Because the total right of the woman to her liberty ceases the moment she is carrying ANOTHER life. If she doesn't want to carry a pregnancy to term there is this OTHER little thing called birth control. But being a low-T old man, you've never fathered anything other than a cat.
Originally Posted by texassapper
You know this how, JL? You gonna tell everybody how you chickened out at Love Field? I will.
Why not post another photo of (forbidden topic) and complete your journey? You broke three nuclear rules in one post. Chit, in one sentence, JL. Great job, fuckstick.
And YOU and your fellow woman haters have decided when anyone forfeits their rights? Give me a fucking break, JL. Thought you were a liberty lover, JL.
BTW — one of your ilk says she wants to ban birth control too.
You need to check your stupid bullshit at the door, JL.
You’re not fooling anybody.