A challenge to Luke Wyatt

LexusLover's Avatar
I'm going to wait for you to make your case for voting for Hillary Clinton. What that means is no snark, no insults, and no attacking Trump. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The elements of Article 92(3), UCMJ, are as follows:
(a) That the accused had certain duties;
(b) That the accused knew or reasonably should have known of the duties;
(c) That the accused was (willfully) (through neglect or culpable inefficiency) derelict in the performance of those duties.
Manual For Courts-Martial, United States pt. IV, para. 16.b.(3)
(2008 ed.)
Munchmasterman's Avatar

If anyone wants to know how Obaminable and/or HillariousNoMore are "responsible" for the death of the Ambassador and the brave men who died protecting him, along with the brave men who died attempting to save him, .....

.....then listen (and you will hear it from their mouths before Election Day) to them (one or both) explain how "they" were responsible for the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

There is no distinction. Originally Posted by goodman0422
So you forgot about the last time I left you staked out, face down, expectations high. It's not my fault no one thinks you're worth fucking. Luckily for you a life time of living at the YMCA made sure you've been had more than your share and missing out now should be okay.

I didn't realize how bad your gape ass had gotten. The county hospital will install a draw string for you.
And you thought Obamacare was worthless.

You had it right and then you thought everyone might forget what a hypocritical prick you were. Don't worry about that. At 5'5" you're the biggest prick I know.
I believe this man is the one "responsible for killing Osama bin laden"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You believe them when they promise not to cum in your mouth too. So your beliefs don't count for much. And when you flip-flop on a subject it reminds us you flip-flop on your "orientation",

Sorry Charlie.
People in charge get the blame or the credit.
Always have, always will.

LexusLover's Avatar
People in charge get the blame or the credit.Always have, always will. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
So you hold your parents responsible for your mental deficiencies?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Admiral Kimmel, General Short, and their Philippine counterparts were both courts marginalized for their failures on December 7 even though they did not personally order the planes into rows, put the men on liberty, and generally sat on the status quo. They were found guilty as Hillary should been. Being a political appointee she should have been relieved of command....that's means fired. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
their court martial was reversed after the war.
LexusLover's Avatar
their court martial was reversed after the war. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Then HillaryNoMore can be convicted and later pardoned.
Like Nixon?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As promised my defense of my vote.

At the present time (we still have 99 days) my vote is going to Donald Trump. Why? I have several different areas of concern; domestic and foriegn which can be divided into economic, security, social, and diplomatic.

Donald Trump is not a conservative as we understand the term conservative today. What is he? A businessman, a businessman who has had to obey the byzantine tax and regulatory laws. He worked for his own self interests which sometimes looks kind of hard and nasty to an outsider. When Trump and someone sit down to negoiate one person is not going to like the final result in the real world. In Hollywood and democratic speeches everyone is happy with the results but that is not truth. Too long we have given up all our advantage when it comes to global trade. Now Trump says that he will renegoiate those deals and I believe whole heartedly that he is the much better person to negoiate. He has successfully completed hundreds of deal when he got what he wanted both domestically and internationally. I think he can make that work for us because his pocket is not the end result but the economy of the United States. He knows how to play the economy poker where you bluff to win and draw someone in to get a better deal. Are there better businesmen than Trump...probably but their not running for president.

National security is very important (moreso than usual) at this point in our history. We are at war with an ideology that masquerades as a religion. The party in power can't even acknowlege that but Trump does. Like liberals say, the first step is acknowledging that you have a problem. We're still waiting as people die. Trump is not a general but most of our presidents were not military men. A president, like Lincoln, Wilson, and FDR must provide the force behind the plan. The military men will provide the plan, a president has to let them do their jobs. Trump has shown that he does delegate authority to professionals and is always searching for hot runners. This is good attribute in a leader. I believe that, having no baggage, Trump will prosecute the war on terror with a vengeance.

Speaking of delegation, Trump has surrounded himself with some talented people which includes his children. A list of potential justices to the Supreme Court is foremost on my mind. The court is in balance right now depending on which way Kennedy sways. As the general said, all instruments of power. The Supreme Court should not be used as "an instrument of power", it should be a balance scale.

On that note, I believe that Trump understands the Constitution and the obeying the law. He has used the law as written to advance his business ends but he has not broken them. He has not been in prison nor criminally indicted. He has been sued many times and won the vast majority of the suits. So he might bend the law but he doesn't break it.

