I don't have any personal interest in this issue so I'll say what's on my mind. I've been a member of boards for only about four years and have read SJ's posts during that time. I've read Brooke's too. I'm not saying she's outright lying but in all the time I've been around, SJ's posts have always been fair, without drama, not inflammatory in any way and he doesn't post bs just to see his name in print. I'm not saying that Brooke does but I am saying he doesn't.

He's never rendered a professional service for me, this is an observation. My momma said, "don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see". Based on what I've seen on the boards from both of them, I'll go with his half. He's definitely more credible. You WK's will likely come on here and say I'm off some list or other but seriously, I'm not the type you'd see anyway. I am sure that Brooke will land on her feet.

The whole session sounds like it was a wash, why add all the drama to it?

My .02. Take it for what it's worth.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Look at the providers who have managed to carve out a career here over a number of years. Look at the ones who have flamed out after 18-24 months of sustained drama and c.y.a. whining because they weren't "respected." A provider has to act professionally. Otherwise, she has little claim to more positive, less emotionally charged descriptions such as provider, escort, courtesan, etc. And, she will be weeded out because the men will vote with their wallets and she will have to seek income elsewhere. Places such as this have been referred to as "Silly Whore Boards," and while a lot of what goes on is silly and it's main function is to bring men and providers together, they are not "Boards for Silly Whores."

Now, many of those accused of White Knightery are newer members who probably haven't seen what I referred to above which has happened over and over and those who are not who have immediately jumped in EITHER WAY ought to know better, especially if they have been paying attention.

Many of the younger "hotties" enjoy a nice following but over time many of those men will move on. The proof of the pudding will be how well those guys are replaced. Time will tell, it always does.....
TexRich's Avatar
I guess we can rule out a "grudge fuck" between these two.....
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I guess we can rule out a "grudge fuck" between these two..... Originally Posted by TexRich
haha guess not, ive been following this one and im speechless...
What really happen? Just asking

I see some WK's in here, and you know what, I would like borrow some whenever I get in trouble. Im kinda short on them....any volunteers.

I have seen alot my short time here, and its stinks. I do not say much, because I like to be neutral and fair in reading, but can we be honest here, just for a second?

I see some providers are scared to speak up, because of negative drawback, Im happy two or three spoke up here. I think from now I will speak my mind around here. And call BS.

I have no idea what happen, a gent is unhappy and lost money, his sugar baby pissed off. And a provider posted an alert or a rant, hell I don't know. What is this again. If this is an alert, post this in the proper place. If not, well you could called him, or pm-ed him, hell even had a talk with him face to face, or talked to his sugarbaby.

What purpose was having the bestfriend write this in open, should ladies stay away from him??? if so, have this moved to alerts, give your legit reasons why and move on. Was all this a misunderstanding? I am not you Brooke, but if a gent did not short me, rob me, beat my ass, I save my rants for the ladies area. I am not telling you what to do and never will. Im asking what is this? should ladies who are his type stay away from him?

To the gent who posted his side of the story, thank you, it is nice to see a gent speak up for himself and tell his side true or not. Calm, cool and to the point.

Im lost on the pics comparison. Ive meet her, the only difference is hair color. And make-up.
This just reassures my principle of staying the hell away from any girl that has even a hint of drama surrounding her. As for you WK's showing your colors your reviews are all worthless and at this point you should ask for a name change.
CaptainJones's Avatar
She should atleast put effort into a sesion by putting on makeup if that is how she advertises herself in her pictures. I would have been dissapointed too.
Okay anyone who takes the side of a provider in a dispute is called a White knight.What about those who blindly take the side of the client ?
What would or should we call them?
Geez get a grip folks. From what I see both sides have presented their comments. Those who know or think they know either party will side with that person.It just seems to me that those who go against the provider always have to toss in the same old bullshit comments about how she is full of drama and she won't last long,yadda yadday yadda. Since both the provider and the client have both have had their say I am wondering why this thread and the review has not been closed as is the usual process .
I wish we could have two ECCIE boards. One the way it is, and the other for just adults who want no drama and complaining. If you do not know who Elvis was, you cannot be a member of the new board.
In all fairness Looie

Men jump to the providers aid If they seen her. Maybe she had a great session with folks and that is great. But what if she didn't have a great session with the next. Its natural to jump to the providers aid. Which is always not fair.

