Thread Moves

In my opinion i think the best is we add a separate thread (like Diamonds and tuxedoes) for political discussions, simply for the reason that it does not fit really into any other area AND its a highly demanding area to discuss which makes the blood boil because of the many different opinions. :-)
Exactly what constitutes "high end?" I would not want to step afoul of the new regulations and be sanctioned. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well, for me i consider that anything that is kind of "brainy" and related to sexual or intellectual topics. Politics is a little difficult, since its per se not neutral and therefor requires an own thread since in the USA there are so many different streams it is mind boggling :-). Which of course leads to kind of hostile athmospheres that can be difficult to handle.

Threads that are more neutral like philosophical, intellectual or hobby related sexual topics don`t probably lead to that bashing in the first hand, but i might be wrong.

I consider this board to be unique for exactly these topics and i can say for myself i have really really enjoyed all these discussions and learned an awful lot . I never had this happening in any of the escort boards which mainly bore me to death.

As to ladies coming and going, i hope there are more coming than going and i am sure over time it will sort itself out, also the issue with respect and such things. Sometimes people need a break and will come back. I - for once - am a person who sometimes posts obsessively and then goes silent for a while.

May i politely ask which ladies we are talking about that have left? Just out of curiousity.

Maybe one idea of handling the issue of "old vs newbies" is a single thread where only people are allowed that are on this board longer and have "chewed" already all the other topics for a while. This can be a similar board like the D&T board which allows ladies that get bored of newbies that discuss "old" topics to feel more "safe and at home". Because other than that i can`t see any possibility of handling the issue of different characters, especially when new people arrive.
How do you mods feel about that?
If non-hobby subjects are what you want to discuss, that's right! Originally Posted by John Bull
what about "my" kind of threads? the kinda philosophical ones? also off topic?
The problem we now find ourself in is most of the ladies are gone.

That had nothing to do with politics though.

Rather a combo of the old guard not wanting change when in fact change is the only constant. IMHO Originally Posted by WTF
that is something i have a hard time relating to, i don`t do divide people into "old guards" and "newbies" and i try to avoid all these issues. I would not know how the "old guard" is defined per se. Are these the guys who have been on ASPD net before eccie started?
From speaking with them, they resented some of the newer ladies not treating them with due respect - and I don't mean they wanted to be bowed down to - just common courtesy. Originally Posted by John Bull
Not wanting to bring up a sandstorm here but i wanted to point out something to consider when it comes to this "new versus old" and "treating with respect" topic. Aside from the issue of personal characteristics and what is considered respectful (we have chewed that already sufficiently, so no need to steer that up again)

may i put up another issue of consideration for discussing that: It might well be that once a poster is longer on a board people get accustomed to a style and tend not to criticise that style anymore even though it might as well be similar disrespectful like another style of some newbie? I consider that a very very important issue which is also psychologically proofen. It might well be that some flaws of disrespect are easily recognised in newbies but overlooked in "older" posters because their personality is already acknowledged?

I see that happening a lot in internet forums with people who post longer and those who are newbies. Its a "getting used to" issue. So, i think that is also an important bias to consider. Just my 5 cents, and i also think all ladies here are valuable posters.
John Bull's Avatar
I don't see it as productive to hash over why various people left. That seems better handled, if at all, in PMs backchannel than in public.
As to "philosophical" discussions, if they are erotic or pertain to the hobby in some way, they are alright. Otherwise, it is at the discretion of the staff.
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  • WTF
  • 06-24-2011, 08:10 PM
Are these the guys who have been on ASPD net before eccie started? Originally Posted by ninasastri
good, then we came to conclusions: what about the considerations of a) separate politics thread (poor mod who has to censor there :-)..)
and b) a thread for people who are on eccie a year or longer (and posted a considerable amount of posts and have presented a unique style that is comprehensive plus chewed all "old and boring" topics together with other newbies so the "oldbies" get spared? (for example discussing for the mmmmmpth time what a HDH is :-)....)

I think these are great options.

as to sexual related posts in philosophical context - done. I see its better than to discuss completely off topic threads in a sexual content forum.
Yes Originally Posted by WTF
ok got it. sorry for asking the dumbest question ever probably: they would leave because eccie is different than ASPD? if so, how? i have never been on that board, i just try to comprehend the background of the interpretations given here.

anyway . whoever had the idea to create eccie, its quite a unique board. Other boards are either not very intellectual or too explicit. I think its a great difference towards other discussion boards. It gives people the opportunity to present themselves from a different perspective than just a provider with a suitable size of breasts and a tight pussy.
I have read in another forum people discussing my pussy tightness and i am - well - not really intrigued by the way such things get handled. I am very glad eccie is not one of these "body parts" board.

It presents other issues, but i see them as minor. I completely agree with limiting the thread content to sexual topics, makes things a lot easier.
I B Hankering's Avatar
the way such things get handled. Originally Posted by ninasastri
"Handling Nina." Now that is an idea that has great possibilities!
John Bull's Avatar
Nina ASPD was a board that died a few years back.

As to a political forum, the National Sandbox is the place for that and is moderated by Chica Chaser and Chipper. The active threads from here were transferred over there so they still exist and may or may not still be active but they weren't closed by D&T leadership; just moved.