MaciLynn - no concept of TCB

Whispers's Avatar
I got no problem getting laid. The point of the board is give and take, it is a business. Doesn't the customer do the business the favor? And when the business disrespects the customer, it gets flagged to the BBB? That is all I was doing. A concerned consumer... Originally Posted by saj1000
I agree..... 100%.... You did that!

The first half of your argument was spot on and I was supportive of the whole thing until you clarified there was no appointment for the afternoonn set....

You were smart not to drive down without setting it.....

But there is no foul that she simply did not get back to you within 2 hours to reschedule....

Ya know... communicating with you for some of these ladies might be a bit draining in and of itself
"Ya know... communicating with you for some of these ladies might be a bit draining in and of itself"

Hmmm...that sounds like a personal attack...
What the...

Saj, I should at least thank you for taking Whispers off my hands for a few hours. Checking on my IM window every 7 minutes to ask him, "How does that make you feel?" and "Where do you think these incredibly strong emotions of love, respect and adoration for all of the women of ECCIE stem from?" was really cutting into my workday productivity.
Natalie...Well said...can you take him off MY hands now?
Ya know, Whispers,

Communicating with you for some of these ladies might be ULTIMATELY draining in and of itself.
sixxbach's Avatar
This thread has been hijacked. Let's get back on topic.........

Sheesh guys. I'm taking a major break from this place for awhile for various reasons, but logged in just because I had heard about a fucking 5 PAGE RANT, about Maci missing a session.

Maci is a great and sweet provider, with excellent reviews, and generally very professional TCB.

It was an unfortunate set of circumstances, and some bad communication. It happens. Everyone could have gotten laid 5 times by now, instead of typetypetyping your life away over some little piddly nonsense. Let it the fuck go.....

Be a man about it.
Whispers's Avatar
This thread has been hijacked. Let's get back on topic.........

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
At some point in time... Without Moderation...... A thread's topic is subject to change.....

I think we are all in agreement that this thread is now about me and Saj.....

So stick around and do some moderating and this stuff will not happen!
snoopdogg's Avatar
Sorry There is NO excuse for what MACI did
a simple phone call or msg saying "hey i cant make it would have saved
this guy Lots of WASTEd Time.

and of course Whispers Jumps into the mix
WK for this girl...cant wait for another thread where he's lashing out at a provider for the SAME BEHAVIOR.

Your 30 other posts in this thread attacking saj just speak volumes about your objectivity.

My advice
Saj go see a Provider who has AMAZING TCB
Drop a BAD review for Maci
and dont look back.

The Attack pack will be out in full force of course
but in the end, if enough bad reviews pop up...most of the lurkers here will AVOID.

You did the right thing Saj in posting about the NCNS, the problems is that board politics get in the way, and some people get special treatment.

Post a negative review which explains what happened..and avoid ALL "discussions", only because in "discussion" threads, eventually you become the target.

Once again.... You had no scheduled appointment in the afternoon...

Your pissed and making a fuss because the gal quit talking to you for a few hours...

We only have what you posted to go one but I can tell you that over the years, more times than I can remember, I had to pull an employee aside and tell them it's time to let go of this one because you are not going to make them happy.....

Look out folks... if you don't respond to SAJ in a a matter of hours your in for a hell of a roasting.....

Man... You are chatting with the guy that LOVES board fights..... IF what you want to do is fight with the lady.... Ya gotta give her time to respond......

It doesn't seem at the moment that you want anything else.....

She doesn't owe you shit man.....

You let her off the hook acknowledging you understood what happened in the morning and your fucking up any chance of getting it set straight with all this whining about her not talking to you.....

For a lot of guys .... It does seem to be about wanting someone to talk to....

I'm an attention whore man.... I love this shit......

it's usually one of the old board wenches or some pussy whipper WK I look forward to reading and responding to but lately the number of wnhining crybabies on the board has been increasing.....

Don't worry man......

I got this.....

I'll be there from 2:31 to 7:17 for you for the next few days.....

I'll help you get through this...... Tell daddy whispers what's really bugging you.... Who won't play with you? Which gal do you have a crush on that won't accept your chat request.....
Originally Posted by Whispers
snoopdogg's Avatar
Here here!
All due respect to Maci because i dont know her
but how come when someone posts about a NCNS
you get alot of posts defending the provider and attacking the hobbiest.

Im pro-provider
but not when they waste a person's time
I've been NCNS'd- and it got made up to me quick
after a negative post, That's the POINT of this place

HONEST Reviews, HONEST discussion

Why is it that just about every time a NCNS thread starts the response is "this just shows you that I'm human"? That is not an acceptable excuse. Call or text the guy that you can't make it. What this really shows is you have zero consideration for his time and if he sits around waiting for you tough shit.

Fuck you. Who are you to tell someone that was NCNS twice in the same day that he should just keep it to himself. Maci may very well be a sweet girl but that does not excuse her actions. Originally Posted by Budman
Whispers's Avatar
Such ignorance displayed snoop....

So excited to see me and something to comment on that you can't see that Saj and I totally agree on the NCNS issue?

That matter is settled....

We are discussing something else.....

Advice after the fact.. like duhhhhhhhh he already "dropped the review"

But good advice on the "discussion thread thing".... If ya don't know what your doing ya look like a real idiot and become the targer.....

"Ladies and Gentlemen.... Now Pinch Hitting for Saj1000 is snoopwoofywoof...."
snoopdogg's Avatar
Like Six Said Whispers

This Thread isnt about you...
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or GTFO. Period.

This thread has been hijacked. Let's get back on topic.........

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
snoopdogg's Avatar
At some point in time... Without Moderation...... A thread's topic is subject to change.....

I think we are all in agreement that this thread is now about me and Saj.....

So stick around and do some moderating and this stuff will not happen! Originally Posted by Whispers
you think all threads are about you
Whispers's Avatar
you think all threads are about you Originally Posted by snoopdogg
No sir..... your lack of fundamental reading skills continues to show in your not understanding the use of sarcasm in communication.....

This thread is and has been about a NCNS situation where the the injured Hobbyist has acknowledged that the Provider has contacted him and he understands the situation and accepts her explanation....

The rest of this discussion has been about a period of time AFTER that acknowledgment in which she did not communicate with him at a fast enough pace leading to his "losing it" a bit....

and a rather FLAMBOYANT example of that was provided and I believe in the long run it to be a mute point.....

YOU are the one coming in here pointing at me and not the subject matter....

As you do so very often......

Come one girl... Ya can't say in one breath I hate women and in the next breath call me a White Knight....

You haven't learned yet that ya can't just tell me to go away?

Come on gal!.. It's Time to quit living off your ASPD laurels and man up....

Ya got no street cred no mo mofo
Whispers's Avatar
HONEST Reviews, HONEST discussion Originally Posted by snoopdogg
Why is it again that you do not write reviews or contribute useful information?

Just stir shit and ramble?

Time to quit living off your ASPD laurels and man up....

Ya got no street cred no mo mo fo!

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or GTFO. Period. Originally Posted by snoopdogg
oohhhh... Like it matters that you say it?

Time to quit living off your ASPD laurels and man up....

Ya got no street cred no mo mo fo!