Ladies - Greatest Sexual Experience

boardman's Avatar
Me thinks someone is upset because they think someone else(a white woman...egad!) got a better victim card. It's like a 7 came up to fill an inside straight when he was holding trip aces...

CHEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Got "HOES" we would want to know...
Oh so, your not P4P please, do tell.. who EXACTLY ARE YOU SIR... whatever it is you call yourself !
Matter of fact, can any established lady come here and vouch for this guy? Having had a great encounter with him?
I will wait for it !
I think they should start validating these male accounts! That a established provider has to vouch for your account. Just like a provider has to have a review !
There still will be a few that slide thru but, not like this crap !
I will be waiting on your 'HOES" your word, not mine to stand up for you! So.. naaaaaaa this ma or none other would even want to see someone like you !
Originally Posted by TexasJess
Girl go sit down in a corner somewhere. You're outta your league...keep playing with these old timers that's more your speed.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
As opposed to the 2 review wonder.
Damn you move fast.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
It's never been about your story...its an expose on how you whined and complained to mods about another poster harassing, stalking, and otherwise bothering you...and yet you proved to be no better than what you accused someone else of. I just want you to acknowledge that you're fake and all is good. You faked being harrassed by Shine and tried to turn your story into how you're being victimized in this thread.

Maybe Donald Trump is innocent.;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What complaint to mods? I have not contacted mods.

You are painting this picture of me being some victim complaining to mods, and I have never contacted a mod regarding Shine, ever. Why are you the champion of Shine's cause anyway?

Now you are making up some story about me and the mods. You are delusional.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Did he or did he not post the creepy thread?
Looks like him. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
So the Big Bad Shine starts a thread she yells harrassmemt and stalker and then turns around to encourage him to do more harassing and stalking...good God yall are smart. Lol
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Some folks don’t need help, it looks like you would probably know this.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

Now you are making up some story about me and the mods. You are delusional. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie

This is a horrible attempt at a pivot. Uhh that wont work with better or try again
The people reading this, if there are even any at all anymore, have seen your meltdown posts already. So go hatch whatever evil maniacal weird plan you have. You are weird and delusional. I can't believe a grown man is crying this much and hatching an evil plan all based on a story written for fun on the internet.

You have way too much time on your hands. Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Explains why none of his "HOES" have showed up to vouch for him... His spamming, evil maniacal plots, twists, racist posts ect… people get tired of it. Not only that we have new members daily. Guys like him are a bad representation on this board.
Now, he is whining and stomping his feet
and having a epic meltdown !
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Do a reference check on him with the first provider, see if he’s a real dude.
It’ll at least show if he is really black, or just perpetrating a fraud.
More comic relief, meltdowns ensue. LOL
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Naah I get to decide how this narrative are a shit starter that likes to cry wolf and victim even going so far as to pretend she's getting harassing texts....that's psycho behavior...and if you dont stop you're gonna wear that moniker. This is your business not mine
Girl go sit down in a corner somewhere. You're outta your league...keep playing with these old timers that's more your speed. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Girl? Clearly I'm far from a girl. Never been one to take instructions from a BOY who has "HOES" who wont even vouch for you. I do love the older gents, they don't use Ebonics and know how to address situations with out looking like a fool. Unlike you having a classic melt down!
Your nobody. I have tangled with the best of the best trolls on this board !! They aren't even in Houston, they are in Dallas. Your nothing but a good laugh... BOY !
Im just playing footsies .. LOL.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Do a reference check on him with the first provider, see if he’s a real dude. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
No need I'm not real;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Girl? Clearly I'm far from a girl. Never been one to take instructions from a man who has "HOES" and I do love the older gents, they don't use Ebonics and know how to address situations with out looking like a fool, having a classic melt down!
Your nobody. I have tangled with the best of the best trolls on this board !! They aren't even in Houston, they are Dallas. Your nothing but a good laugh...boy ! Originally Posted by TexasJess
Run along to your next session got work to do ;-)

Bye now ;-)
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
So you wrote fake reviews?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
So you wrote fake reviews? Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants
You're too new...go to the back of the dont get to address me or ask questions.