I do not even know the man, I do know I am nowhere near his type. I take his side, only because of the way the thread was presented. She could have said that in the ladies area. That way the lady mods could have given her help and gave her advice. Instead the man (the client) may be embarrassed over a misunderstanding and the rest of us is asking what really happen? and well we all will never really know.

Brooke is an adult, she will be fine.
All I know is we have two very "pist" off people. One a seasoned hobbyist with an established reputation, and the other a young lady fairly new to the hobby but with good reviews and at a pretty lofty price tag. Who has more to lose? You choose.

Whether Brooke posted the original or not, she has taken responsibilty for it. I think she is attractive in both of her pictures...just a different look. In my opinion her profile pics seem to be representative of her. Not all sessions turn out well. Obviously something happened during the session to cause the whole thing to come to a dramatic conclusion. My guess...a young lady over-reacted to a "demanding" client.

Shyster Jon has written a very bad review, "worst ever", of Brooke. Maybe in retaliation...whose to say. If Jon wasn't pleased with Brooke's appearance, he could have very politely called it quits after dinner. But what-the-hell you're already there, been working at this for some time, so maybe he thought she's hotter BCD. I don't know why Jon needed a shower if he wasn't that involved. Maybe he's very

Whatever the case, I'm sorry you guys had a bad experience. Doubtful that both parties are as horrible as depicted. Originally Posted by cookie man
Best, most sensical post on this thread.

SJ would have had a lot more credibility, in my mind, had he not posted a review in much the same manner (minus the spelling and grammatical errors) that this thread was posted. If Brooke is "heavy set" then I am moonlighting as a rocket scientist for NASA. I had to laugh at that pic comparison. The only thing different in it is her hair color. He would have done a lot better if he had said those kind of things in the men's area (as it has been pointed out Brooke should have done, and I agree), and kept this on an adult level instead. You know, take the high road and all that good stuff. Just my two cents.

She might be a raving, bat-shit crazy lunatic for all I know, starting in on her weight and appearance is just laughable no matter what happened or who is telling the truth.

There is obviously more to the story on both sides, and we will never know what really happened. The end.
@ looie~I didn't do anything blindly. I said how I arrived at my conclusion. It's logical. Noone is perfect and I'm sure SJ is no exception but he's been around a good while. The events Brooke described sound like a person who's accustomed to behaving that way. If that were the case, there would be at least a rumor about the man before this. Instead, he's respected and looked up to, for the most part. What I can see of the review in question, seems to say that he's pissed too.

Brooke has good reviews, I hear she's a lovely girl. She's also frequently involved in some drama or another. She's young. Whatever really happened in their session, there's some exaggeration in the accounts. I disagree that the first post was by a different person. It looks somewhat exaggerated but still very "brookie". That's my opinion. I could be wrong but I don't think so. Still, she took responsability for it so, Meh.

So, nothing "blindly" decided here. I understand your position though and I don't like drama anymore than you do. This whole mess could have been avoided if it had been handled with maturity and forethought from the beginning.

@Wolfman~sign me up!
mahler's Avatar
This just reassures my principle of staying the hell away from any girl that has even a hint of drama surrounding her...... Originally Posted by Sawyer
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I've read everything. I think SJ is guilty of distorted ego problems and I think Brooke is dealing with more than her share of DBs, including and maybe starting with FWOG.

I could say it in more words, but why bother. I wasn't there. This is just my opinion based on words and the people who posted them.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
.... As for you WK's showing your colors your reviews are all worthless and at this point you should ask for a name change. Originally Posted by Sawyer
Nice. So people who have had positive experiences with a provider and offer that as input to balance the discussion "are all worthless.... and at this point they should ask for a name change?" You think guys like FWOG and others who have been banned should have been able to post their bullshit without others saying "wait a minute, this doesn't sound right"? You really think that? If so, the rules here prevent me from posting my thoughts.

Personally, I appreciate all of the perspectives so I can form my own opinion.