My New Reparations Plan

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If it would get rid of affirmative action and african american bitching, yes, I would have the government print the money and give it to them.

Then, if the african americans complain about anything, they can be told to fuck off!! Originally Posted by DSK
the problem with your idea is that the people (former slaves) who deserved them are long dead.

discrimination on the other is a different story actively condoned by the state.

the compensation is going to be very expensive. the current black population is about 30 million, assume at least 20 million were discriminated between 1916 to 1973. this comes up to 2,000,000,000,000; 2 billion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think you should run for Grand Dragon, or whatever you people do.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think I should run for Grand FAGGOT, it's what my people do. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
that is an election you will certainly win. FAGGOT

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Most of those MEN from Australia (and New Zealand) died bravely and with a commendable accounting in Africa during WWII at the hands and guns of Rommel et al. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not quite.

For Australia, the First World War remains the costliest conflict in terms of deaths and casualties. From a population of fewer than five million, 416,809 men enlisted, of whom more than 60,000 were killed and 156,000 wounded, gassed, or taken prisoner.

World War II: 1939–45. Over 993,000 Australians served in the armed forces during World War II. Of those on active service, 27,073 were killed in action or died, 23,477 were wounded, and 30,560 were taken prisoner of war
Munchmasterman's Avatar
the problem with your idea is that the people (former slaves) who deserved them are long dead.

discrimination on the other is a different story actively condoned by the state.

the compensation is going to be very expensive. the current black population is about 30 million, assume at least 20 million were discriminated between 1916 to 1973. this comes up to 2,000,000,000,000; 2 billion. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The number you typed is 2 Trillion
LexusLover's Avatar
Not quite.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Do you know who were sent to Africa?

The descendants of the prisoner population of Australia were not the population of Australia anymore than the descendants of the first settlers among the "Pilgrims" are the population of the U.S.

You might want to study some Australian history beyond Wiki.

But keep struggling to appear "correct" and to "correct" whatever I post.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't think you have to go very far up 75 north into Oklahoma to find very nice land on Indian reservations.
What reservations? There is only one. In the northern most part of the state.
You were right. You didn't think.

Former Indian reservations in Oklahoma are the Indian reservations in the lands that are now the state of Oklahoma. Prior to statehood, both Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory contained suzerain Indian nations that had legally established boundaries. The US Federal government broke up collective tribal landholdings through the allotment process before the establishment of Oklahoma as a state in 1907. Instead of reservations, Oklahoma Indian tribes have tribal jurisdictional areas,[1] with Osage Nation being the one exception. As confirmed by the Osage Nation Reaffirmation Act of 2004, the Osage Nation retains mineral rights to their reservation,[2] the so-called "Underground Reservation".

The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 provided for substantial tax incentives based on certain business activity within Indian reservations. Those incentives are an employment tax credit for employers of certain enrolled tribal members and their spouses who work within an Indian reservation, and an accelerated depreciation allowance for certain business property used within an Indian reservation.
Since Oklahoma has a large Indian population but does not currently have any Indian reservations, lawmakers wanted to insure those benefits would be available to those involved in business activity in Oklahoma by including in the legal definition of "Indian reservation" the term "former Indian reservations in Oklahoma."

If you think treating the African-Americans fairly will destroy America then it just proves what a fucking racist asshole you are, old man.

Fairly? You offer up the reservations to the Indians without knowing anything about them. The Indians or the reservations.
You knew they didn't come with casinos, right?
And if treated fairly how could it destroy the Blacks? Your idea of fairly?
Person after person have knocked holes in your "plan". Easy to do as it is your normal, poorly thought out and thinly disguised racist pabulum. Since it changes from post to post, how could it prove anything other than the true depth of your racist soul. The only people that come to mind that are in your racist league are Marshall and Jewish Lawyer.
As you stumble from a stupid position to a more stupid position, you were given an out. You proved your "mettle" by ignoring the chance.
Who said treating the Blacks "fairly" would destroy America? I said putting that much cash into the inner city would cause violence. People will kill for that kind of money. All kinds of people. Up north the inner cities have descendants of the Union army. too as well as members of your other focus groups. So it would be more than just Blacks getting killed. But you don't look at the big picture. Just your hate focused view.

Your mother is an ugly $5 per pop crack whore.

Your dad took it up the ass before he died with a dick in his mouth. At least it was your dick. Plus I see your mom raised the price just for you.

It's admirable you pulled yourself out of the situation you describe. Too bad your head got fucked up in the journey. Originally Posted by DSK
Your "plan" sucked at first and it sucks even more now.
Deal with it. Douche-bag.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If JL really spends his time pondering the existence of black and brown people in our country, then he's got issues far deeper than simply supporting white slavery and human trafficking. (Though those are some pretty heinous issues that may require extensive counseling...kinda like his anger management issues.)
  • DSK
  • 08-24-2016, 09:52 AM
Your "plan" sucked at first and it sucks even more now.
Deal with it. Douche-bag. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You need to deal with your anger, homosexual, and racist tendencies. If you don't want to treat black people fairly, then just take responsibility for your actions, unlike the dumbfuck who wrote your sig line to give himself, and faggots like you, an excuse to break the law.

I'll be down for Austin City Limits, I'd be happy to meet up and smash your face in a fair fight.

