world we are living in so all I can do is buckle up and go for the ride. They say me and someone else here are the same person and he buy pussy way more than I could afford or would want to. I'm pretty secure in Shine Da Great and I love me and I don't foook with no one hence I'm good. Most of the guys here got other issues they need to correct and stop spending so much negative energy on someone that literally never thinks about them. #MOD TIES. Family. Love. Real G Shit. Shine Da Great. Tooodlez.... Originally Posted by shinepro

If you didn't care you wouldn't be seeking as much attention as you do. #SIMPLE
Jess....he won't post the pics because there are none.
Remember the tree?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It saddens me to see people get envious of random internet models.

So sad.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
and someone going back in timeout if they dont pull it together.
sissy much timeout did you get for threatening people this month?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
NO thanks on the chick either... Not my type. I cant get past the hair. Sorry, but not sorry! Originally Posted by TexasJess
Explain yourself and it better be good...Mods are watching you.
How many do you have in your pocket sc? The same as shine?
@ Eidolon: I don't give a shit about what your opinion is about anything Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
All things fair, you could die reading this response and I would not give a shit either. In fact, give it a try, fall your old ass over dead now.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
@ tb2...None. Most Mods probably dislike SC to put it mildly ...I challenge them pretty hard behind the scenes as I seek to overturn rulings and strongly entrenched things... but they respect my point of view because I actually have intellect to make very strong cases. But you tb2 cant have your cake and eat it too. You cant say I dont have mods in my pocket while at the same time claim I'm being allowed to run roughshod over the forum.

How about accepting at face value the reality that I have no mod connects but mods also see through the disengeniousness of yalls concerns.

Now how do you handle BSC when the loving is good?