Bonemaker Barbie scam artist

Just lock the thread bro..

....enough has been said on here to get your point across..... ....Don't let drama take over this thread..... Originally Posted by charcoal
no bro let the hoodrat sisterhood defend your girl....the marginally cute /chubby ones will chime in soon! well as the skanky loud mouth ones......tell your story!
sounds like she's a scamming hoodrat that uses her situation to her advantage. seems like you can empathize with her...screw the the guy....stooped trick....his loss for being a nice guy
can I make a suggestion? you might want to try a salad once in a while.....imho Originally Posted by Tony Gambino

Aww did I hurt the big bad Gambino's feelings? Are you a die hard Jason Statham fan and I just insulted your hero? Oh, oh wait maybe you also got "scammed" by a whore and I hit a nerve!

ME a hood rat? Sweetie please, familiarize yourself a bit then come back and try again because you obviously have no idea who you're talking to.

Screw salads! Everything I eat goes straight to my ass anyway. If you're going to insult me, try a little harder. Gather up all the brain cells you don't use on capital letters and correct punctuation (tip: you only need three ...) and try again! 10 points for originality if you don't use "whore."
Screw salads! Everything I eat goes straight to my ass anyway: Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
Lol, we can see that clear as day. Next time I go skydiving, lend me one of your panties as a parachute.
Lol, we can see that clear as day. Next time I go skydiving, lend me one of your panties as a parachute. Originally Posted by Asianhobbyist
I don't wear panties. I'll gladly lend you a sack full of rocks though. All yours
Aww did I hurt the big bad Gambino's feelings? Are you a die hard Jason Statham fan and I just insulted your here? Oh, oh wait maybe you also got "scammed" by a whore and I hit a nerve!

ME a hood rat? Sweetie please, familiarize yourself a bit then come back and try again because you obviously have no idea who you're talking to.

Screw salads! Everything I eat goes straight to my ass anyway. If you're going to insult me, try a little harder. Gather up all the brain cells you don't use on capital letters and correct punctuation (tip: you only need three ...) and try again! 10 points for originality if you don't use "whore." Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
don't need to use the aren't even on my radar...if I was lookin for fat Hispanic hookers.....I live in north TEXAS....they are plentiful....but for you to back up your scam artist ho/friend.....tells me all I need to know....and after further review....weight watchers might serve you better......try taking a shower...and getting some sleep....then some kind of exercise!
don't need to use the aren't even on my radar...if I was lookin for fat Hispanic hookers.....I live in north TEXAS....they are plentiful....but for you to back up your scam artist ho/friend.....tells me all I need to know....and after further review....weight watchers might serve you better......try taking a shower...and getting some sleep....then some kind of exercise! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino

Hey look at that I'm in Dallas now. Had a really nice night actually. Kisses to the cow herders who just visited me

Darn I was really hoping you'd come up with something better but hey you gave it all you had champ! I don't know the girl, I never claimed to but reading comprehension probably isn't one of your strong points. Anywho I'm gonna cry my fat and apparently now dirty ass to sleep now, right after I eat some cake nom, nom, nom
Hey look at that I'm in Dallas now. Had a really nice night actually. Kisses to the cow herders who just visited me

Darn I was really hoping you'd come up with something better but hey you gave it all you had champ! I don't know the girl, I never claimed to but reading comprehension probably isn't one of your strong points. Anywho I'm gonna cry my fat and apparently now dirty ass to sleep now, right after I eat some cake nom, nom, nom Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
theres a car wash in dallas that might work for you....I think its on I30.......prayers for the weak dudes that you've seen.....and yes you should consider some weight therapy IMHO.....but that's your decision to make......over weight hookers are dime a dozen in big D............
theres a car wash in dallas that might work for you....I think its on I30.......prayers for the weak dudes that you've seen.....and yes you should consider some weight therapy IMHO.....but that's your decision to make......over weight hookers are dime a dozen in big D............ Originally Posted by Tony Gambino

Drum roll please the Gambino's on a roll tonight! Their reviews are going up soon, go comment how fat I am on there and see what they and others reply to you. You be a big boy now and don't use private tags.

A dime a dozen huh? Funny you say that, only reason I'm here is bc I was requested so much with no intentions of visiting. The other fat ho's must all be at a pie eating contest and I had to come fill the void! Lucky me I can buy extra twinkies this week!!

Well boo hoo I thought you'd bring a bit more to the table but you're just boring me now. Bye bye darling
Drum roll please the Gambino's on a roll tonight! Their reviews are going up soon, go comment how fat I am on there and see what they and others reply to you. You be a big boy now and don't use private tags.

A dime a dozen huh? Funny you say that, only reason I'm here is bc I was requested so much with no intentions of visiting. The other fat ho's must all be at a pie eating contest and I had to come fill the void! Lucky me I can buy extra twinkies this week!!

Well boo boo I thought you'd bring a bit more to the table but you're just boring me now. Bye bye darling Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
no one in Houston missed you....but you go on about how your self needs or buddy owns the animal boot know....people that are/want to be in great shape........
still here calling your overweight ass out......of course this is my opinion, but you need to deal with reality....your over weight......and have a shitty attitude

who in the fuck would pay for that?????
I don't wear panties. I'll gladly lend you a sack full of rocks though. All yours Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
you should wear some drawers....your back side is got nothing.......and there it is.........................
Tootallnubian's Avatar
Wolf. I read how everyone is saying what a fool you are. My advice is get out of this game! You are looking for a wife or girlfriend. P4P is not the answer for love. These woman offer a service. We pay for the service they offer. If you haven't fell in love with your mechanic or barber that means you took their service for what it was.

Deactivate your eccie account, go to church on Sunday, except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, get married and don't look back! This game is not for you!
quit it....he just needs to stay away from the skanks......decent hookers are out there.....use the eccie to find them your only review....weak
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  • bon69
  • 09-22-2015, 03:50 AM
Screw salads! Everything I eat goes straight to my ass anyway. If you're going to insult me, try a little harder. Gather up all the brain cells you don't use on capital letters and correct punctuation (tip: you only need three ...) and try again! 10 points for originality if you don't use "whore." Originally Posted by Kylie Nicole
:ro flmao:

Kylie, you are hilarious!!!!!!!