Trump has demonstrated more character (and sometimes is a character) than most men at 70 years of age. He is what he is and makes no apology for it. Too many politicians play chamleon whether they intend to or not.

On policies (technically Trump has no policies as he is not an office holder) I agree with Trump that we must secure our borders (we are at war), we must know who has come into and who is coming into our country. A lot of things that Trump says is just campaign rhetoric but it does illustrate where his mind is at. I expect that partial ban on Muslim immigration will happen with a Trump presidency. If they can't be vetted then they cannot come in. It does make much more sense to safeguard the refugees in their own country rather than Idaho. I am quite sure that the attorney general will make sure that it is legal and within the scope of the Constitution. Permanent immigration policy is the business of the Congress as stated in the Constitution.
Trump can't make laws to punish individual companies that want to leave the country but he can change tax laws to make things more friendly.

I expect a Trump presidency to be colorful and infuriating to our friends and enemies. Trump I can trust.

Not exactly what I wanted to write. Person issues came up yesterday and continue today. At least I don't have to depend on Obamacare.
Like Nixon? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Nixon was never convicted EKIM ! And never impeached like YOUR hero Slick Willy !
MT Pockets's Avatar
Nixon was never convicted EKIM ! And never impeached like YOUR hero Slick Willy ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
What you fail to mention is that Nixon avoided being prosecuted by resigning . He knew (or at least thought)he would be removed from office. Clinton on the other hand was acquitted. If Nixon had faced the Impeachment he may have been as well. The definition of impeachment is not to be found guilty but a formal accusation made so being impeached is not the same as being charged.
When it’s not your turn to be the lion…

...Be The Pissed Off Buffalo!


Donald J Trump 2016!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What you fail to mention is that Nixon avoided being prosecuted by resigning . He knew (or at least thought)he would be removed from office. Clinton on the other hand was acquitted. If Nixon had faced the Impeachment he may have been as well. The definition of impeachment is not to be found guilty but a formal accusation made so being impeached is not the same as being charged. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You should note that it was the GOP who went to Nixon and told him that it was time to leave. Unlike the democrats who posed on the steps leading up to the Capital building. Also Archibald Cox admitted that, all things being fair, he didn't have a good case against Nixon and doubted that he could get a conviction. So you see, Nixon would have never been convicted.
What you fail to mention is that Nixon avoided being prosecuted by resigning . He knew (or at least thought)he would be removed from office. Clinton on the other hand was acquitted. If Nixon had faced the Impeachment he may have been as well. The definition of impeachment is not to be found guilty but a formal accusation made so being impeached is not the same as being charged. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Did the House of Representatives vote to impeach Slick Willy ? Did they vote to impeach Nixon ? Was Willy the Lying Sexual Predator disbarred by HIS HOME State ? Nixon DIDN'T take the "shrilLIARy" approach of " I don't recall " " I don't remember " etc. to avoid prosecution as part of a cover-up of illegal activities or blame it on a "vast, right wing conspiracy " !
[ I would simply like to point out....that Hillary is totally unqualified and has no business serving on an elementary school PTA, much less serving as president.

The only term she should serve is in a federal prison for obstruction of justice. Originally Posted by goodman0422

My favorite bumper sticker!

When Trump wins, I hope his first project is to grease the wheels to kick start proceedings that will put her behind bars.
LexusLover's Avatar
My favorite bumper sticker!

When Trump wins, I hope his first project is to grease the wheels to kick start proceedings that will put her behind bars. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Bill would probably talking her into a plea deal, if you promised him a provision of no conjugal visits while she's in prison!!!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Did the House of Representatives vote to impeach Slick Willy ? Did they vote to impeach Nixon ? Was Willy the Lying Sexual Predator disbarred by HIS HOME State ? Nixon DIDN'T take the "shrilLIARy" approach of " I don't recall " " I don't remember " etc. to avoid prosecution as part of a cover-up of illegal activities or blame it on a "vast, right wing conspiracy " ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

For the love of God please go back to school and learn what being acquitted means. Being impeached is simply being indicted you know like all the innocent cops get sometimes. Your logic means they must all be guilty then. I personally think that Nixon got fucked over by his own party. But that is how they do things. I have to give this new mind set you guys have now "Defend to the end" credit. Why didn't you guys stand up for Nixon? I know why, too many heads would have rolled. Clinton was found to be not guilty and Nixon looks guilty.