To you and Assup:

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Do you know who were sent to Africa?
Yes I do. Australians. That's all I said.
You on the other hand said "Most of those MEN from Australia (and New Zealand) died bravely and with a commendable accounting in Africa during WWII at the hands and guns of Rommel et al."
What really happened was;

Following early successes against Italian forces, the Australians suffered defeat with the Allies at the hands of the Germans in Greece, Crete, and North Africa. They got their asses kicked in North Africa. Just like we did.In June and July 1941 Australians participated in the successful Allied invasion of Syria, a mandate of France and the Vichy government. Up to 14,000 Australians held out against repeated German attacks in the Libyan port of Tobruk, where they were besieged between April and August 1941. After being relieved at Tobruk, the 6th and 7th Divisions departed from the Mediterranean theatre for the war against Japan.

While Australia's major effort from 1942 onwards was directed at defeating Japan, thousands of Australians continued to serve with the RAAF in Europe and the Middle East. Athough more Australian airmen fought against the Japanese, losses among those flying against Germany were far higher. Australians were particularly prominent in Bomber Command's offensive against occupied Europe. Some 3,500 Australians were killed in this campaign, making it the costliest of the war.

The descendants of the prisoner population of Australia were not the population of Australia anymore than the descendants of the first settlers among the "Pilgrims" are the population of the U.S.
No shit Sherlock.
You might want to study some Australian history beyond Wiki.
Like you? The guy who didn't know that twice as many men (Australians) were killed in WWI as WWII?
You might want to study a subject you're only pretending to know something about. The least you could do is read wiki
I posted some info from wiki but if you watch the movie "The Water Diviner", which is about the battle of Gallipoli and it's carnage, you would have seen the blurb at the end describing the incredible casualties and deaths and the number of people never found after the first war. And the war memorial dedicated to them.

But keep struggling to appear "correct" and to "correct" whatever I post And how quickly the asshole forgets I affirmed one thing he said in another thread.. . Originally Posted by LexusLover
Struggle? It took less than 2 minutes.
It's that easy.
I know there is no way to tell where any given descendant fought other than tracking the individuals.
Your pompous ass declaring that as a group they did a certain thing is pompous ass bullshit.

All because you're lazy. You don't look facts up but you take the time to add quotation marks to words that don't need them and words that dilute a statement that stands nicely without them.

It's easy to be correct and to correct you.
So keep talking.
You're nothing more than low hanging fruit.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
You need to deal with your anger, homosexual, and racist tendencies. If you don't want to treat black people fairly, then just take responsibility for your actions, unlike the dumbfuck who wrote your sig line to give himself, and faggots like you, an excuse to break the law.

I'll be down for Austin City Limits, I'd be happy to meet up and smash your face in a fair fight.

To you and Assup:

FUCK OFF AND DIE!!! Originally Posted by DSK
Nice meltdown.

Let's see, you are;
Projecting your issues. X
Pretending you only want to help Blacks when you hate them. X
You know nothing about Robert Heinlein. X
You quote a signature you have no idea what it means. X

And finally, we all know your mommy can't manage your sisters and do the flop at the same time. So you aren't going anywhere. Some one has to take care of the guys who want to get laid but have seen the sores on your mom and siblings.

If you came down here and ran your mouth like you do I'd never get a chance to see you anyway.

It's like that Star Trek episode where the crew from the asshole universe could only be assholes and were easily identified. The crew from the normal universe could be assholes if the need arises. Oh and triumphed over the assholes. They got laid, solved the problems, and returned to their universe. The assholes got their asses kicked, didn't get laid, and went back to their universe for execution. Except Spock.

Spoiler alert.
You're not Spock.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But he is an asshole, quick to puff up and threaten physical violence.

He did the same thing as JL. He IS JL, obviously using an IP masking app that makes it impossible for ECCIE to capture the evidence needed to ban him once and for all for multiple handles.

However, his violent, aggressive tendencies are typical of all of his handles.
LexusLover's Avatar
I know there is no way to tell where any given descendant fought other than tracking the individuals. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Was Rommel in Africa during WWI?

A problem you have is ...

..... if it's not on the internet you don't know it!!!!

Another problem: You want to modify the discussion to appear correct!
  • DSK
  • 08-24-2016, 02:11 PM
Nice meltdown.

Let's see, you are;
Projecting your issues. X
Pretending you only want to help Blacks when you hate them. X
You know nothing about Robert Heinlein. X
You quote a signature you have no idea what it means. X

And finally, we all know your mommy can't manage your sisters and do the flop at the same time. So you aren't going anywhere. Some one has to take care of the guys who want to get laid but have seen the sores on your mom and siblings.

If you came down here and ran your mouth like you do I'd never get a chance to see you anyway.

It's like that Star Trek episode where the crew from the asshole universe could only be assholes and were easily identified. The crew from the normal universe could be assholes if the need arises. Oh and triumphed over the assholes. They got laid, solved the problems, and returned to their universe. The assholes got their asses kicked, didn't get laid, and went back to their universe for execution. Except Spock.

Spoiler alert.
You're not Spock. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Look you cocksucking pig, you're the one that hurls insults at every poster and post single word moronic posts you cocksucking pig. You're also a decrepit, lazy, racist, unhealthy, cocksucking pig. You've always been that way.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Look you cocksucking pig, you're the one that hurls insults at every poster and post single word moronic posts you cocksucking pig. You're also a decrepit, lazy, racist, unhealthy, cocksucking pig. You've always been that way. Originally Posted by DSK
I'll deal with you first because it's waaay past somebody's bed time.

No wait. I'll tell you what little girl. You show me a single word post I've made and you don't have to suck your daddy's dick tonight. But that's just for tonight. Because though your childish anger, your cowardly fears, and your pussy tears can't be controlled by you, your lying cocksucking mouth (in this case your tiny little trump-like hands that type) has plenty of time to retract your lies before you hit the "submit" button. You chose to shit in your bed. Or in your case, if the foo shits, wear it.

Now beat it (figuratively speaking of course).