Trump, inject yourself with Agent Orange....

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Sure, I'll justify. Because my opinion is the best opinion, the best opinion ever. People tell me I have the best opinions that they've ever heard. Nothing but the best, better than Obama's, better that Hillary's. The best. How's that, jizzy? Originally Posted by Lapdog
About as dumb as your usual posts. I already knew you don’t posses the intellect to defend a position, so this is about what was expected.
Lapdog's Avatar
Nope, not necessarily a common thing at all.

But you are the one to have claimed previously to have never, repeat never, have done any, repeat any business with someone who has declared bankruptcy.

I challenged you then to prove it, you didn't. I challenge you again. You want Trump's taxes, I want you to put your entire business dealings(if you are indeed a businessman, still questionable) out there. Otherwise, you are just another troll pretending he is something he isn't and unable to prove it. Originally Posted by eccielover
Again, prove I'm lying. As far as your challenge, I cannot and will not release real world information about myself because of the unstable idiots out there, present company included. I have never asked to see Trump's tax returns. I don't care about them because he has never been a customer of mine. He doesn't fit the criteria, and I certainly don't care if you think I'm lying. My bank statement tells me everything that I care about in my life.

If you are content punching a timeclock at some shithole stamping plant in beautiful downtown who gives a fuck where for forty fucking years and end up receiving a chickenshit trolling motor for your worn out 25 year old bassboat at your retirement party, then go for it, goober. Me, I like self employment and being a successful businessman and the many benefits it brings and I am definitely enjoying my retirement. Do have a nice day.
Lapdog's Avatar
About as dumb as your usual posts. I already knew you don’t posses the intellect to defend a position, so this is about what was expected. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Hey jizzy! I always like to read your posts because I enjoy your witticisms so much. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Lucas, that certainly lends to the credibility that Lapdog might not even be a businessman if he claims to have never, again never, done business with someone who had filed and claimed bankruptcy.

I challenge him to prove first he's a businessman and second to support his business dealing claims. Originally Posted by eccielover
I think the term " Businessman" can mean a lot of things any where from a legit business that provides a necessary service or product to a criminal empire.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s not wittiness, you’re actually unable to even attempt justifying your statements. It brings me no joy to know people of such low character and intelligence are passed through the public school systems.

Defect away.
Lapdog's Avatar
Man, don't you just LOVE this country, jizzy?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You’ve apparently forgotten the question, so I’ll put it to you again. What makes Aytu Bioscience, a well established biomed company, ‘batshit crazy’. Either explain how this statement is justified, or admit that you can’t. This isn’t rocket science.
Lapdog's Avatar
You asked for me to justify my opinion. I did. It was a tremendous opinion, the best ever. People tell my how I have great opinions all the time. Get past it, jizzy. You're beating a dead horse.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
More like a dead cockroach. I’ll just assume you can’t defend your position.
Lapdog's Avatar
That's not very witty, jizzy. Are you already losing your touch after such an encouraging complement from me?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Do you guys ever think about actually having an intellectual discussion in here? It's not exactly hard to be civil when talking about politics. And this is coming from a shithead in the Spider hole who is completely uncivilized.
Lapdog's Avatar
Nah, fuck that.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Do you guys ever think about actually having an intellectual discussion in here? It's not exactly hard to be civil when talking about politics. And this is coming from a shithead in the Spider hole who is completely uncivilized. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I tried, but LD is incapable of an intelligent discussion.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Nah, fuck that. Originally Posted by Lapdog
That's funny. I get it. I go at it with people all of the time myself. But it's not because of politics. It's usually just because of boredom and the racist fucks on this board. I do make plenty of exceptions though. I'll always fuck with the old trailer park white trash retards. They're too easy and stupid and they always take my bait because they hate me.

I tried, but LD is incapable of an intelligent discussion. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
He comes at you a certain way and you respond accordingly. I know how that works. At least you guys have not threatened each other to a fake fight or threatened to kill each other. I've had many of both over the years on this board. Hell, I even had a guy tell me that he was going to send a SWAT team to my house because he was so pissed off at me. I really laughed a lot that night. Dude was just losing it. I miss that guy. His increase in rage and rationality cracked me up so I just kept insulting him for my own silly entertainment. I was bored so I thank him for entertaining me and making me laugh.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Again, prove I'm lying. As far as your challenge, I cannot and will not release real world information about myself because of the unstable idiots out there, present company included. Originally Posted by Lapdog
How did I miss this? That dipshit offered me a $100 to pretty much out myself. I was clear that I would happily do it for $100K and leave the board for good and show that I am an Ivy League grad. I said that multiple times. I don't think he knows what a $100K means and I could give a fuck about $100. Dude is a complete weirdo dummy.

I don't waste my time for anything for $100. I don't know why that clown is trying to get people to out themselves. I don't give a shit about anyone's RL information on this board. It's none of my business. Why he obviously wants to obtain it is weird as fuck to me. Then again, I'll never understand trailer park white trash.

Correction: It may have been Lusty. Fuck if I care. He's guilty by association. I can't keep track of these old trailer park losers who hate me. I just know it was of one of those old fat pgh dipshits. I'm hardly very popular with them. And Jacuzzeme, I don't put you in their group. I can tell you're different than those losers. And if you're not different than them, you know exactly where I'll be going with you.